I hit the 'Restart' button... AGAIN!!!

So here I am yet again... starting over. But only this time 'over' is much further beyond where it has ever been before. I have been on the weight loss roller coaster for far too many years now but I never considered myself obese…. Until TODAY!

Let me introduce myself…

My name is Melissa. I’m 32 and have a 3 year old son. I had my child in October 2010. I patiently waited for my son as it took nearly 15 years for me to get pregnant. He brings a joy I could never have imagined and I need and of course want to be around for him as he grows up! When my son was born I promised myself I would lose the weight for good and stick to it. Here I am 3+ years later, worse off than I have ever been before.

Aside from being a mother I am a hard working woman & spouse! For the past 13 years I have worked 2 jobs (consistently & simultaneously); 1 full time and 1 part time. In addition to those jobs I opened a small home based business in December 2012.

To say I keep myself busy would be an understatement. I hardly have ANY time for myself when the day is done.

Growing up, I was always very thin- not hesitating to eat whatever my appetite desired with no consequences to show for it. As an adult, my metabolism flipped! The days of consuming anything I wanted, without consequence, were surely over…. Forever!

The last time I really worked out consistently and watched what I ate was in late 2012. Then I was ecstatic because I’d gotten down to pre-baby weight (finally)! I felt great, and although I still had a ways to go to reach my goal- I was on the right track.

Then, like so many times before, I fell off the wagon. I ignored the signs of weight gain & I stayed in denial until recently when my body literally started hurting. I knew my weight was causing much stress on my body and so yesterday I made myself get to the gym. My workout was okay- nothing too strenuous. This was my attempt to ease myself back in. I did forget to jot down my starting weight. Maybe subconsciously I didn’t want to know what it was because that would make my obesity all too real.

I knew I needed to know my starting weight, so this morning I stepped on the scale and faced my fear. In the several months since I stopped working out and balancing a healthy nutrition I have gained a whopping 60 pounds. I now weigh more than I have ever weighed… in my entire life.

So where do I go from here?

I have the tools I need to help myself be better. I know I need to incorporate a good, healthy diet and plenty of exercise into my daily routine. I need to stop relying on fast food so often just because it’s convenient.

I know what I have to do; I know what I NEED to do; I just have to DO IT! If I don’t make changes now, I fear I will do further (permanent) damage to my body & lessen my chance of living a long life.....

I’d love to make new friends here and definitely need the encouragement and friendly ‘push’ to help myself excel.

Thanks for stopping in to read!



  • Pirate_chick
    Pirate_chick Posts: 1,216 Member
    you're not alone! Welcome back.
  • lpeace2u
    lpeace2u Posts: 94 Member
    I've been on the up and down wagon for years myself. I was pretty close to goal a year ago and then I met my now, fiance' and my eating and working out literally came to a halt!. Now we are getting married in June and I so badly want to lose this weight, AGAIN! Please feel free to add me!

  • ImpishVanity
    ImpishVanity Posts: 224 Member
    Life is about practice, not perfection so don't feel bad that you fell off the wagon. I don't have any kids, but my story isn't so different from yours -and I also have 60lbs to lose. It sounds like you want to lose weight for the right reasons, so that should make this a much easier process. If you just need support, feel free to friend me. I'm also returning here from a 23 month absence... haha.... but hey as long as we never stop trying, we can't ever really fail, right?
  • bellafrmtx
    bellafrmtx Posts: 18 Member
    I LOVE your enthusiasm. I agree and I was on hiatus for too long! I've got much farther than 60 pounds to lose - but that is my first goal. :)
  • bellafrmtx
    bellafrmtx Posts: 18 Member
    Congrats on your upcoming wedding! You've got plenty of time! You can do it! :)
  • bellafrmtx
    bellafrmtx Posts: 18 Member
    you're not alone! Welcome back.

    Thank you!!! :)
  • bechendrix7
    Welcome back! You are definitely not alone... I just started back yesterday, after i realized i gain 30 lbs back and i wasn't even at my goal weight yet.

    Please add me as a friend!
  • Kenazwa
    Kenazwa Posts: 278 Member
    Same sad story, which I posted 2 months ago but no one responded. Wow - that hurt. Anyway, only the details differ. I now weigh more than I've weighed ever in my life, even at 9 months pregnant. I'm so good at keeping my promises to other people but so bad at keeping them for myself.

    Anyway, back at it - logging and changing my bad habits.
  • 641345
    641345 Posts: 3
    Today is a new day, a fresh start so don't give up on yourself. You can do it!
  • 641345
    641345 Posts: 3
    Are there any women members living in Hamilton Ontario?
  • bellafrmtx
    bellafrmtx Posts: 18 Member
    you're not alone! Welcome back.

    Thank you for the support! :)
  • bnm1979
    bnm1979 Posts: 52 Member
    Y'all add me ????
    Mom of two beautiful girls, 6 & 2
    I have lost 60# in 8 months and maintained for 3 months
    Now looking to lose 20+ more and tone up!

    I ❤️ my ACE!
    30 day shred