exercise vs calorie intake

nuttmama Posts: 9
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise
i was told that if i am exercising regulary but am not comsuming enough calories i am wasting my time with the work outs. my calorie goal is just under 1500 but i usually am around 1000-1200.


  • Papucho
    Papucho Posts: 138
    You're not wasting your time. Exercising is never a waste of time. They might be referring to the whole "starvation mode" thing. The fact remains if you limit your calories and exercise you will lose weight and do something good for your body. Now, if you don't eat enough calories your body will eventually begin to try to store those calories as a natural process. However, if you continue to exercise you will continue to lose weight. It might slow you down, but it will happen. Think biggest loser. They go on restricted diets and work out like mad and they lose massive weight. Now, don't try what they are doing, they are closely supervised in their regimen. What your doing is okay, although you should try to stay above 1200 in my opinion.
    JDMPWR Posts: 1,863 Member
    i was told that if i am exercising regulary but am not comsuming enough calories i am wasting my time with the work outs. my calorie goal is just under 1500 but i usually am around 1000-1200.

    It can be harder to lose weight for some people. I noticed when I didn't eat close to all my cals it became harder to drop weight but the more cals i ate closer to my daily limit the easier it was for me to lose weight. Also with my exercise cals as well.

    For instance I would l have exercised and have 1000 cals left I would eat all but 300-400 of them and burn more then leaving all 1000 alone.
  • Usually people need at least 1200 calories for the body to have energy to function. Also if your not consuming enough calories and your body is working out it doesn't have enough calories to convert into muscle. Usually it is okay to have 100 calories or less left over from your daily calories, but it sounds like you can afford to get closer to your a little under 1500 calorie count. Lastly, and I haven't done enough research to know if this is true but they say if your body constantly doesn't get enough calories it goes into starvation mode and stores your fat. Again haven't done that much research on that but it sounds logical.
  • ChellieIrish
    ChellieIrish Posts: 593 Member
    Check this Blog out it explains it nice and easy :flowerforyou: a buddy of mine posted it tonite :bigsmile:

  • ok that makes sense. thanks everyone :)
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