When to exercise?

tiffaniedemayo Posts: 38 Member
I have a treadmill, and would like to know what the best time of day to get on it is, and for how long. I've tried getting on it in the morning, but can't last very long. I've gotten on it at night and seem to be able to go forever, but is doing it at night, after dinner the optimal time? Thanks


  • steve_mfp
    steve_mfp Posts: 170 Member

    Generally 6-12 hours after you wake up. However, this is based on a typical early AM start.

    If you can workout at an ideal time for body, then do it. If you can't then work out at a consistent time and the body will adapt. A non-perfect time for a workout is better than no workout.
  • tweetypixx
    tweetypixx Posts: 65 Member
    I always find that in the evening is better for me, in the morning I am too sleepy and put very little effort into it. I prefer about an hour before my evening mea, so around 5-6pm for me. Definitely have far more energy then. Its just a case of finding what is right for you.. :)
  • I prefer as soon as i wake up before breakfast. Fasted morning cardio works well because during the night you use up all of your glycogen stores (stored sugars etc) which means you can get straight into fat burning when working out. Usually it would take 20 mins to get to this point in a workout. - I usually have a strong black coffee and get to it!
  • Maurice1966
    Maurice1966 Posts: 419 Member
    Whenever it suits you. Nike.
  • hojoni8406
    hojoni8406 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm a night gal after supper too and it seems to be working for me! I tried mornings too and I felt like passing out without much effort :)
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