Women, that "TOM" and Water Weight

Hey there!

We have just started a weight loss competition at work last week and I have been doing so well! The only issue is, this coming Thursday is our first weigh in to see if we've lost anything, and I just started my cycle!!! I'm so afraid I will be bloated and have some extra weight due to water... Is there anything I can do the day before or day of to shed some of that??


  • Phrick
    Phrick Posts: 2,765 Member
    sure there are things you can do but are you interested in being healthy or just shedding the weight and wining the contest at all costs? Jeez I really dislike the work weight loss contests, talk about setup for unhealthy practices all over the place. *sigh*
  • My_Own_Worst_Enemy
    My_Own_Worst_Enemy Posts: 218 Member
    Remove your ovaries.
  • JuliRamone
    JuliRamone Posts: 365 Member
    don't stress, just don't.
    I know these competitions, but hey, it's only the first weigh in. So just stick to healthy eating habits and a little bit of exercise and you'll lose the weight.
    If you body stores water before / during TOM, let it.
  • dawnsjourney
    dawnsjourney Posts: 80 Member
    I have noticed that for the weeks leading up to my starting, I lose. Then like 2 days before I gain 4 or 5 lbs, but the day after I start I lose it all again. So maybe you shouldn't stress it so much. Ask the leader of the competition to let you weigh in a bit later so it is more accurate.
  • HBinOC
    HBinOC Posts: 78 Member
    Try to lay off the salt and drink plenty of water to flush it out of your system maybe add cucumbers to it, that helps with bloating.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    Jeez I really dislike the work weight loss contests, talk about setup for unhealthy practices all over the place. *sigh*

    Agreed! Also super uncomfortable for just about everyone.

    Overweight person who isn't ready to change or has a medical condition prohibiting weight loss

    Normal weight person who feels singled out or pressured to join in "for health"

    Person with ED who gets way more attention (unwanted) than normal because everyone is skinny shaming and/or asking them for advice

    Person who needs to lose but gets unhealthy habits trying to WIN IT

    Yeah just NO
  • Wilhellmina
    Wilhellmina Posts: 757 Member
    sure there are things you can do but are you interested in being healthy or just shedding the weight and wining the contest at all costs? Jeez I really dislike the work weight loss contests, talk about setup for unhealthy practices all over the place. *sigh*

  • IvyRose8
    IvyRose8 Posts: 25 Member
    This is a problem that plagues many women month after month, whether they are in a weight loss challenge or not. So rather than judge, I'll tell you what helps me.

    I reduce my carb and salt intake significantly. It shocks me how much water I retain if I eat a lot of sugar and flour. I'll stick with lean proteins and veggies. It feels counterintuitive but drink a ton of water. A good sweaty exercise session helps.

    I also take an herbal supplement for a couple of days. My favorite is GNC's Waterex.
  • des0509
    des0509 Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you everyone for your helpful tips. The competition we are doing at work is more drawn toward getting healthy rather than losing weight, but for my own peace of mind, I would like to not be bloated and see what my true weight is when I weigh in on Thursday. I have 30 lbs I would like to lose and would love to become more healthy, as does everyone else I work with. We are all very motivating for each other just like the people on MFP. Thanks again for your input
  • breeshabebe
    I have this exact same problem! I'm weighing in at work on Monday and I'm afraid I will show a gain. I was completely against weekly weigh ins....they send an email to all of the participants showing the percentage loss. I know that it just means that the next week would be double but still. Some of the people who have been asking how I am doing and if I'm losing have been the men in the competition... It could be really awkward to answer if they ask what happened this week.
  • Fit_little_vegan
    Just drink a tonnnn of water and keep your sodium super low under 300-500mg a day max and than you'll have no water weight. That's what I do and I'm still able to lose during that time. Other than that just keep exercising and eating healthy.