Bride to be, need to lose 40 lbs

Hello all,

I'm 24 and want to lose 40 lbs for my upcoming wedding in May. I have used MFP in the past, but I have had problems sticking with it (lack of friends). This go around is my last chance to look and feel my best for my special day. I log regularly during the week, but sometimes struggle on the weekend. Looking for friends and motivation, let's do this together!


  • Hey hun!! I'm getting married God knows when totally dependent on when my partner can move to London but nevertheless I know my wedding is approaching in 2014! I'm currently working on losing the last few 3-5lbs but its a struggle. I've tried low calorie dieting (1000-1400 a day) and it left me irritable and fatigued and I lost no weight with it at all. Now I'm eating a higher amount of calories to support my daily expenditure and activities, build some lean muscle and 'tone up' :-) How many calories are you eating? I'm ranging between 1800-2000. Feel free to add me if you want!
  • Hiya!!! I am in the same boat as you my dear! I just got engaged at Christmas and we are looking to get married in October 2015! I have about 40 to 50 lb to lose, I would like to lose about 20lb before I even think about trying on dresses. I too have tried MFP in the past, but for the same reason as you, have had a difficult time sticking with it. Prehaps we can help each other out :)
  • Sounds good! I'll send u a friend request :) low calorie sucks. Gimme the food lol!!! I recently took a break from MFP because I was so sick of eating so little and not losing weight it was so counter-intuitive to me. Here's to doing it the right way!
  • pandabearlove105
    pandabearlove105 Posts: 10 Member
    @ healthybody, I'm currently eating 1270, but I might be adjusting that soon. (trying to figure out if the headaches are from stress or diet) Congrats on reaching your last 3-5 lbs, that's awesome!
    @kjconway, Congrats on your engagement! Trying on dresses can be a daunting task, I found mine a couple months ago. I tried it on in a bridal shop, then bought it online for cheaper, the only problem is, I cant get the last 3 inches of zipper to close. What was I thinking! My goal is to get it zipped and have extra room in 5 weeks. I'm thinking that I'll need to lose at least 10lbs to get it zipped.
  • neuro_nut
    neuro_nut Posts: 78 Member
    Hello beautiful brides to be! I'm also getting married this year... Aug or Sept, haven't settled on a date yet. I would love to lose about 20 lbs before then :)

    Feel free to add me! Maybe we could make a group to help motivate each other?
  • neuro_nut
    neuro_nut Posts: 78 Member
    I just did a quick search and found many groups for brides! If you want extra support, you could join one of them! (I'm going to)
  • Hi! Congratulations!! I just got married in September and lost about 20 lbs using MFP! I'm trying to keep my bridal body by eating about 1,200 calories per day and working out at least 3 times per week. The best advice I can give is to never deprive yourself of food but don't overeat either. I have trouble on the weekends too, so gave myself Sunday as a 'free day', but still tried to keep Saturday under control :-) Hope this helped a bit!
  • pandabearlove105
    pandabearlove105 Posts: 10 Member
    Katerz, how's the married life treating you :)? Do you have any problems with your caloric intake being so low? What was your intake when you were trying to lose?
  • Yellowbelly84
    Yellowbelly84 Posts: 33 Member
    Hi :-) I'm in the same situation, feel free to add me.
  • Hey guys. I signed up on MFP years ago and never used it. This time I'm back and committed to getting in shape. Currently I'm 153 and I'm looking to get down to 125 by July 5th. My wedding day! I'm engaged to the best guy in the world. He treats me like a queen. But I just can't stand being overweight anymore. Add me.
  • How long did it take to lose the weight? Did u use any specific programs?
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    You want to lose 40 pounds between the end of January and May? Unless you are very heavy, that is setting yourself up for defeat. Choose a more reasonable goal and consider sticking with it after the wedding. I know very few people, as in practically nobody, who set a date for weight loss and then sustained that lifestyle after the date passed.

    A good goal is 4-5 pounds a month. Better: have goals related to food and fitness and forget the pound and date goals.
  • Hi, I am also getting married. We have not settled on a date yet. I have problems with my weight. I can go from being 140 to 170 in two months if I eat what I want. I do not know how to stop eating so much. Sometimes I get really bored at work and I will just grab some snacks. I am on my journey to lose those 30 pounds before I get married. I have to look good in my wedding dress.
  • xBeKax
    xBeKax Posts: 24
    Hey :) im also getting married in 50 days!!! I would like to drop 10-15kg before then at least but it will be a struggle having so little time.

    Feel free to add me if you like :)
  • brenda5476
    brenda5476 Posts: 24 Member
    I know that people think you have to do 1200 cals a day but I am losing with 1520 cals and a bit of exercise. It may take longer but I will probably stick to this plan better.

    Good luck with the weight loss journey and hope you have a wonderful wedding.
  • pandabearlove105
    pandabearlove105 Posts: 10 Member
    If I'm feeling really hungry and having trouble controlling my portions, I drink a huge glass of water to fill up my stomach a bit. It really helps a lot. Sometimes we also mistake thirst for hunger. Grab a water, when you want to snack, and if you are still hungry after water, then have your snack! :-D
  • try not to cut the calories too much! you should aim for 100-200 calories below maintenance first, and see what happens. if you deprive your body too much it will not want to give up the stored fat you are working to get rid of. friend me if you want and ill take a look at your diary
  • sarawilgos1988
    sarawilgos1988 Posts: 11 Member
    I get married in June this year and looking to lose a stone lol!
  • pandabearlove105
    pandabearlove105 Posts: 10 Member
    try not to cut the calories too much! you should aim for 100-200 calories below maintenance first, and see what happens. if you deprive your body too much it will not want to give up the stored fat you are working to get rid of. friend me if you want and ill take a look at your diary

    I'm eating 1200 to 1300 right now because I'm not able to exercise just yet. I will be starting my fitness program on Monday and I will be bumping my calories up to 1400 to 1500. Back in 2012 I tried eating 1600 to 1700 without exercise and my body wouldn't let go of anything. I am also always adjusting my caloric intake to how I feel during the day. Feel free to look at my diary!
  • I'm getting married on August 2nd (my grandparents anniversary) that's why I joined too. I want to drop 50 lbs before the wedding. ultimately want to lose 100 or so. I work 3 jobs one of which is at a restaurant where they feed me :) lucky we have a salad bar. With being so busy and the temptation of fried food, pizza and other food a person watching what they eat shouldn't eat its hard, but it makes me plan my work meals. With my excising I'm allowed 3000 cals. a day but I try to keep it under 2000. I get plenty of food and am almost never hungry. I lost over 3 lbs in 3 days. I would love any friends that are up for a the wedding day goal line too.