Just joined...menopause weight gain



  • Nadia222222
    Nadia222222 Posts: 59 Member
    I am definitely jumping on this band wagon!!! I do not know what I am I think Peri menopausal. I am still getting a period at 55 years old. Buts its now every 3 months. When is this going to stop I started my period at 12 I am tired of it!!! LOL
  • teetime304
    teetime304 Posts: 91 Member
    Nadia222222 - I'm right there with you! I'll be 55 this month and still getting a period...last month was my first miss. I too started really young, no children and am really tired of it. I've got every peri menopausal symptom...but it just won't end! LOL
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    I started peri-meno early. Started in the hot flashes, etc at 48. I've been doing HRT and it has made me feel much better mentally, and has helped me a great deal physically as well. I was advise asking about testosterone replacement therapy as well - we lose that too as we age, and having it replaced will assist you in keeping your lean body mass, which in turn helps keep your metabolism burning higher. I do all the replacements I can, but that is just me. And your results may vary. I never started out with much to lose: In fact, I got to my goal weight, started replacement therapy (along with kettlebell training and running) and gained 10 lbs. But I really can't complain about my results.

  • jewels147
    jewels147 Posts: 8 Member
    i turned 50 years old in April. After I turned 50 started gaining weight and now the night sweats started.. I have really been trying to get to the gym more.. I need motivation! :-)
  • debraran1
    debraran1 Posts: 521 Member
    I used to run in my forties and that helped peri-menopause shift in metabolism..hurt knee and 50's brought about 50 pounds. I can't take HRT with breast cancer in my immediate family but I don't care about that...it would be short term anyway.

    I found I had to workout much more than I thought and keep calories around 1200, sometimes more, sometimes less. I lost 50 since March mainly doing DVD's and sometimes walking/jogging during the warmer months. I know from my earlier years, muscle not only makes you look better, it helps you burn calories. I've been the same weight, working out and not and was able to maintain much better on higher calories when fit. I wouldn't do fad diets and believed (for me) that I had to eat what I normally would (minus the frequent desserts) but less. I've seen too many people put it back on when regular food was introduced again. It might work for some with a lot to lose or just a 10lb gain from a vacation or holidays but I couldn't change a lot with a family to feed and just wanting it to be a "lifestyle" vs a diet. Years ago, I added roasted vegetables to my pasta sauce and also had them in soup and stews, things I used to keep my kids eating them when eating veggies alone they were not as interested. There are a lot of lower cal pasta dishes online but you always have to balance.

    As my doctor said, get angry for a few minutes about not being able to eat like before and then move on. She was right...I can still have good food, just have to work harder to balance it.

    You can do this...take it one day at a time and don't get discouraged!

    It's a roller coaster ride with the scale many times, but you have to go on how you look and clothes fit also.
  • redladee1
    redladee1 Posts: 14 Member
    It takes more than a few years to "go through" menopause. Thankfully my experience wasn't as bad as some; no HRT necessary. The worst though was I wound up gaining 2-4 lbs a year for the past 7 years. I constantly feel bloated, lethargic and uncomfortable in anything snug like jeans. I started wearing sweatpants around the house but that only exacerbated my depression about my weight. So, OFF WITH THE SWEATS unless I'm cleaning. We all can do this together. Menopause was an excuse for me but it doesn't have to be. I'm determined to get back to my comfortable weight by the summer - slow and steady wins the race :flowerforyou: Good luck to all of you "seasoned ladies!"
  • Nana0107
    You and me both sister! Just joined yesterday - turned 55 last week. Been having hot flashes for 5 years now, and gain weight just by looking at food. I have a "sit down" job and getting motivated to exercise is extremely rough. But I know I have to do it! I am sick of myself. I really feel motivated right now. I am hoping all the support on here will keep me motivated. Hopefully we can help each other!
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    Ladies-59 ys old, in menopause for 6--I still have hot flashes, although they're slowing down a bit. Perhaps I've just gotten used to them. I had huge character swings--seemed like someone had taken over. I started taking cod liver oil capsules, melatonin, and black cohosh. These things helped a bit with the moodiness. Weight gain like the rest of you, diets galore, plus nutritionist. Last february I heard about this site, and for desperation, decided to try. Well
    it works! I've lost 8 kgs with 6 to go. It's slow, but sure, and I am once again in control of my life and what I eat. I swim with aqua-gym 4 times a week, plus alot of walking. I live in Rome, Italy about 10 minutes from the Colloseum and my husband (skinny thing) is a walker. I'm losing my belly and my husband keeps saying "looking good!" The holidays in the past were a nightmare of weight gain and tempting goodies. This year I had no anxiety at all. I logged, and walked a little more and didn't gain a bit. I ate alot of special things, so no deprivation. I also feel GREAT--I'm not so tired all the time. So ladies, follow the site, follow the threads, and you'll be amazed at what happens. Also read a great book "Younger Next Year"--it gave me great motivation. Good luck all!
  • L_Cass
    L_Cass Posts: 19 Member
    Hello.... glad to see so many motivated women here! I got married last Sept, had my 50th birthday in October and am now going through menopause (6 months no period). I have gained about 12 pounds (afraid to get on the scale after I saw 10) since my wedding and it just keeps packing on. Lack of consistent exercise (once a week ain't enough!), mad sugar cravings and binge drinking (thanks holidays) have all contributed. As well as what I'm assuming is a whacked metabolism from menopause because I am in hot flash hell most days and nights.

    I tried HRT (made me feel AWFUL) and have been trying natural remedies since then to curb the hot flashes and have found Maca root works (about a Tbsp. a day) but it has the unwanted side effect of bloat and water retention. I know this because I stopped taking it for 5 days when I forgot it on vacation and my bloat dissipated (3 lbs lost) however my hot flashes returned with a vengeance.

    Which brings me here! My plan is to log everything, move every day except Sunday ;) and stick to a ratio of 40% protein, 40% carbs, 20% fat. This worked for me before - it's sort of a body for life plan. I don't know if it'll work now because I'm 10 years older than I was when it worked before, but what I'm doing now isn't working at all so it's worth a shot.

    My entire wardrobe doesn't fit anymore and I am *this* close to buying bigger clothes as I sit here in my work pants with my gut spilling over (ouch). But I really REALLY don't want to do that.

    Anyone that wants to, feel free to 'friend' me so we can go through this journey together! I would like to lose 15 pounds - maybe more, I'll see when I get there.

    Thanks ladies! And good luck to all of you. We can do this!!!
  • soheilaj
    soheilaj Posts: 1 Member
    I feel the same. Doesn't matter how much I workout ( cardio& weight lift ) watch my diet ( eating clean, 1200cal ) still gaining 2 pounds a week. My clothing fit to tight. Going to start biogenetical HRT next week, I hope that will save me!!!!
    Good luck
  • health1971

    I started pre-menopause at age 33 and at 40 I had a hysterectomy, which through me into menopause immediately... I was miserable for a while and gained 20 lbs in two years and like you I was always skinny and never had to diet in my life... I started HRT about 9 months ago and is the best thing I did... I also started on MFP in September of 2013 and I have lost 13 lbs so far.. I hardly ever eat veggies I am also a picky eater but I bought a NutriBullet, which comes with a recipe book and I love it... I have more than my serving of veggies and fruits per day and I feel great... I run, walk, weight train, and I do the Jillian Michaels DVDs and even though the weight doesn't come off as fast as I would like it still come off and anyway slow is better and healthier... Hang in there my friend and shortly you will see progress and feel a lot better... Add me if you want :happy: ...


    Taking a step at a time to reach my goal always :flowerforyou: ...
  • kimberlyy61
    Hi Hoganhe, I'm kimberlyy61. I just started back up today with myfitnesspal. I am also menopausal.....:happy: :grumble: :laugh: :grumble: :smile:
    I'm 52 and I've been going through this for the last 4 years and my doctor said I'm 3/4 of the way through it!!!!! The hot flashes are unbearable!! I'm a phlebotomist (vampire) and have to wear a face shield, lab coat and gloves all day long, I tell ya, some days it was all I could do to not just strip down right there! LOL I chose not to do the HRT because my sister has had breast cancer and I didn't want to take the risks. Over the last four years I have put on 40 lbs and I'm only 5' 1/2" tall, so at 178 lbs. I'm considered obese! That word through me for a loop and scared me half to death. I'm determined now to get the weight off. My doctor has me on a low carbohydrate/high protein diet. I eating mainlyt meats and vegetables for the next 2 weeks and then once my body is through the craving stage for carbohydrates (may favorite thing in the world), I'll start adding a few more carbs. Right now my diet is 1100 calories; 45% is protein, 35% is fat and 20% is carbs. My doctor said the first week will be extremely tough but the second week will be a lot easier. Please add me and we can lose this weight together! We can also swap menopause stories! :laugh: Good luck! Kimberly
  • suziramsdell
    I can totally relate to the quick weight gain and menopause. One suggestion I have for all of you is to get yourself to a naturopath or other provider who can do a metabolism test for you. It's fairly quick and easy, mine cost about $40. It will give you your resting metabolic rate. I started in with a personal trainer who got me onto MFP after a lot of whining on my part. I'm now 68, went through menopause quite some time ago, but have struggled ever since. On and off bio-identical hormones due to income fluctuations. FINALLY, I got my physical issues from numerous car accidents under control a couple of years ago, and was able to start going to the gym regularly. At first I wasn't on MFP but was definitely watching what I was eating closely. I got down to somewhere around 165 from a beginning weight of 188 before starting MFP. My trainer had me on 1900 calories a day, then I created my deficit with exercise. I just wasn't losing weight after this calorie increase. Plus I fluctuated a lot, 4-5 pounds. That is when I decided to go in for the metabolic testing, and was SHOCKED at my results. My resting metabolic rate is only 840 calories per day. In other words, if I do my regular non-exercise (sedentary) activities in a day, I will burn 840 calories. They told me they had only seen one other person with a rate so low. And this was after I had been training 2 days a week and doing cardio 5-6 days a week as well. Again, I was shocked. But it also made me realize I have to work with this number, not with the 1900 my trainer told me to use, and not whatever MFP tells me to use. It tells me that the 1200 calories a day "everyone" says is the number not to go below is a bunch of hooey. It is individual. You have to know what your individual body metabolic rate is. So if I don't exercise on any given day, I do not exceed 840 calories. Period. When I do exercise, I add back in what I have exercised if I want to maintain. However, I still want to lose some more weight as I have managed to work my way down to about 147, but I still have a ways to go. It is HARD to eat that little, but at this point, I have no idea how to increase my metabolic rate. I would have thought it would have happened through exercise and eating right. I just plug along every day. And even though the weight loss has gotten extremely slow, in a way that's OK right now because I like nice clothes and to have to change sizes very often is just way too expensive. So if I can lose a size a year, I'm good with that.

    The other thing I did was to eliminate ALL GRAINS. That wasn't super difficult for me because I am gluten intolerant anyway and didn't eat a lot of grains before. I eat a modified Paleo plan. No grains at all. But I do eat dairy. And I keep the total carbs per day low (ideally under 75). I do not really miss the grains. There are so many ways around that. Lettuce wrap sandwiches and burgers, for starters. Most restaurants and even fast food places will do those for you. If I go to a wedding, sure I might take one bite of cake with a big hunk of frosting on it. But that does not happen very often. For me, it's all about consequences. Would I rather have a piece of cake or would I rather go home and look at myself in the mirror and say, not so bad. Good job for not having the cake! Getting rid of larger sizes, shopping for smaller sizes, that is my reward. Just having one size in my closet, instead of 4 or 5 sizes in my closet, that is my reward. How good I feel is my reward. My health is my reward. If I never lost another pound, I am OK with that. I hope that isn't going to be the case, but I'm OK with that now. After the decades of ups and downs in weight, finally figuring out how to maintain is a huge thing for me. Doctors always told me I was not eating enough, when inside, I knew my own body and requirements. I just had no real proof till I did the metabolic testing. I can't stress enough to all of you to just keep going. Don't worry about yesterday or even tomorrow, just about today. What am I going to do today? If I can eat right today and exercise today, then that's all I have to worry about. If you fall down one day, stop right there and do not think another thing about it. Just pick up and work your plan. Where we get all boggled down is in our thinking that we are bad, what the heck, might as well eat that cake because I sure blew it yesterday. What does it matter? No. STOP. A mistake is a mistake. It will not break you. You can just pick up where you left off and work your plan, and feel damn good about that! I hope my input helps at least one of you out there who has struggled and can't figure out why the weight just won't come off.
  • phyllb
    phyllb Posts: 735 Member
    I just started on this week also. I really wanted to loose my weight premenopausal but didn't make itf. Ah well. It is a lifetime struggle but I am still positive. I am trying to loose 1.5 lb per week which means about 1200 cal. I won't weigh myself right away since either me or my scale fluctuate a lot. This my first time trying to log eating and excercise electronically.
    Way better than I thought it would be.
    Anyway hoping for some new diet pals. Tried free hot 5 min program today. Great especially for remembering the right stretches
  • cheetahrocker88
    I just turned 50 June 24th , I use to be real active and not have to worry about what I ate throughout the years my metabolism has slowed down and my activity level is close to nil. I am getting depressed with my weight gain, lack of motivation and not eating healthy. I am 5'4 and weigh 185.5 lbs I feel like I am in a deep- hole and can not figure out how to get out. I started counting my calories today and did a 30 min aerobic workout. I am so glad I read everyone's story on menopausal weight gain it gives me hope and educates me on how to eat right. Thank you!
  • jzlozier
    jzlozier Posts: 8 Member
    Glad to have you join us. I am also 30 - 40 pounds over weight as well, and have been struggling to admit it. But it is a fact that I must address before it goes any further... Menopause has not been my friend, but I am an upbeat person who is committed to this goal so that I may enjoy my life even more. Look forward to supporting you with your goal.
  • aedreana
    aedreana Posts: 979 Member
    Aedreana here, hello! I went thru menopause at 53. I am now 61. No symptoms except suddenly I didn't have to buy tampons any more. However, within 3 years, my weight (which did not change) redistributed. I am a matronly blob. All the fat on my butt and hips shifted around to my waist and midriff. My formerly curvy hips are now straight. For the first time in my life, my narrow shoulders are wider than my hips. The very worst part is my once shapely butt is flat and saggy and falls in a multitude of wrinkles at the bottom just like wrinkled fabric. My skin has turned super-thin all over my body. And so to lose the midriff/waist fat, I dieted from 135 to 108. My upper arms developed deep corrugated wrinkles, my waist and midriff puckery seersucker wrinkles, my belly droopy wrinkles and even the skin right above my knees got wrinkly. I am 5' 3 1/2" and have never been pregnant. I gained some of the weight back and my upper arms are smooth again at 121 pounds.But I can't stand this fat pad on my midriff/waist. So I am planning to diet again, probably to somewhere in the 112 - 116 pound range. I am presently 36"-29"-34," thigh 19." I would never ever tamper with my body chemistry by taking any type of hormone! And I refuse to exercise; never have exercised and never will. Plastic surgery is my only hope--but I am living in rock-bottom-poverty, in need of a rock bottom instead of a wrinkled *kitten*!
  • richo59
    richo59 Posts: 25 Member
    Also 55 and menopausal. No period for 14 months. When can we say we are through menopause? I still have some minor mood swings and hot flashes come and go. I am convinced that exercise helps both. When the flashes get bad, I take sage tablets, but they are quite expensive and hard to get. I gradually put on weight, but decided to do something about it, before it got out of hand. I needed to lose 7kg (about 15lbs) and have lost about 5kg. It has taken me five months. I do exercise a lot. I try to burn 400-600 calories per session at the gym and do Jillian Michasel DVD occassionally. I can't believe how hard it is to lose the weight when you get older. I did WW about 18 years ago and lost 28lb.
    Don't you love it when those sweet young girls tell you that they cut out sugar or carbs for a week and lost 3 kgs? Those were the days.
    I am determined to lose the weight and get back into the smaller sizes again. I refuse to throw out my clothes because they are too small.
    I purchased my first pair of skinny jeans 12 months ago, and wore them once. The next time I went to put them on, they were tight. Then within a month, I couldn't get them over my thighs. The sat in my cupboard until 2 weeks ago, when I was finally able to put them on and feel comfortable enough to go out in public.
    I am glad that you have all posted on this board today. It has made my day to think I am not the only one having issues, and I appreciate your comments and suggestions.
    Good luck ladies.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Also 55 and menopausal. No period for 14 months. When can we say we are through menopause? I still have some minor mood swings and hot flashes come and go. I am convinced that exercise helps both. When the flashes get bad, I take sage tablets, but they are quite expensive and hard to get. I gradually put on weight, but decided to do something about it, before it got out of hand. I needed to lose 7kg (about 15lbs) and have lost about 5kg. It has taken me five months. I do exercise a lot. I try to burn 400-600 calories per session at the gym and do Jillian Michasel DVD occassionally. I can't believe how hard it is to lose the weight when you get older. I did WW about 18 years ago and lost 28lb.
    Don't you love it when those sweet young girls tell you that they cut out sugar or carbs for a week and lost 3 kgs? Those were the days.
    I am determined to lose the weight and get back into the smaller sizes again. I refuse to throw out my clothes because they are too small.
    I purchased my first pair of skinny jeans 12 months ago, and wore them once. The next time I went to put them on, they were tight. Then within a month, I couldn't get them over my thighs. The sat in my cupboard until 2 weeks ago, when I was finally able to put them on and feel comfortable enough to go out in public.
    I am glad that you have all posted on this board today. It has made my day to think I am not the only one having issues, and I appreciate your comments and suggestions.
    Good luck ladies.
    Usually12 months without a period means it's "over".
    We have a group! Great ladies.Feel free to join us:

  • hearthwood
    hearthwood Posts: 794 Member
    Welcome, most women gain weight during the menopause years. It's just the realization that you can't eat like you did in your 20's or 30's and get away with it, that's hard to accept. But reality hits and you make your move.

    A calorie is a calorie whether it comes from carrots or cookies, protein, fat or carbs. Forget about all diets you've been on in the past and consider this a life style change. Meaning now you eat less and move more.

    Be patient, you didn't gain 60 pounds overnight, it's going to take time to take it off. Stay within your calorie goal, you'll blow thru it on some days, but make certain that the majority of days you don't. Don't deprive yourself of any certain food, just know that if you have a Big Mac for lunch you're going to be eating very light for dinner. Rid yourself of the chips and other high calorie snack foods, and move to fruits and low fat yogurt for snacks, and or other healthier low calorie snacks. Two pieces of bread turn into one, a piece of cake is now a sliver, etc. No second helpings, make healthier choices when you can, and when you can't eat less if it.

    Anyway Welcome, and Good luck to you. You can do this.