What should I do?

I really want to start the c25k but I am having trouble with my heel as in the more I am on it the more it feels like the bone is going to come through the bottom of my foot. its a burning sharp lingering pain. My Dr. says it is because I lost 43 lb in a short amount of time and that I have lost the fat pad on the heel so now I am bruising the bone when I go bare foot . But after I get to goal weight and hormones get back to normal I should get it back. Should I wait or start the program I want this to aid in weight loss not get to goal and then run. ;~). Has any other runners dealt with this? Any advice anyone .


  • kALcyoum
    kALcyoum Posts: 8 Member
    I would see if you can do some stationary bike in the meantime to build up your lower body muscles, improve your cardio and keep up your overall fitness while your body/foot adjusts to the recent weight loss.

    The bike should allow you to get exercise in without having to make contact with the pedal with your heels.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    I would go to a specialty running store and get fitted for shoes and explain your issue- I bet they'll be able to find a shoe that can help you out.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    If you've seen a doctor, what did s/he say? You should follow whatever advice a doctor familiar with your problem advises. If they did not advise about running, then you should call and ask.