How much weight do I need to lose to achieve this? (Pics)

Hello :)
I have a weight loss goal in mind but I don't know if it's appropriate. My goal is to lose 20 lbs in order to look something like this:


I'm 5"9 and I weigh 146 lbs, I've never been any bigger or smaller than I am now but I want a change, although some of you may argue that I don't need one. I'm not very comfortable posting my pictures up, which is why I'll only have this topic open for a few days. Mainly what I would like to achieve is a flatter tummy and thinner thighs. I'd appreciate it if you critique constructively rather than the contrary. :) thank you. I'm also very aware that people's body types are all different and it may be more difficult for me to achieve what I want. I also know that targeting weight loss is very difficult or impossible. Know that I'm not completely narrow minded on the subject, I'm just wondering if 20lbs would make the difference or not. Here are my photos:




  • EllaBelleAces
    I personally don't think you need to lose 20 lbs to achieve a flatter tummy, however, you may want to tone. The first picture that girl is not only slim, she is also obviously toning her tummy.
  • brettball
    brettball Posts: 3 Member
    You might not need to lose weight. If you just build a bit extra muscle the abs will come through.

    Consider this person.

    Now you don't need to buy their program to get muscles, there are plenty of free resources on this site and the rest of the web if you want to learn how to lift.
  • Stage14
    Stage14 Posts: 1,046 Member
    You don't need to lose weight, you need to work on body recomposition to lose FAT and strengthen muscle. Eat at a small deficit (300-400 calories) and start a beginning weight lifting program like New Rules of Lifting for Women or Strong Lifts.
  • FrnkLft
    FrnkLft Posts: 1,821 Member
    Oh man honestly, I saw the second picture and thought "now that's what I'm talking about" lol You've got sexier curves than the girl in the first pic.

    Definitely the third pic shows what you're looking to work on. Not that it looks bad at all, but I know what your goal is, and that's cool.

    So honestly, nobody can tell you how much you need to loose to get to that point. 20 lbs would likely be MORE than enough, but how the heck could any of us know?

    I would say just keep dieting at a safe rate (the good news is you look pretty damn good already) and just reevaluate every 5 lbs to see if you've reached your goal. Where and how and when it comes off is entirely genetic. Some women just have larger or smaller thighs, and that is NOT a problem you have regardless.

    Also if this is a post about wanting a thigh gap, I'm going to shoot myself. Women need to cut that **** out. They are women, they have thighs... it is literally like women complaining that they have boobs or an *kitten*. Provided everything is in proportion, there is no issue here.
  • niknokd
    niknokd Posts: 127 Member
    Some of the responses you've gotten on this have incorrect information. "Toned" means your body fat percentage is low enough to show your muscles/abs. Honestly the most efficient way to achieve this is to lift weights while eating at a slight calorie deficit. Look into the program Starting Strength - it's easy to follow. Lift, eat as much protein as you can, and keep a slight calorie deficit (somewhere around 250 a day to lose half a pound a week).

    Edit: Also, I doubt you need to lose 20 lbs to get there. I'm thinking probably more like 10-12. Good luck! :)
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    i agree that strength training and getting your body fat to a % you are happy with will help you get the look you want, not so much just losing a certain number of pounds.
    you look great already and i'm sure you can achieve some fantastic results :)
  • SwedishMel
    SwedishMel Posts: 95 Member
    I agree. It's all about the toning your body at this point, and not about the numbers.
  • Wincymixx
    Ditto on packing on muscle. If you don't already lift heavy, then you'd better start. You'll be surprised at how much heavier you can be when your body is denser with muscle. Plus, you'll get to eat more instead of starving to maintain.
  • 89nunu
    89nunu Posts: 1,082 Member
    Yip. I'm also saying work on losing fat not weight! At 146 lbs your pretty light already. Join a gym and preferably pick up heavy things, you will not turn into shehulk but get that flat tummy instead. If you are still reluctant start at least some sort of a progressive resistant programme, like try related bodyweight things for example
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    Yep, I agree with other comments here - pick up heavy things and put them down again. New Rules of Lifting for Women is a good starting point to get into lifting.
  • calibriintx
    calibriintx Posts: 1,741 Member
    FYI, you can't just leave the topic up for a couple days. You posted it and now it's up. Forever. You can edit it within an hour, and you can delete the pics from wherever they're hosted, but the post is for life unless it goes to hell and gets deleted. You could also ask the mods to delete it but I've done that with no luck.

    Anyway, like others have said, eat at a small deficit and start lifting heavy. I don't imagine that you need to lose more than 5-10 lbs to achieve a flatter tummy and slimmer thighs, but there's just no way to know. FTR, you're gorgeous!
  • Sweet_Potato
    Sweet_Potato Posts: 1,119 Member
    I love this question. My body looks a lot like yours, except I'm shorter and maybe a tiny bit thinner. While it's nothing to complain about I've always wondered if a slimmer, more athletic-looking body is achievable. My abs and thighs are pretty muscular, but the muscles are hiding under a layer of fat that just won't budge. Foodwise, I've been logging on MFP for a couple years and try to maintain a small calorie deficit.
  • journey_man
    journey_man Posts: 110 Member
    I personally don't think you need to lose 20 lbs to achieve a flatter tummy, however, you may want to tone. The first picture that girl is not only slim, she is also obviously toning her tummy.

    There is no such thing as "toning". You either have a low enough body fat and a big enough muscles for them to be visible, or you don't.

    That girl has lower body fat, though I rather doubt its 20lbs worth. She may also have bigger muscles.

    OP, go lift some weights. No, it won't make you "bulky".

    EDIT: I too suspect it's all about the infamous "thigh gap". Sigh.
  • maggierda
    I would say just keep dieting at a safe rate (the good news is you look pretty damn good already) and just reevaluate every 5 lbs to see if you've reached your goal. Where and how and when it comes off is entirely genetic. Some women just have larger or smaller thighs, and that is NOT a problem you have regardless.

    Also if this is a post about wanting a thigh gap, I'm going to shoot myself. Women need to cut that **** out. They are women, they have thighs... it is literally like women complaining that they have boobs or an *kitten*. Provided everything is in proportion, there is no issue here.

    *Clapping* Well said.
  • losingwhatican
    losingwhatican Posts: 26 Member
    You don't need to lose any weight! You may be like me and the women in my family. We always have a tiny stomach pooch, no matter our weight, so losing more fat isn't going to get rid of it.

    Instead, now's a good time to start building muscle. Your body will change composition so there's less fat and more muscle (NOT bulk, just definition), meaning you'll get that slim, "toned" look in that first picture, plus you'll be stronger, have better balance, and just feel more capable. There are TONS of people and resources on MyFitnessPal about lifting weights. Good luck!
  • Oscarinmiami
    Oscarinmiami Posts: 326 Member
    you look good, you just need to do sit ups and stay away from sugar
  • Chizakura
    Chizakura Posts: 29 Member
    I agree with an earlier poster. I don't think it's so much about weight, but more about body fat percentage. Buy some weights and do some free lifting, or hit the gym and use theirs. :)
  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    I'd guess the example picture is a young woman around 110# who doesn't really lift.
  • angela828
    angela828 Posts: 498 Member
    STOP comparing yourself to others. Become the best version YOUR body can be not some random photo of flat abs. when you stop comparing, you will feel much better about yourself and see how strong you can become and what your body is capable of.

    i'm no expert. but i know when i stop comparing my bodies to other bodies, my relationship with food, myself, and the gym is a stronger and healthier one.
  • ecw3780
    ecw3780 Posts: 608 Member
    I would try something like pilates to really work on the core. You don't need to lose weight, you just need to streamline. :)