Two weeks and no loss



  • nikkih1288
    nikkih1288 Posts: 26 Member
    H-Factor :

    Some interesting points you made. Especially about the wine and chips. I need to change that. I am going through a divorce and some days the wine just helps.
  • nikkih1288
    nikkih1288 Posts: 26 Member
    Barb- Yes I rarely eat lunch. I have to start. I just have so much going on I forget. I am crazy about logging stuff. Maybe more water.
  • bumblebreezy91
    bumblebreezy91 Posts: 520 Member
    You need to be eating more. MFP put you at 1610 calories per day for a reason if you filled out your activity level correctly, so on the surface of things, it looks like you're under-eating by ~500 calories per day.

    As for the scale weight not going down, it could be that your body loses inches first. If you're logging every bite and you're at a deficit, your weight will eventually go down on the scale. You might have a big drop headed your way. Also, if you just started a fitness program after a long period of inactivity, you're gaining muscle and you could be retaining water. The scale doesn't differentiate between fat, muscle, and water weight. You could have lost fat and replaced it with muscle. Stay hydrated and be patient.
  • bacitracin
    bacitracin Posts: 921 Member
    SCALES LIE. Go by how your clothes fit. You can reduce body fat and gain lean muscle, leading to "not losing weight". Don't worry about weight, focus on getting fit.
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    Have you measured??? if your jeans are getting lose something is changing. There is more to all of this than just the scale. Take pics of yourself AND Measure. you will want more area's to check for change than just the scale.
  • bobbienelson
    bobbienelson Posts: 3 Member
    Please don't get frustrated. If you are working out continue to do so. You are building muscle which weighs more than fat. This is why you are feeling your pants get looser but not seeing a change on the scale. I went through something very similar but kept at it. I belong to a gym that does monthly measuring/weighing. I was pleasantly surprised when I started seeing inches drop but the pounds were still there and then eventually the weight started coming off too. Keep up the good work and don't forget to eat healthy.
  • Sarahndipity30
    Sarahndipity30 Posts: 312 Member
    Don't get frustrated!!

    Some early on things I learned very quickly when i wasnt losing for weeks..

    1- I was logging, but i was NOT weighing EVERYTHING or measuring EVERYTHING. What you think a serving is, may (and usually isnt) an accurate serving. You will be amazed~!
    2- Drink MORE water. Period. you will be amazed.
    3- If you are doing any kind of serious workout for many days during the week, you could be retaining water due to your muscles repairing themselves. If your jeans are feeling looser, but the scale isnt moving, you could be building some muscle/muscle water retention and losing inches, muscle weighs more than fat. ;) MEASURE YO SELF! :P I dropped 9 inches without losing more than 3 lbs! Strength Training is where its at!
    4- some people agree others do not, but FOR ME eating every 3-4 hours with my meals consitsting of 2-400 cals each helps keep me going. my food is spread out, my calories are spread out and I do NOT feel hungry at any point during the day.
    5- Without a doubt, NEVER give up or Lose hope. It took me 3 1/2 months of doing it WRONG to figure out what I needed to do RIGHT. I dropped my calories 100 cals every few weeks until i got to where I started seeing a loss and wasnt feeling hungry. Give you rbody time to adjust to new macros/settings too. Do not let defeat take over. Sometimes we have to fail a dozen times in order to succeed. progress is progress and loose jeans is progress! :) you are beautiful and I am sure you will figure it all out. find what works best for you!

  • SamanthaD1218
    SamanthaD1218 Posts: 303 Member
    Take measurements to monitor progress

    I'm one of those people where the scale is always slow to budge ... I'll lose inches, my body fat percentage will get lower, my clothes will get loose but the scale will remain the same :grumble:

    I agree! Usually after I've lost weight for a while, I enter into a weight loss plateau and feel like I'm making no progress. Being able to measure myself every week or so helps encourage me that I actually am making progress! Whether you're losing fat or gaining muscle (likely both), you may not see a big change in weight. But your body IS changing and becoming healthier.
  • janeite1990
    janeite1990 Posts: 671 Member
    This won't be a happy post, but I'll tell you what worked for me after age 35. If I ate junky food, I got nowhere. You are eating way under your calories, but you are eating some sorry food. (There are some high points in there, but not consistently.) Here's what works for me:

    Cut as much processed junk out as you can.
    Don't drink calories.
    Drink tons of water.
    Eat protein first thing in the morning.
    Eat more fruit and veggies.

    When I was younger, a calorie deficit would work for me. As I've gotten older, I've found I have to keep up with all the nutrition and eat like they taught us in health class. Not very fun, but if you want results, it's worth it.

    Good luck!
  • I am not enough of an expert in these things to explain 'why' but I can speak from experience and say 'yes', this does happen. there are various reasons why and you might recognise one.

    You might have very little weight to lose and if so, it is harder to lose that amount as the body tries to hold on to weight the closer you are to the weight you should be. You just need to be VERY patient.

    You may be exercising and gaining muscle. Muscle is less bulky than fat so it may make you look slimmer without showing on the scales (confusingly referred to as 'muscle weighing more than fat') but the reality is that you may be toning up and eventually, because muscle increases metabolism it will show on the scales.

    Are you being honest with what you 'declare' on your log? Do you add the ketchup and the extra mouthful, the thick layer of butter or the second helping ... maybe you leave out the oil you cooked that lean bacon in or forgot to add in the drinks you had? Are you confusing the weight of the food you eat and thinking you are eating less? All in all the more honest you are about every bite you eat or drink the better the result will be.

    And finally - not so nice here, but how is your digestion? Poor digestion can make a difference of a kilo or so. I found when I had a slow weight loss week followed by another one ... I usually had a big loss the following week. Sometimes it is just like that. Don't give up because if you are eating less and exercising more you can't FAIL to lose weight.

    It's flippin' hard when its slow though ...
  • Oh and sometimes (odd this) you need to increase your calories for a few days - not vastly - but if you are on 1200 a day and maybe you are eating less? Well it all slows down a bit so if you suddenly eat say, 1400 or 1500 just for a few days and then go back to 1200 you may well find weight loss. I don't know why this is but I think it is like revving the engine - it shocks the body again.

    And you may want to change what ever exercise you are doing. If you are doing cardio, try weights and if you are doing weights - try cardio. Weight falls of me when I do cardio - aerobics and spinning, combat etc. But nothing much comes off when I do Pump. Experts insist that weights are better for weight loss but I'm not so sure (for me) but whichever it is, you get used to one type of exercise so try something different every few weeks. You may even want to exercise twice a day. Say, gym in the morning for a hard workout and a walk later in the day. The body loves this ... (it seems a lot but I bet you watch television instead?)
  • nikkih1288
    nikkih1288 Posts: 26 Member
    Thank you for all the replies, tips and comments. It looks like I need to analyze my intake, add more water and maybe more food.
  • nikkih1288
    nikkih1288 Posts: 26 Member
    I thought I would update the thread. I finally saw a loss on the scale. I'm down 1.4 lbs woohoo.
  • Phrick
    Phrick Posts: 2,765 Member
    I thought I would update the thread. I finally saw a loss on the scale. I'm down 1.4 lbs woohoo.

    Congratulations! See we were right it will happen, patience was the key. Ya just gotta have faith - MFP is so popular because IT WORKS :)
  • It typically takes your body time to adjust to the changes you are making. Two weeks is not very long. If you are doing everything right and after 4/5 weeks, you are not losing, then you need to reexamine.