No weigh ins until Thanksgiving Challenge!

Okay, who's in? We got exactly 10 days. We can do our best to exercise, eat clean, drink our water and then do the final weigh in. Make yourself a goal. IF you happen to have a cheat day in this challenge that's fine...not weighing in for a while can save the stress from the scale. :happy:

If you choose not to and need that motivation for your scale, thats understanding. I'm trying to kick the scale obsession habit myself, honestly, everytime i get on i see a gain and makes me want to give up. I know I can do this and I don't need that damn scale! lol


  • Centerstagekris
    I need to kick the scale obsession too! I've got it baaaad!! Haha. I try to go by how my clothes feel, too! Best of luck!!!
  • losingitwithjess
    I am in!.... Although I will be in mexico on thanksgiving so I can way in either the 23rd or the 30th when I get back...
  • WhyNot2010
    I am in for sure!!! It will be hard because everytime I go to the gym at school and use the sauna I want to weight in... but I will try my hardest!