Help! In need of helpful tips to lose weight!

Hello Everyone....Im getting married in three months and want to look my BEST and feel GREAT for the BIG DAY!!!! I need helpful tips to lose weight!!!! Im still very new to all of this. ANY tips would be appreciated! :)


  • xkimberlee007
    xkimberlee007 Posts: 44 Member
    Get the app if you can and log your calories and exercise everyday. Start drinking lots of water. Exercise a few times a week and be active as much as you can! Eat lots of vegetables and lean protein(eggs,fish,chicken)
    That is some stuff that has helped me hopefully it's helpful to you :)
    You can add me if you want and congratulations!
  • Tina0712
    Tina0712 Posts: 9 Member
    Thank you! & I sent you a friend request! :)
  • blessman
    blessman Posts: 15 Member
    Awesome! I'm in a fun workout group on Facebook. Everyone is so positive and supportive. We would love to have you join us! Send me a Facebook friend request if you're interested! (My FB link is
  • If you're a night eater like me, caffeine-free herbal teas or snacking on veggies only after 8pm have become my saving graces
  • I love group exercise classes - especially ones that you pay for up front. The fact that the money is already gone and the guilt from classmates keep me going back. Plus, nobody wants to be the worst in the class, so it helps me push harder.
  • LunaGreen
    LunaGreen Posts: 118 Member
    Congrats!! What a special time for you!!! If you want, my diary is open to my friends and hopefully that can give you meal tips, everything I make is always super easy too! Feel free to message me with any questions as you go too! Congrats again and Best of luck!
  • I have a few time-tested "tips" from many books, tapes, self-help sources. Here are a few:
    Eat sitting down, never standing or in the car.
    Eat at least one meal with no distractions (more, if you can). This means no TV, computer, reading. Just eating and being mindful of the meal. Eat slowly.
    Keep food journal.
    Add 10 minutes per day of any movement you like.
    Meditate for 10 minutes each day. If this is new for you, use a free online guided meditation.
    Put trigger foods out of sight, if you can't move them out of your home altogether. Keep fresh veggies or fruits washed and ready to eat in plain view.
    Drink a glass of water each time you enter the kitchen.
    You might want to add one of these each day and continue for a month and see if there are any changes.
    Congratulations and good luck! Enjoy your special day and if you are truly happy, you will be truly beautiful!
  • Tina0712
    Tina0712 Posts: 9 Member
    Thank you everyone for the tips! I will definitely put them to use! :)
  • Paindoesnthurt
    Paindoesnthurt Posts: 51 Member
    Best advice I would have?

    Eat less meals. There's science to say it helps you lose weight better, makes you feel fuller for longer, and helps increase metabolism. 3 meals a day is all you'll need

    secondly eat your carbohydrates, the majority of them AT NIGHT. There is a study that shows people lost 20% more weight by having 80% of their carbohydrates at night than another group who ate their carbohydrates, the majority, throughout the day. If anyone wants me to quote this study I'll be happy to by the way so just PM me. And by the way this study, the two groups ate the same amount of calories

    Thirdly the most important one is to Train everyday. When I say train, I don't mean go balls to the wall everyday, but you should do some physical activity everyday. That alone is enough to get you some really good results at the start.

    Three main tips you can implement right now are those for the others to consider I would say these

    -Be patient be consistent.
    -weigh yourself once a week and measure yourself once every 12 weeks. This will see how you are going and what your problem areas are
    -when starting out cut out the starchy stuff. Polysaccharides are a carbohydrate that has many chains of sugar and are ideal for athletes and people who want to gain weight. Since your goal is weight loss I would advise you to stick to fruit and vegetables and have meat, and not lean meat either but fattty meat since the fat is also a good source of energy and you need it for good hormornal balance especially since you are losing weight.

    I hope this helps! Feel free to add me as a friend and PM me anytime if you have any more questions:)
  • sargessexyone
    sargessexyone Posts: 494 Member
    A few tips to help you move even just a little bit more

    1. The good old standby, park farther away from the store.
    2. Carry your groceries in one bag at a time.
    3. When pumping gas, waiting in line, etc. pace or just do small leg lifts, bounce up down on your toes, anything you can think of to keep moving.
    4. Listen to upbeat music when cleaning house, it tends to make you move a little more briskly especially if you add in a few hip twists and spins.
  • Paindoesnthurt
    Paindoesnthurt Posts: 51 Member
    At Sargesexyone

    Good tips!
  • jcorpern
    jcorpern Posts: 96 Member
    My top tips?

    Buy a digital scale. Weigh every single thing that passes your lips. Don't use recipes or nutritional values on MFP that say *Generic or *Homemade. If you can't scan it in, then enter your own recipes using actual weighed weights of the ingredients from our digital scales. Include everything including that spray of cooking oil or that bit of ketchup. Everything counts. This will ensure that you have an accurate tally of the calories passsing into your body.

    Don't eat back any of your exercise calories unless you've got an accurate means of measuring them. If you don't use a fitbit or something equivalent, then eat back 50% at most of your exercise calories to avoid over-estimating your calorie burn.
  • kdawn55
    kdawn55 Posts: 2 Member
    Exercise every day, a brisk walk early in the morning or the gym' plan your exercise too. Plan your meals by using the recipe area. Be realistic, I am a night time eater so I make sure I have calories left and choose yummy things like a cup of raw strawberries or a crumpet or on a good day both! Oh and the bar code is fabulous. Be curious about this awesome app and use it! Good luck you CAN DO IT!
  • guamlite
    guamlite Posts: 30 Member
    Okay, share with me "Oh and the bar code is fabulous"
    the bar code???

  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    More protein
    More fiber
    More water
    Log EVERYthing
  • guamlite
    guamlite Posts: 30 Member
    What constitutes AT NIGHT ?
    Is it after dinner meal or is dinner meal included in the AT NIGHT?