Attempt #2

Hi all.

Apologies in advance as I fear this introduction may be somewhat of a novel, but I want do of this properly so I feel I must be honest.

So, hi. My name is Kay, and I am fat.

I've always struggled with my weight, but over the past few years I've just became bigger and bigger, and I'm now a UK size 22 pushing on 24. For me, this is soul destroying. I hate how I look, I hate how I feel and it's honestly ruining my life and my relationship. On top of my self loathing and my lack of confidence I suffer badly from depression and anxiety, so as you can imagine, it's really hard to keep motivated and much easier to just eat away the pain.

I have made an account on MFP before and as much as I loved the app, I just stopped using it. I lost faith in myself and just gave up. This time however, I have a plan.

My aim is to become a UK size 14 by the time I'm 30. In that time as well, I am aiming to become more mentally healthy as well. I'll be turning 27 at the end of the month, so ideally by that time I will have been successful in easing myself into a basic routine, so I essentially will then have 3 years to reach my target. That may seem like an extremely long time for a relatively short goal, but I know what I'm like. I'm prone to having my bad turns where I will just shut myself away from everyone and everything but at least then I'll know that it won't be as stressful as I'll have plenty of time to pick myself up and try again.

Well... Hopefully anyway!

I'm somewhat optimistic though. Last year, I managed to quit smoking - a habit I had for over 10 years. I never ever thought that I'd be able to do that, especially with only some nicotine gum! So hopefully that's just the first big step :)

If you've read through all this then thank you :) I'd love to make some friends through this as it would be amazing to have some extra support on here!

Thanks again and good luck to everyone!
Kay x


  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    Welcome back! You're already on the right path--what a healthy, realistic, reasonable goal!

    Take before photos (I wish I had!), and read this:
  • knemmert
    Congratulations on getting started here again. I did the same thing using MFP before then just quitting. This will be our time to get healthy! No more quitting!! :)
  • sixds
    sixds Posts: 16
    Hi this is my second or third time but honestly i think its the first time i am taking it seriously. Really trying to work the program. I turned 30 back in april(to say ladt year is just to hard lol) and it really hit me. This is not the me i want to be. So here i am. I have the apps on everything food plans goals and sadly a broken scale so i havent yet seen if i am losing but i feel it. Well add me if you want and anyone else feel free to add me to. I love this place and all the great people i have already met
  • miss_kay_1987
    Thanks for the kind words :) I just need to really push myself as much as I can without burning myself out too much! Good luck to you all! :D x