College and weight loss... wheres the time for that?

Hey Everyone-

My name is Brittany and I'm a senior in college. I attend the University of Minnesota. I'm so excited to be finally graduating! I feel so proud of all the accomplishments I've achieved!

On a different note, I've been struggling with my weight all of my life. I have never really been comfortable with my body. However, after I graduated from high school, I started to see significant changes not only with my body but also my self esteem. I use to get all dolled up everyday, wearing beautiful outfits. When I started college, I started to wear more and more sweatshirts and sweat pants. Its to the point now that's all I wear. Sometimes I open up my closet, looking at all the great clothes that I use to wear and it makes me feel incredibly sad.

Throughout the years, I have worked out at the gym but not as much as a I could. I think a lot of it has to do with my schedule. I'm a full-time student plus I work part-time. By the time I get home, I'm too exhausted to go to the gym. I say the classic statement, "Oh I'll go tomorrow", but I never actually go.

I joined this site because I want to not only lose weight but gain more self confidence. I want to be able wear clothes that make me feel good! Also, I want to bring more positivity into my life. Hopefully, losing weight and feeling great can change that! One last huge reason why I want to lose weight is because eventually I want to get breast reduction. I want to try to avoid surgery by hopefully losing some weight.

I look forward to getting to know you guys! Good Luck! :)


  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    hi Brittany

    you sound like you need to make time for you - schedule time to go to the gym. schedule time for meal prep so you have nutritious food to eat that fits your plan. make time to do your hair/makeup and wear nice outfits even if you aren't at a size you'd like to be.

    everyone is busy. you make time for the things that are important to you.

    you can do this :) put the time in to your diary, and stick to it - you deserve to do it for yourself
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    I think you are tired because you're overweight--I was. If you get serious--logging and following your macros, you'll lose and feel 100% better--I do now. I assume you're walking around campus. Walking-especially at a brisk pace counts as excercise, add it all up. You may find you do an hour of walking a day. Step up the pace and you've got some cardio. Study 1|2 hour, take a break, go for a walk. You'll feel better and study better too. I'm alot older than you and I responded because I'm originally from Minnesota, now I live in Rome, Italy. I have sons your age. You're smart enough to go to college--you're smart enough to figure out how to lose weight and get where you want to be. Good luck and get going!
  • Rerun201
    Rerun201 Posts: 125 Member
    Workout in your room. No need for a gym. Save time and do bodyweight exercises at home. Check out Body by You, Your Are Your Own Gym for starters. There are tons of bodyweight programs out there.

    If you feel the need to buy some equipment, get a kettlebell. It's something you can use is relatively small spaces and can improve strength and conditioning using the one bell.

    Above all else, make the time.

    And Go Blue!
  • HollisGrant
    HollisGrant Posts: 2,022 Member
    Hi Brittany. Congrats for being a full time student, getting close to graduation, plus working part time. Those are huge time demands.

    I'm an older student who went back to college, plus I have a job and don't belong to a gym, but I lost about 50 pounds in 2013 (I'm down to my last 10). I understand about having little time for yourself. The time demands in college are overwhelming.

    Try to schedule time at the gym or work walking into your day when you would normally use a car. Do small things like take the stairs instead of the elevator. Run for 15 minutes several times a day between classes. Log them into MFP as you do them. Add small positive moments to your day. They add up. Does your school have a weight loss group?

    Are you able to cook your own meals or do you eat the college food? If you cook your own, you can make nutritious, low calorie food ahead of time in batches. Being hungry is the enemy. I make sure I never leave the house hungry, pack food to take with me, and always have at least one meal at home I can just heat up. I keep apples for snacks. Preparing my food ahead of time is how I lost my weight this past year, that and walking everywhere instead of using my car.
  • jessautumn
    jessautumn Posts: 66 Member
    Hi Brittany,

    I know the feeling! I'm a trainee, so i work 45+ hours a week AND go to university to do my degree part-time. i live with my boyfriend and have 2 dogs so me time is really hard to come across!
    I've found that doing simple things like squatting while doing housework/ jogging places instead of walking is a great way to start out- it's what i did.
    Also, as soon as you discover how easy it is to cook healthy meals, and you read hoe much crap is in fast food, you will honestly not even think about touching that takeaway! (Unless hungover, in which case that's perfectly acceptable haha)
  • meganfoster12
    meganfoster12 Posts: 411 Member
    Hey! I am a college student graduating this year and I been doing the healthy lifestyle for the past two years of my schooling; I make time; whether I get up earlier stay up later sometimes in between study breaks I do 50 jumping jacks or run on the spot.Eat healthy and drink water :) You can do it :) Add me if you want
  • georgieb23
    georgieb23 Posts: 76 Member
    Hiya Brittany!

    I understand where you're coming from with the time thing - I'm a full time student at Uni too. One thing I can say is make the most of it when you go to the gym. I don't know about you but I know a lot of people go to the gym for the sake of saying they've been to the gym, fanny around a bit on some cardio and go home. If time's short make the most of your visits with high intensity training. Maybe look into tabata training - its a form of high intensity circuit which takes almost no time out of your day at all!

    Good luck in your journey :)
  • TriShamelessly
    TriShamelessly Posts: 905 Member
    Brittany - congrats on starting here. I worked full-time and got 4 different graduate degrees at night. During that period, I also worked out 3-4 times a week. It's a matter of priorities. As you exercise more, you may also find that you have a ton more energy than you do now. You simply need to make the commitment and adjust your schedule accordingly. Best wishes for success.
  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    I have some tough love for you. Being overweight takes more time than being fit. Take some of the time you spend eating and use it to exercise. Truly busy people are not overweight because they are too busy to eat. Not going to the gym is not preventing you from losing weight. Many successful people have never set a foot in a gym. Stop feeling sorry for yourself, stop making excuses and just do it today, right now!:flowerforyou:
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    You can lose weight without exercising. Just figure out a 500 calorie per day deficit and log all your calories and make sure you hit that number and you will lose a pound per week….

    working out/exercise is an important part of that too, and I would say that you just need to find an hour a day to go to the gym. I run my own business but I still find about an hour a day to work out. You will find that once you find that hour and commit to it, that you will not want to miss it, it just takes time….

    I would also recommend picking up starting strength and/or new rules of lifting for woman, both are great resources….
  • mmcdonald700
    mmcdonald700 Posts: 116 Member
    Hey! I'm also in my fourth year, feel free to add me by the way. I am working 5 hours a week, volunteering 5 hours a week, am on the executive of a student group and am taking a full course load and maintaining a 4.0 gpa... so if I can make the time you can too! I agree with what everyone has said - it takes time. you have to prepare meals ahead, spend time at the grocery store, and set aside time for the gym but it is so worth it. I prefer going in the morning to get my workout out of the way. I'm lucky to have an elliptical trainer at home so I can wake up at 6, have some water and hop on the elliptical and then get ready at home. But also check out classes offered at your campus gym - I personally love spin classes and you work really hard in them because you have other people motivating and pushing you. Those are usually available in mornings too at 6:30 or 7 but getting ready at school isn't amazing, unless you live on campus. But it's worth it for a day or two a week. If you're trying to lose weight I recommend a solid cardio regimen, and some resistance/weight training if you want to tone up your muscles underneath but you can't target fat weightloss or anything. Muscle does burn a little more calories than fat than fat so building up your muscles can help increase your metabolism. Good luck!