can't lose the love handles

VeganInTraining Posts: 1,319 Member
edited September 25 in Fitness and Exercise
I am approaching my goal weight (5lbs away) but still have love handles/lower belly fat. Anyone have any tips for getting rid of them? I have been running, riding the bike, and a bunch of other exercises including various ab workouts. Any tips would be greatly appreciated :)
Part of me feels like that is going to be the last 5 pounds I lose but another part of me feels like it's not going anywhere.


  • janiscurry
    janiscurry Posts: 109
    Great question. Can't wait to read the responses. Good luck!!!
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    unfortunately the only way is to shed more weight, the lower belly fat ring is usually the last to go, I am on a quest for my very first 6 pack and as much as I have lost I still have the same thing its smaller but its there. Here are a few tips I would recommend diet wise though if you have not done so yet.
    1) breakfast make sure that 30% of it is comprised of protein, I aim for 30g but I am also weight training
    2) get extra fiber into the diet, I happen to like spinach in my morning omelet about 1 cup or so of it.
    3) get extra vitamin D into you either via supplement or mushrooms, it will help trim down the waistline more.

    Exercise wise just do core workouts that work the obliques and abs.
  • sneakers71
    sneakers71 Posts: 106
    me too!
  • rfcollins33
    rfcollins33 Posts: 630
    ugh, tell me about it. Do you have kid(s)? I'm pretty sure pregnancy did it to me. And if not, I'll just blame it on that ;P
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    My love handles are always the last to go and they stick around until I get below 10% BF
  • SheilaSisco
    SheilaSisco Posts: 722 Member
    Funnily enough, I just read an article from Dr Oz on that the other day.... People who have a lot of stress have the hardest time losing the belly fat... he says if you switch your diet to foods that are rich in Omega 3's and Vitamin C, it will help immensely in breaking down that fat and sending it on its way. As soon as I'm moved and can do REAL grocery shopping again, I fully plan on implementing this and seeing if it helps. Good luck!
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    thats why I love my eggs, they have the omega 3s and I also take a fish oil supplement 4 times a day, this is the first time in my life I have been this successful with weight loss and I am pumped about going even further.
  • shreddingit
    shreddingit Posts: 1,133 Member
    lost mine with running and doing 30 day shred..oh and dont forget to lower your sugar/sodium intake.
  • kld4239
    kld4239 Posts: 186 Member
    My upper AND lower stomach are awful!!! Every time I do a jumping jack, etc. my stomach smacks against the top of my thighs :( Lovely right??? I've never had great abs but after being big for so long and having a c-section I fear my muffin top will never go away...
  • kimmerroze
    kimmerroze Posts: 1,330 Member
    Its really hard for women because we are naturally created with more BF there to protect our baby parts! :laugh:

    SOOO unfortunately it will be the last thing to go... I wouldn't count on it going completely away until you have built up LOTS of muscle underneath it... so hit the machines.
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    unfortunately the only way is to shed more weight, the lower belly fat ring is usually the last to go, I am on a quest for my very first 6 pack and as much as I have lost I still have the same thing its smaller but its there. Here are a few tips I would recommend diet wise though if you have not done so yet.
    1) breakfast make sure that 30% of it is comprised of protein, I aim for 30g but I am also weight training
    2) get extra fiber into the diet, I happen to like spinach in my morning omelet about 1 cup or so of it.
    3) get extra vitamin D into you either via supplement or mushrooms, it will help trim down the waistline more.

    Exercise wise just do core workouts that work the obliques and abs.

    Start focusing on weight lifting. Building up muscle mass will increase your metabolism and will burn more fat during rest, normal activity and even sleeping. You don't have much weight left to lose and too much cardio will just decrease your metabolism and cause muscle mass loss instead of fat burning. And a decrease in muscle mass causes less calories burned through the day.
    You can't spot reduce or target burn. You can do crunches until the sun comes home and you will not get rid of belly fat. Your muscles can get either bigger and/or stronger OR smaller and/or weaker. So making them bigger will increase your metabolism and you will burn more fat during the day and you get to eat more.

    BUT you will have to push the scale aside to do this. Muscle is denser than fat and you can gain weight but you will be gaining muscle while losing fat and in the end that's what we want to do.

    I try and get 100g of protein per day. My %s are 40carb/40pro/20fat. This has been working for me.
  • I completely agree with Newfiedan about shedding more lbs..I've noticed my love handles are shrinking along with my belly..I have 16lbs. to go and if they aren't all gone i'm gonna keep going down until they are gone lol...
  • Serenifly
    Serenifly Posts: 669 Member
    This might not be THE answer. when I first lost my 50 lbs that was my issue too .. I started boxing twice a week ... gone!

    My PT says it's the twisting moves that really trigger that midsection area ... Now I try to incorporate twisting moves into my daily work outs ...
  • Serenifly
    Serenifly Posts: 669 Member
    I should add the love handles are back! haha they're SO HARD to maintain ...
  • AngiMoss
    AngiMoss Posts: 77
    Right there with you. My spare tire is now a spare bike tire, but like others seems to be the last to go. I can't blame it on pregnancy, but the stress thing mentioned is interesting to me. I lost 35lbs last year on ww, and while I learned a good deal about better eating, they never really took into account things like sugar, protein and sodium. So, now I'm keeping an eye on those thing here to see if I can bust up this last bit of belly flab. Since I am in the same boat, I don't have advice to offer. Just know that you are not alone.
    I get a great deal of cardio and that's good for talking off some pounds, but I think it will be important for me to add more strength training. They say muscle helps burn fat, so I'm going to try & firm up in addition to shedding the last bit of extra weight.
    Best of luck to us all!
  • Eat more protein, good fats, veggies and whole grains. Stay away from sugar and white carbs. If you're craving something sweet, eat a piece of fruit. Focusing on your fiber intake will make you less hungry throughout the day, and really helps burn off stomach fat. Also... drink more water!!! Because a lot of what we perceive as stomach fat is actually bloating from water retention. You can do as many crunches as you can torture yourself with, but you will never see results unless you burn off the layer of fat that is hiding the abdominal muscles. Keep at it, you're doing great! =)
  • Sarahr73
    Sarahr73 Posts: 454 Member
    ugh, tell me about it. Do you have kid(s)? I'm pretty sure pregnancy did it to me. And if not, I'll just blame it on that ;P

    yes, if you have kids it will be harder to lose. Many women tear their stomach muscles when they go through pregnancy and will have issues with their stomach fat from that point. If you have kids it may never go away fully, but you can get it down low.

    If you don't have kids, like many people have said, it will be the last to go. And women generally do have a little extra there to keep our baby making organs safe. even if you get to your goal weight, you may still have a little, but keep trying. I'm sure you can get to that belly fat!
  • VeganInTraining
    VeganInTraining Posts: 1,319 Member
    1) breakfast make sure that 30% of it is comprised of protein, I aim for 30g but I am also weight training
    2) get extra fiber into the diet, I happen to like spinach in my morning omelet about 1 cup or so of it.
    3) get extra vitamin D into you either via supplement or mushrooms, it will help trim down the waistline more.

    Exercise wise just do core workouts that work the obliques and abs.

    Thanks for the tips!
  • VeganInTraining
    VeganInTraining Posts: 1,319 Member
    Thanks everyone! that helps! Sounds like I'm doing the right things, just being impacient. They have definitely shrunk so I guess I will just have to be happy with that for now.
    To the boxer, I used to box too and you're right it did get rid of them FAST! Too bad the nearest gym for it is 40 miles away :(
  • REDACTED This was supposed to go to someone else's comment. Sorry.
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