P90X2 v P90X v. Les Mills Pump



  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member

    Really interested to hear how many people liked P90X 2. So do people feel it is more focused on core and balance than on building muscle?

    Thanks all!

    X2 is not for building muscle. It *may* be possible to build muscle with it if you've already got a cast iron core and can really slam the heavy weights whilst in balance positions. If you remove the instability component and up the weights to build muscle, then you're basically doing X1 or Body Beast and may as well do those programmes instead.

    The whole idea behind X2 is to connect everything together through the core to make you more of an athlete. It's supposedly for people who have all the parts working well and getting them to work together properly. So called "functional fitness". That's not to say that it won't make you more ripped, or whatever. But really, that's 90% diet anyway. You could do any total body workout (committing 100% of course) with good diet and get a ripped look.

    I also run and do other activities. I have seen performance increases since doing X2 and that's ultimately what I care about the most....
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    I totally thnk that X2 is core, balance, stability, and fluidity.

    One more thing about BBL that I like in marathon training, the time commitment is less than x2. If I run in the am and don't have time for a full workout at lunch, I can throw in bum bum, secret weapon, tummy tuck, or rapido to get a solid quick workout in.

    I like high and tight, it's band and ankle weight work, and sculpt really is perfect for a runner wanting weights but not overdoing it. The thing I like is it seems to target those areas as a runner get just unbalanced as a runner.

    Not to mention, no additional equipment and cost effective. There is supposed to be a BBL2 coming out this fall I think.
  • pstansel74
    pstansel74 Posts: 130 Member
    I realize this is a week old but I missed it the first time around ;) I have done P90X twice and am on day 65 of Les Mills Pump. As an fairly overweight guy p90x was really, really hard. Yes I bulled through it but I had to modify soooo much. And I had no room for a pullup bar so it was all band work, and that didn't work me right. Also the time committment is significant. I gave up after the second time through and become a sloth again. With LMP I have had a much easier time. It ramps up to the harder workouts, and I could do 90% of it by the time I got there :). Yes, it is still really hard. But I enjoy it (mostly.. lunges suck) and I have stuck to it through 2 broken ribs and a balky knee. I am down 33 pounds and my legs are turning from jello to rocks. For those that said they didn't get anything out of it, I don't see how that's possible if you were actually piling on the weight to your breaking point. So yes, I love LMP. I really like p90x also and after a second round of LMP I might even go back to it. But for toning and weight loss this is working for me. Most important thing, regardless of what you pick, is consistency ;)
  • old thread I know, but I want to post in case someone else is interested.

    I've done 4 rounds of Insanity, P90X 1 and I'm now doing the 3, 3 rounds of Body Pump, Body Beast, Brazil butt lit, and many others as I'm a Beachbody coach. I lost over 90lbs, started 8 months after having twins, mostly when doing Insanity.

    Anyways, here is my intake: P90X is upper body heavy. If you look at the bodies of the women who do it, you can see that. the #1 complaint is not much muscle gain in the butt area. After doing body pump for 9 months I gained inches on my butt o pure muscle. Something that I never got doing brazil butt lift, seriously it's like the most amazing *kitten* workout ever. However, P90X (I wouldn't go for the 2, go for 1 or 3) you have the option of going for pull ups and chin ups, along with the weight training it's core centric and upper body focused.

    It depends on your goals. I you have liting background, go for pump. I squatted 80lbs and over with a rack while doing pump, not my 1 rep maxes but it's not low weight. You can make strong gains quickly with pump. I you want to focus on pull ups (as I am currently doing, this time around my goal is to do upper body, core and back) and upper strength, go for the p90x (p90x2 was too balancy for me, but then I was spoiled from the original. I'm loving the 3). I'm not a pump instructor BTW, but I thought the form cues were great. I come from a dance background so form is something I concentrate on ( I don't want to get injured). Body best is a lot of equipmet IMO but was really, really fun (I didn't have really all the equipment that it was required).

    Anyways, right now I add 5x5's on heavy dead lifts, dead rows and squats on my strength days in the p90x because, for me, it doesn't really work the legs as strenously as I like to achieve volume.
  • jeremywm1977
    jeremywm1977 Posts: 657 Member
    You're probably going to get a lot of.negative response about P90X2 but I love it! (Disclaimer- I'm on phase 1 and plan to stay here for quite a while)I had a lot of side to side imbalances and was looking for a focus on core strengthening and stability. Found it! It is incredibly challenging, but completely different from P90X Tony still has corny jokes, but I still laugh!

    My main complaint about X2 is that he takes forever to get into the workout. It's pretty much the same standard warm up in just about every workout..........and it's the first 9-10 minutes of the workout.

    I'm wanting to get moving, and that first 9-10 minutes we're just crawling along. Most often, I just fast forward past that to get to the actual workout. With that said, I love the toughness of the moves within the main workout portion of the workouts.

    Having done X, X2, and Pump, I have to rank them in that order..........X, followed by X2, followed by Pump. Not taking anything away from Pump.......it is awesome, but I like X and X2 better.