I love the gym!

NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
My success so far hasn't been huge, I've lost 6.2 pounds in about 5 weeks. I'm definitely happy and I'm already seeing some changes in my body!

But, my success today is that I realized I really love going to the gym! I didn't feel like going today, I was tired and was getting there later than I like. Plus, I had errands to run. I almost skipped. But once I got there I did my 30 minute circuit and then another 30 on the treadmill. While I was on the treadmill I felt amazing. It just hit me that the work I'm doing is paying off, I get an hour without having to worry about my kids (for a stay at home mom that's pretty awesome!) and I honestly LOVE going to the gym.

Anyone else have a realization that was surprising to them?


  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    Good for you , The gym can be a good place to get away. Years ago when I went to the gym I loved it because that was my time to not be interupted my kids or hubby. I love my kids and hubby but it is good to have time to ourselves. I am glad you enjoyed it. Keep up the good work
  • StPattysGrl
    I truly enjoy the gym as well! I actually feel a bit depressed when I don't get to go. I also love the socialization of the gym. I'm a group fitness lover and I enjoy seeing my friends in class.

    And I agree, an hour away from the kids with only having to focus on yourself is awesome!!
  • kianaj
    kianaj Posts: 22 Member
    Good for you!!! Once I'm there I enjoy every bit of it, and just knowing the benefits that I'm gaining keeps me there. I get the most satisfaction of going, when I don't want to. How crazy is that!!
  • melliebee
    melliebee Posts: 187 Member
    I sadly, do not share your passion for working out at the gym... I just dislike sweating in front of strangers (I know its weird).. I would just get extremely self conscious and would never push myself.... I never thought that working out to a dvd would motivate me either, but I had to give it a try... I bought Turbo Jam and I have never felt better about working out and exercising in my life!!! I am excited to do it every day, even though I have seen the work outs 100 times already... It is a great option for people who share my odd quirk about the gym... oh.. and its WAAAAAAAY cheaper than a membership :)
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    What I think almost every morning when I don't want to get up and go to the gym is "you will never regret having gotten up and gone to the gym." It is so true. I am always so happy I went - I really like it! It's the only 4 hours a week I get out of the house at all and the only people other than my husband and 3 yr old I see ever! I can't say the same for "you will never regret sleeping in or sitting on the couch"
    JDMPWR Posts: 1,863 Member
    I love sweating my *kitten* off in the gym. Makes me know I busted *kitten* to get that liquid from the inside to the outside.

    I actually love getting on the stairmaster or elliptical and realizing how light my legs feel when moving versus 2 months ago!!!
  • etrnltrust
    This post just gave me another boost that I needed. I thought that my day was too bust to go to the gym today, but even just 30 minutes there is better than none. I plan on going after my group presentation. Thanks for the inspiration.
  • Sugar_Apple
    Sugar_Apple Posts: 951 Member
    We have a small gym at work and I actually cant wait till 4:00pm so I can get changed and head outside....even if I feel down I just go and do something.... and the best part is its free LOL

    I also like doing workouts at home...cant wait for my Zumba to arrive
  • emmyvera
    emmyvera Posts: 599 Member
    I'm definitely inspired now! Thanks everyone!

    Today is so chilly and rainy, it really sucks.

    BUT after reading this topic, I'm motivated to do something tonight at the gym.
    I'm thinking 5:00 yoga or a 7:30 cardio! Yah!

  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    I workout at the gym 6 to 7 days a week. Last night I lifted for an hour then did the elliptical for an hour. Love that feeling of accomplishment, especially when I post my HRM calories burned.
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