Anyone doing Jamie Eason's LIVE FIT??

I was doing heavy compound moves lifting, and decided I wanted to switch it up and do more days of lifting. I started a couple weeks ago, and am really enjoying it! Anyone else currently, (or in the past), doing it? What were your results? :D


  • Melissa72187
    Melissa72187 Posts: 68 Member
    I'm starting Monday! How are you doing with the meal plan? I'm not sure how I'm going to eat 6 egg whites after dinner like it says! I usually have a small snack and thats it. I'm excited to start, I just got done with t25 and want to incorporate weightlifting now and need help with eating right so I hope this helps me.
  • callie006
    callie006 Posts: 151 Member
    I did the first two phases about a year and a half ago. It has too many isolation moves for my current fitness, goals, but I liked it. I didn't do the exact diet, but I did up my protein. Because I wanted to keep progressing and not cut for a specific event, I skipped phase 3 and moved on to another program.

    After about a month and a half of LiveFit, my mom, who never says anything like this, told me that I looked great and that my whole body shape had changed.
  • crystalirene12
    crystalirene12 Posts: 58 Member
    I'm a little late in the game on starting this, but I just started on Tuesday. So far so good. I am loving it. Do any of you have beofre and after pictures. I am eager to see where I will be in just 11 more weeks!!
  • Fit_Fox88
    Fit_Fox88 Posts: 410 Member
    I'm currently doing it.. I had done it for about 4 weeks then the holidays came and I fell off the plan.. started back up 2 wks ago and got then sick but I'm getting back into it. I loved it! Easy to follow and I was seeing results after just 4 weeks. I don't follow her eating plan though.