Bad Running Days

I started "running" about 3 months ago - which includes jogging and walking intervals- and I try to go 4 days a week (weekdays, with one rest day). I have finally started increasing my stamina, and yesterday morning, I was able to run a full 5k with only 20 seconds of walking between mile 1 and 2, none between 2 and 3.

This morning, I could barely make it 1/4 of a mile before I had to stop and walk. My legs didnt hurt, there was no pain in my side, and I got plenty of sleep and hydration. Since I run multiple days in a row often, I have no clue what drags me down and why my stamina levels are SO random throughout the week!

It is frustrating because I think "Ok, I am going to nail my next 5k!" and then the next day, I feel like I am sludging through mud. This happens a lot.

Does this happen to anyone else, and do you have any suggestions as to why I fluctuate so much? What can I do to get BETTER each time?


  • KristiRTT
    KristiRTT Posts: 346 Member
    First of all congrats on starting to run, if you enjoy it, it will be an awesome way to stay healthy and have fun! Are you varying the pace of your workouts? By that I mean you should be running slow enough to speak in sentences. Most if not all of your runs should be at this pace right now, eventually you can add speed work, but it is not necessary until you have more of an aerobic base. Also try running different routes, as your mind will sometimes play tricks on you when you know just how much farther you need to go.
    But yes, everyone has bad runs, sometimes bad weeks, I have even had a whole month where I only ran 18 miles and I am usually at 80+ because I could find my groove! Keep with it and the great runs will outnumber the bad ones!
  • marlea_0619
    marlea_0619 Posts: 16 Member
    The same thing happens for me, to, but a little less now that I am spacing it out every other day. I run about 3 miles every Monday, Wednesday, Friday and then a slow, easy, shorter run on Sunday. That way, I get rest days in between. You may want to give yourself more time in between to rest your muscles.
    Of course, there are just some days that I just drag for no apparent reason.
    Don't know how helpful this is, but it's not just you for sure!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Space out your don't need to run everyday. You need rest. I would also suggest doing some cross training once per week or so. If 5K is your max run, do that once or twice per week...but do other kinds of running/interval work, etc on your other days and increase your once per week long run.

    Beyond that, some days are just going to suck...
  • klmorg1227
    klmorg1227 Posts: 66 Member
    I run 3 to 5 days a week. On the days I don't run I do about 5 miles on an elliptical so still get my cardio in either way. I take Sundays off weights no cardio. I run about 4 miles straight, no walking except a 1/4 mile warm up and 1/4 mile cool down for a total distance of 4.5 miles on a normal running day. I stretch lightly before my run and a little stronger stretching afterwards. There are definitely some days my mind does not want to get into the flow of running. As a rule most runners will say the first 10 minutes is the toughest, once you push that 1st mile out though your mind usually caves in on its protests and your body takes over and you get that 'I can go for miles' euphoria. That said...there have been some days that I really hve to push to get my miles in, and I do just that..and some days I feel like a super woman! lol. Listen to your body though. Check yourself, ask yourself am I feeling dizzy or nauseous? Am I tired or distracted? As long as you are breathing well and are not cramping or feeling actual body pain you can likely push on...but be wise and listen t your body. I can usually rule it all out to I'm bored with the run because nothing really hurts and I am breathing just fine and I push on through.

    And congrats on prepared though, its addicting! :-)
  • ElliottTN
    ElliottTN Posts: 1,614 Member
    Bad run days just happen. You can look at it differently though. Think of those days as a mental challenge to keep pushing. Kinda like training for your brain.

    It will be good for ya bc you can more mentally prepare yourself to push on further than you think you could on those good running days you have.
  • BamaBreezeNSaltAire
    BamaBreezeNSaltAire Posts: 966 Member
    Space out your don't need to run everyday. You need rest. I would also suggest doing some cross training once per week or so. If 5K is your max run, do that once or twice per week...but do other kinds of running/interval work, etc on your other days and increase your once per week long run.

    Beyond that, some days are just going to suck...

  • marathon_44
    marathon_44 Posts: 62 Member
    The only thing I would add is to check out your caloric intake for the day or two before your bad runs and see if they are linked. If you aren't eating back your exercise calories in the day or two prior to your "bad run", you might feel sluggish because you are running on a low tank of fuel. If I have a couple lower calorie days, I will definitely feel it in my workouts.
  • Smash_Dub
    Smash_Dub Posts: 22 Member
    Thanks to everyone for their advice! It's good to know I am not the only one who does great one day and then is lethargic the next, and it happens often. Maybe I will switch to running M, W, F and taking Tues and Thurs off. I just miss the rush on my days off! Also, I miss the calories I burned that I can eat back :)
  • 9171973
    9171973 Posts: 2 Member
    yah its funny how in the beginning we have to discipline ourselves to do it...than if u take to it and catch the buzzz u have to learn discipline yourself to back off and take rest days. Once you accept that concept your good to go. Do not give up though on the run..u know u love it ..u know u love the power u feel inside when u do it. Remeber that love and you will keep it as a way of life for you. I believe its always WHY WE DO SOMETHING IS WHAT MATTERS.
  • phuckingbadasscutie
    phuckingbadasscutie Posts: 1,619 Member
    Bad days happen to everyone. For example today I didn't want to run at all but I forced myself and I ended up running at 6.0 mph for 10 mins instead of the 5 mins I usually go at the speed. I run a total of about 3.5 miles with a 5 min walk to start and finish. I slowly increase my speed as I go. So after my warm up I jog at 4.5, then 5.0 and so on until I'm at 6.0. Good luck and just remember you can do it!
  • icywindow
    icywindow Posts: 33 Member
    I agree with the other advice given here (great job, MFP community) and would like to add my two cents as a newer runner myself (started about 10 months ago, have run a couple half marathons and run 5-6 times a week):

    1. How do you warm up? Everyone has a different way of warming up, but typically 5-10 minutes of lower energy activity prior to running helps warm your muscles up well. My routine is do some walking lunges, do some side gallops, and walk forwards and backwards for a bit before jogging for 5 minutes and getting up to pace.
    2. Do you stretch after exercising? What kind of stretches do you do?
  • lozeliz
    lozeliz Posts: 17 Member