How to stay motivated after a bad day

I am definitely a "I'll just do better tomorrow" person. Does anyone else have this issue and know how to break the cycle?



  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    Log it and move on. Don't harp on it or throw everything out the window because you had one large caloric meal. Soldier on.
  • bajoyba
    bajoyba Posts: 1,153 Member
    Log it and move on. Don't harp on it or throw everything out the window because you had one large caloric meal. Soldier on.

    Amen. And don't let a bad today turn into a bad tomorrow.
  • Sunitagt
    Sunitagt Posts: 486 Member
    I think of how much progress I've made so far. How many days I didn't just go get a pizza and eat the whole thing myself, or how much weight I've lost thus far. What helps keep me on track is that I've already come this far and do so well most days. Once in a while I have a bad one, and that's ok.
  • action_figure
    action_figure Posts: 511 Member
    Motivation is overrated. Being "motivated" is just an emotional state that makes it easier to do what you know needs doing. Discipline is the key. Habits build discipline. If you're eating for emotional reasons, address the underlying emotions. If you are just slacking off because you lack discipline, do the mental work necessary to move "taking care of my body appropriately" into the same mental category you have for all the other boring, grown up stuff you have to do: going to school, completing assignments, going to work, paying your bills, obeying the law, etc. etc. etc. ie: "Crap I have to do the vast majority of the time whether I'm in the mood or not or the consequences will be more unpleasant than I wish to bear."
  • AlessisMore
    AlessisMore Posts: 179 Member
    Motivation isn't a one time deal. It's a never-ending series of choices that moves you toward your goal. When you make a bad choice just move on and be determined to be smarter the next time. Also, fitness doesn't reset at midnight. Don't wait 'til tomorrow to do it right. Start now.
  • EMTFreakGirl
    EMTFreakGirl Posts: 597 Member
    I had one of those days yesterday...a milkyway midnight AND pizza for dinner. UGH!!! Feel like crap today because of it. But today has been a good day. I agree with the log it and move on. It's the only way!
  • catfive1
    catfive1 Posts: 529 Member
    I just got a fitbit force which helps keep me moving and motivated.
  • F00LofaT00K
    F00LofaT00K Posts: 688 Member
    Don't wait until "tomorrow." I've changed my thought process to, "Man, I really blew it at lunch. I'll do better starting NOW." I see no point in feeling guilty or bad about messing up my macros/calorie goal. This is a lifestyle change for me. I will ALWAYS have a day here and there where I go over my calories or don't eat enough protein or have too many drinks with my friends. I will also have days where I'm under my goal, don't have an appetite or fall asleep too early to get in the last bit of fat that I wanted. One meal that's outside of your goals doesn't mean the whole day is shot to heck. And one day doesn't mean your goals are shot.

    ETA: planning my meals ahead of time helps me stay on track for the day.
  • Allterrain_Lady
    Allterrain_Lady Posts: 421 Member
    Don't sweat it but don't use it as an excuse to throw the following days away.
    I used to be the 'next monday is a perfect day to start' kind of girl. And then, Monday comes around. I wake up, take a healthy breakfast full-on motivated.
    At some point during the week, even the first day sometimes, I do/eat something unhealthy and get into the 'everything is screwed' mindset. And postpone the real changes I so need to make until doomsday.
    What I finally realised is that one mistake doen't change the path of your journey. The ones you chose to make after the initial one are actually doing a lot more of damage.

    It is a matter of changing your mindset. There isn't gonna be an event or a day that will do that for you.

    You had a "bad" meal/snack/day/cocktails. Fine, it happens, it's called 'having a life'. Move on.
    If you get a flat tire, do you get out of your car to drain the three other ones out? No, you get out of your car and fix the problem.
    Same goes with your diet.

    Hope this helps!
  • runningjen74
    runningjen74 Posts: 312 Member
    We all have good days / bad days...but if you've a re-current problem, think about yesterday, just yesterday and try and figure out where things went belly up.

    I found we always have choc in work. If I have one, well with in my allowance, then I had more and more. It set off a sugar demon in me. So i worked on that problem. For me, cutting out the random choc in work helped. Then I moved on to the next thing that was tripping me up. You don't need to fix everything, just start with what tripped you up yesterday. If you fall again today, then work on what made you fall. You'll always have the odd slip, but focus on it being the odd one and on average you are hitting your goals.
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    All the tricks, motivational sayings, gadgets, support people, etc. will never keep you going. Once I realized it was all on me to do this, I realized it was my responsibility to get up every day and make it happen. It's hard, probably the hardest thing I've stuck to in a while.

    When you're ready to lose the weight - you will. Good luck.