Best activity Monitor

I am in the market for an activity monitory/heart rate monitor that can count my calories/steps and monitor heart rate. Mainly I want it for knowing how many calories I am burning during P90X3 but it would also be great for motivation on being more active during the day. I have heard terrible things about the UP, and great things about the Fitbit. But I know fitbit doesn't do true activity monitoring and really only monitors steps.


  • GingerLolita
    GingerLolita Posts: 738 Member
    I'm also in the market. I've been contemplating the Polar Loop, which seems suited for what you're looking for. I can't decide between that and the Fitbit Flex.
  • zsgreenwell
    zsgreenwell Posts: 63 Member
    Great. I will look into that.
  • Rak0ribz
    Rak0ribz Posts: 177 Member
    I have the Fitbit Flex and have been using it for a few weeks. It's pretty nice; you'll need a Bluetooth 4.0 / LE phone or a PC for it to sync with though. It seems to do what it says, and it's comfortable and unobtrusive (although I can't wear a watch now). If I were to buy one for myself, I'd at least consider the higher-end model solely for the ability to display the time.

    I'd say that, if you're not satisfied with what's out there, it's probably worth waiting a few months. There was a whole passel of new wearable monitors on display at CES last week; you should be able to find something you're happier with by Summer.
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    I don't think they've invented anything that is a pedometer, heart rate monitor AND tracks P90X type workouts well. Or anything that does that last one.
  • zsgreenwell
    zsgreenwell Posts: 63 Member
    I guess so. Maybe I will invent one that is also a teleportation device and everytime you teleport it burns 300 calories.

    Anyway. I also am using a Galaxy S4 so whatever I get it needs to be compatible with Android.
  • _Waffle_
    _Waffle_ Posts: 13,049 Member
    Best activity Monitor
    Hands down it's my wife. She tells me when I'm lazy and need to move more, when I'm working too much, and seems to know if I had too many beers.

    I'll second the thoughts on using the Polar Loop. It looks like a great all in one device. It counts steps and it can be paired with a heart rate monitor.
  • dianahoo
    dianahoo Posts: 23 Member
    I've been using the Fitbit for a few months now. There are a number of things I like about it (it's very easy to sync with your computer and mobile device), but there are some things that frustrate me. It's not any help at all on strength training or any non-walking/non-running exercise. It also has to be charged up every few days. There are some new devices that will count steps and will track your heart rate, but I agree with an earlier poster that it may make sense to wait a few months. It seems like the activity tracker business is steadily improving its product and something more accurate may come along soon.
  • Firekeeper66
    Firekeeper66 Posts: 116 Member
    I have a Polar FT60 HRM that I wear during cardio exercises and a (new) Fitbit One that I wear all the time. I'm a bit of a nerd so I researched these both TO DEATH before buying them because I wanted to be sure they were the right choices.

    My Fitbit syncs with my Android (Samsung Galaxy s4) and MFP without any issues. Polar HRM counts can be entered into MFP when you're finished your workout and override estimated Fitbit calories.

    I don't know of anything that can properly track while lifting weights and from what I've read the Polar Loop doesn't sync with Android quite yet (or if it does, it's a recent addition).

    Hope this helps!
  • ifaber
    ifaber Posts: 195 Member
    There is an activity tracker monitor out there that does have a HRM along with the features of a typical activity tracker called Basis Health Tracker for Fitness, Sleep & Stress. Its not as cool looking as say a fitbit but it houses everything you described. My husband went with a fitbit force for me because 1) I already have a hrm, 2) I just love fitbit. But he always says how he wished he would have gotten me the Basis one instead. Maybe its worth a look.
  • VegasFit
    VegasFit Posts: 1,232 Member
    I'm also in the market. I've been contemplating the Polar Loop, which seems suited for what you're looking for. I can't decide between that and the Fitbit Flex.

    I've had the Loop since November. It had major issues when first released and I still feel there is room for improvement with their website but I have to say lately I am loving it. I used to wear my HRM for all my workouts and the display is not as detailed as the HRM readout but for what I want which is too see where my heart rate is during my workouts and to see calories burned it's doing what I want.
  • zsgreenwell
    zsgreenwell Posts: 63 Member
    I was looking at the UP last night. The reviews on amazon are very mixed but seems that it could potentially do what I want it to do.