Any suggestions with exercise?

I am a full the mummy and I work part time (Thursdays & All weekend). My partner works 2pm-10pm mon-fri so I have the baby and no-one close by who can look after her. I want to start having regular workouts and doing proper exercise but I can't afford to go to the gym or any workout classes at the moment and we live in a first floor flat so unable to workout at home due to stupidly loud floor boards and moany neighbours! Does anyone have any suggestions other than just going for walks with the pram etc? x


  • TommyJensen1987
    I had the same issue with home exercise. It turned out that the floor in by bathroom was solid enough to work out on, no issue there.

    Alternatively carry your baby in one of those back strap things and see what you can climb or just (esp. if kiddo hasn't started moving yet) just put it next to you in the park while you do the exercises.
  • lucyloutoo
    lucyloutoo Posts: 522 Member
    Check out fitness blender on you tube.....apart from being amazing all round, they have a specific quiet work out, that I've used when streaming in hotels and not wanting to make other guests feel the ceiling is falling in on them!! :)
  • mellymoobag
    mellymoobag Posts: 19 Member
    Thanks I will check it out :)

    I was trying to find a quiet spot and my kitchen seems ok, the baby room is good too but she's at that crawling stage so would try grabbing my legs x
  • lucyloutoo
    lucyloutoo Posts: 522 Member
    Can you put baby to nap in another room and do it then?
    Know nap time should be feet up and coffee time, but needs must.
  • mellymoobag
    mellymoobag Posts: 19 Member
    Yeah I can give it a try....x
  • 4themoney
    4themoney Posts: 797 Member
    walking is EXCELLENT!!! work your way up to walking for an hour, ever day, if you can :-)
  • mellymoobag
    mellymoobag Posts: 19 Member
    I walked an hour and a quarter today!! My feet are sore but I feel good x
  • littleandysmom
    littleandysmom Posts: 173 Member
    There are so many great workout videos on youtube. If you have chromecast, you can watch it on tv.........
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    Move house?