How Long Will THis Take?

michlingle Posts: 797 Member
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
Okay, so I've been good straight for exactly 7 long until I start seeing results? I lost about 13 pounds here a couple years ago and I never lost the last I guess I only made it half way:laugh: :laugh: .....I haven't just sat around doing nothing though...I've completed 2 marathons, 5 halfs, and I don't know how many other races (5ks, 10ks, 8ks, etc.) Well, I guess if I do this right for 10 weeks I should lose 20 pounds? Problem is is that I've been weighing myself everyday and the scale hasn't budged....I'm already frustrated :grumble: I guess my clothes feel like they look a little better on me than before, I need encouragement to not just accept where I've been, but to continue on the path i started two years ago....


  • RaeN81
    RaeN81 Posts: 534 Member
    In order to lose the weight and keep it off, it's going to take all that wonderful determination that you obviously have from your running. 7 days is the tip of the iceberg, I'm afraid. I suggest you go to weighing once a week so that you don't get so discouraged.:flowerforyou:
  • You're doing a great job following your regimen, keep it up and you will be rewarded. My suggestion about your frustration is to not weigh yourself daily, but weekly or semi-weekly. Remember, losing weight is an endurance sport, not a sprint.

    also if you have time, commit this to memory: (it's a stickied post!)
  • Don't be too hard on yourself, as long as you stick with it eventually you will see results. I have a similar problem where I have logged on every day for over a month now... eating a healthy vegetarian diet and workout every single day (except 2 days out of the 34 so far) and still have not lost. I have noticed changes though! Maybe you have been gaining muscle? that could slow or stop your weight loss but eventually things will even out and start dropping off fast. I wouldn't stress it...It sounds like your doing great so keep it up!
  • kayemme
    kayemme Posts: 1,782 Member
    have you been measuring yourself? don't be a slave to the machine. it's just a dumb object. how do you feel in general?

    i think you're pretty amazing, myself. i always look at your "i just ran a freaking 5k" status and think "wow, she's so great!"
  • tshirtartist
    tshirtartist Posts: 109 Member
    I totally hear you. I too have been good for 7 days straight and when I weighed after my first week, I wasn't even down a pound. The only thing I can blame it on is I started my period that day. I too am disappointed but am hoping next week will bring a weight loss. I can tell you that for some reason this is working for me. I lost ALOT of weight (190lbs) 13 years ago and have kept it all off except for 25lbs which I keep gaining and losing over and over again for the last 5 years. I am sick of this roller coaster ride so I decided to stop and do something that was a lifestyle change again instead of fasting or fad diets to get it off fast. I thought writing down my food was the answer but myfitnesspal seems to work better then that. I'm loving it! I love that even though I am vegan and eat different foods almost everything I look up is listed. I love that on days that I would normally think I overate (and then feel I blew it which would make me think what the hell and lead to a binge) when I enter my food I still am within my calories and I have the ability to stop and save the day. SO...I think this is the answer for me. Yes, I would love to have the 25 extra pounds gone before Christmas but I know Master Cleanse is not the answer. I miss wearing all my skinny jeans in my closet but I can wait until they fit again FOR GOOD THIS TIME!!!!

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • michlingle
    michlingle Posts: 797 Member
    I am considering a clease over my holiday break...i don't have to work for almost 2.5 weeks, so I would have the time...I've had a lot of gi issues and could use a reset button. But I will do that only after staying on this plan religiously...maybe...not sure if I have the will power for that, although I am good at setting my mind to do something and achieving it no matter what it takes...
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