Please help me win!

Good Afternoon All,

I have kept track on and off with MFP for over one year now (mostly off). I've definitely noticed that my greatest success occurs when I'm paying attention to what I eat and logging everything, no matter how small. Every year I tell myself that I'll make this year different, and sometimes I even make some progress! However, I always seem to fall into familiar patterns and end each year right where I started. I'm determined to make 2014 different, and I mean that. This is going to be a big year, moving to a new country over the summer, getting ready to chase after a baby who will be walking in a matter of weeks, and for these and other reasons I would truly like once and for all to break through the weight floor, attain my goal weight, and feel as good as I know I can!

...Which brings me to the subject line above; I have been gifted with a huge potential motivator in the form of an office-wide weight loss contest which runs from two days ago, 13 January, to 16 May. I don't know why, but any form of competition motivates me much more than making positive changes for their own sake (sad but true...I suppose that's human nature). Anyway, I'm really excited about committing to this contest, but I also feel that losing the weight in a steady and responsible manner while competing will teach me some important lessons about maintaining a healthy, sustainable weight for life.

Based on my current weight and some numbers I came up with based on activity level, metabolic rate, etc, I think it's realistic for me to be able to safely lose 36 pounds between now and May 16, so that's my goal. If I lose more, great! I'm not sure if 36 lbs. is enough to win first prize, but I would love to have a go, and also draw on as much help and support as possible along the way. That's where all of you come in! If you can help me to make this my best effort ever, I pledge to give back wherever I can with my own tips, encouragement, etc! And it goes without saying, if any of you have been struggling like me and would like to rekindle your weight loss programs and compete right along with me, start today! I would be happy for the company along the way.

Shall we get started?


  • Sounds like a great and feasible plan! Happy to support you along the way as part of my FL!
  • cardenalera
    cardenalera Posts: 18 Member
    Hi there! I would be glad to help you achieve your goals, I'll send you a friend request!
  • tinamariecleg
    tinamariecleg Posts: 99 Member
    Great motivator! If I worked in a bigger office I would do that too. Good luck, you can do it
  • weadoj
    weadoj Posts: 4
    Thanks all!! Let me say right off the bat, one of the most dangerous times for me is when I have between 300-400 calories left for the day and I can't think of a good, satisfying way to use them up. This has sabotaged me MANY many times, so I may ask for suggestions, on occasion!