Nutrisystem anyone?

Has anyone tried the Nutrisystem diet? I totally know its better to cook your own food and I do enjoy cooking but unfortunately, right now I don't really have access to a kitchen for a while. Has anyone had any luck with nutrisystem? Does it taste good? I know nutrisystem is not a long-term weight loss plan. I would assume it at least helps those people who have a hard time with portion control and those who don't want to count calories.


  • julianne824
    julianne824 Posts: 17 Member
    Hi Bobanji,

    I have had success with Nutrisystem in the past and have returned to shed unwanted pounds due to finding bad habits again :x

    Even on nutrisystem you can still cook theres tons of recipes you can do with the food and even by itself I find it good. The food is very edible.. and it really does help those of us who make poor choices when it comes to food and portion control. It can be long term but it gets expensive.

    I use myfitnesspal to enter the foods I eat on the nutrisystem plan because sometimes I do like to have my own food for a meal and still want to know whether I'm staying in the same calorie range.
  • Guamybear
    Guamybear Posts: 1,061 Member
    I tried it a few years back it was the worst food ever.. I would have rather ate the safeway eating right meals over nutrisystem.
  • julianne824
    julianne824 Posts: 17 Member
    I think they have improved it quite a bit but I joined in 2011. Especially the frozen food. I've brought some extra food to one of my friends who isn't on nutrisystem and she was quite impressed with it.
    TC4IOWASTATE Posts: 64 Member
    I am just starting on Nutrisystem. I kicked it around for awhile and need the portion control. Okay...the food is good, It is not gourmet food but it is decent food. The who idea is I need to eat about 1500 calories a day. So my plan includes extra good carbs and protein on my snacks, etc. I need to continue to count calories but the first week I lost 4 lbs and that was the sample 5 day pack from Walmart.

    I am going to try it for two months and see where it leads me. Hopefully more weight loss than I was doing on my own. My food arrived today. They sent me the shakes but not to sure I am going to use them.
  • lilacghost
    lilacghost Posts: 17 Member
    I absolutely hated the food. This was years ago so maybe they improved, but powdered eggs? No thank you omg!
  • KateK8LoseW8
    KateK8LoseW8 Posts: 824 Member
    I did it in high school. It taught me nothing about how weight loss is achieved or how to maintain my loss. I ate the horrible food until I was skinny, went off the diet and onto college, and promptly regained everything.

    Not worth the money. Tastes bad, not terribly wholesome food, and you don't have to think about what you're putting into your body, which I think is a bad thing.
  • KeepGoingKylene
    KeepGoingKylene Posts: 432 Member
    I tried it in 2012 and it was terribly disgusting. Wouldn't recommend at all!
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,487 Member
    I considered doing it - but then I looked at the food on their website and it looks repulsive. When you can't even make your food look good for marketing it is an issue. I'd rather just eat some frozen meals from the local grocery if needed before buying over-priced nastiness.
  • Rebel73
    Rebel73 Posts: 12
    Astronaut food and puny portions. NO THANKS!!!
  • I did it in 2007 to kickstart my metabolism, it worked. I was a college student with not a lot of money, so I figured it was affordable considering it was 75% of my grocery bill each month. The food was gross but I hear they've made changes since I did it.
    If you don't mind the taste or the cost, I think it's a good STARTER but then switch over to real food after a few months and make sure you can maintain your weight loss or continue it.
  • ckspores1018
    ckspores1018 Posts: 168 Member
    I have a friend that was on it most of 2012 and about 8 months of last year. She looks amazing but I can tell she's already starting to gain weight back because she learned nothing about eating or portion control.

    Also, the few times I ate at her house the last few years she had those meals and they looked and smelled terrible. She constantly complained about how awful they were but she was losing so she just stuck with it.

    I'd rather eat good food and lose weight so I've never been tempted by it. Plus, it is cheaper to make your own food.
  • azbutterfly1324
    azbutterfly1324 Posts: 74 Member
    I've done it 3x. First time I lost about 20lbs in 3 months, but gradually gained it back. The 2nd and 3rd times my loss was minimal. I wasn't really 'into' it those times though....just went along because my husband wanted to do it. There were a few things I really loved, but most of it was gross. It is also so expensive and still requires you to spend a lot of money on foods to add on to the program. You can't just eat the Nutrisystem food. I typically work out and felt very weak/tired when on Nutrisystem. I think I also lost a lot of muscle.

    I would never do it again. I have cut out all processed food and feel really good now. That food has to be FILLED with nasty chemicals that do God knows what to your body. I know a lot of others who have done the program too -- and every single one gained the weight back when they stopped. I feel like it's better to come up with a plan that you can do forever rather than one you do only for a specific period of time.

    Just my 2cents.....
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,300 Member
    Nasty food. Waste of money. It doesn't teach you a dang thing.

    Do NOT waste your money. That money could be used on such better things.
  • cricketTown
    cricketTown Posts: 6 Member
    Hello there. I will tell you why Nutrisystem worked for me. Actually, the first time was back in 2006 or so, and I was NOT following it properly, and it did not work. The second time I tried it, in the Autumn of 2009, I found success.

    At that time in 2009, I was living alone near a US military base in England and could experience the diet while not having any food in the house for any other people. This played a part, I think! I was down several pounds from my previous 160 lbs (or thereabouts, I did not look at the scale in those days).

    So, I continued on the diet for another two months. At the end of it, I was down to 135 lbs, which is much closer to a healthier weight for my 5 feet three inch tall self. :)

    The key for me was the convenience of arranging for only Nutrisystem (and some fruits and vegetables) to be available for eating. Much less resistance was required compared to the days when I lived in the USA and had roommates with kids and I was just surrounded by food all the time.

    After about 90 days of it, like I said, I was down quite a bit, and my PERCEPTION was that I had not been that deprived. I really think that this was why my body did not instantly start making me want to gain all the weight back, as in all the previous years of trying diets. I was able to relax and get used to the new weight.

    Yes, I did eventually gain a few pounds back, but only a few, and after keeping the new weight range of ~135 for several years, I started an intense Nutrisystem diet again - this time using this awesome myfitness pal site! - and now have a new "general range" of about 117 lbs.

    Apart from the convenience of having a new environment to experience and leverage to my advantage... I really don't know why some diets work and others don't...To me, it is worth a try. I have read from some people here that the gourmet line is tasty, and the frozen food is great! I am still near a US military base, now in Europe, and can get Nutrisystem shipped to me here with the exception of the frozen food / gourmet line. :( Oh well, some of it is pretty good still.
  • susansmoaks
    susansmoaks Posts: 77 Member
    Nutrisystem works for me. I am able to maintain a healthy weight and i like it. if anyone has any questions please message me. i love to help!
  • conniepeters64
    conniepeters64 Posts: 13 Member
    I am starting today, with the Fast 5 - I have been researching different plans since last Fall - I usually go back to Weight Watchers, but I think I've done that so many times it doesn't work for me because I think I know it all if that makes sense. I will check in to update my progress - I hope to try it for 2 months - I may add a third if I do well.