FT Mom, FT Job and 60lbs to lose

Hello everyone!

I'm looking for some accountability buddies :) I work full time and have a toddler and a husband who acts like a toddler. We are currently debating on having a second child and I want to get healthy for that reason on top of many other reasons. My goal is to lose 60 lbs but will probably end up pregnant before reaching my goal. At any rate, I want to get as fit as possible before that time comes. I'm in the cold and snowy Midwest so exercise is limited to indoors until it gets a little warmer out.

My biggest issue is motivation. I want this, I really do but between work and taking care of my family, the "me time" is minimal. Plus any time I do get to myself, I'm too tired to do anything (although maybe that's the weight talking).

So here I am, with every intention of logging in everyday and just looking for friendly, positive people who can help cheer me on, on good days and snap me out of my funk on my bad days.

Feel free to add me and good luck to all!


  • acmrshll
    acmrshll Posts: 4 Member
    added you!
  • Nimue108
    Nimue108 Posts: 110 Member
    I am also a Mom, I have a 4 year old and 2 year old and a 28 year old DH. I work full time and I am also a Roller Derby girl. I am always looking for positive friends and so if you would like to add me I am all up for it! Sometimes being a mom means using your kids as your workouts and they have fun with it too. Best of luck on gettign fit and on getting that second baby.
  • brandi712
    brandi712 Posts: 407 Member
    i added you too :smile:
  • DoriLuke
    DoriLuke Posts: 26 Member
    Welcome, and wishing you the best of luck! I am also a FT working mom/wife and have about 50 lbs to lose. I know how hard it is to fit exercise in, and being too wiped out at the end of the day to do it. I work full time, and have 5 kids still living at home, age 8-17. I can tel you one thing, its great you are looking to make a change now. I wish I had taken the time 10 or so years ago to make the changes in my lifestyle. There are lots of workouts you can do in your own home with no equipment and that don't take too long. Its just about starting. :) You can do this!
  • I know that if I really wanted to I could get up earlier in the morning to exercise. Unfortunately, Im not a morning person and that doesn't help at all! I have three kids and Im a single mom, so I completely undrstand what you are saying. The thing is, I think, is that we have to just bite the bullet and make time where ever we can. I may just have to become a morning person; who knows, I might become one!! Good Luck
  • DoriLuke
    DoriLuke Posts: 26 Member
    tishdutton - SAME here! Im not a morning person, and as much as I want to get up at 5 and go to the gym while the kids and DH are still asleep, I just haven't. I need to go in the evening, but the kids make that a challenge. Tonight Im solving that excuse by taking my 8 yr old with me to the Kids Club at the gym, and the teenagers can fend for themselves at home. It's time that everyone chips in more so that I can take the time to improve my health - it really benefits us all. :) They say if you really want something you make time, there is no such thing as too busy. At least I keep telling myself that! lol

  • I'm not a morning person either but think you are right. I guess I'll be setting my alarm for 4am tomorrow to get a workout in. Ugh, that just sounds rough but we got this!
  • ShannonBEarley
    ShannonBEarley Posts: 94 Member
    I will be your buddy! I am brand new to MFP and I am a FT Mom with a FT job too! My goal is 50 lbs, but I'll meet your 60! I hate mornings, I am not a morning person, but I am on day 8 of getting up around 6:00am to get 30 minutes in before the kids are up and it's time to get them ready for school. They are 5 & 2 so there is a lot of morning stuff to do in my house!

    If I can get through 3 weeks of getting up early and working out Monday - Friday I have promised myself a new pair of work shoes. Not crazy $, but a carrot to get me out of bed in the morning. They do say that it takes 3 weeks to create a habit, so that is my first mini-goal.

    Let me know how I can help you!
  • IsaacHudson
    IsaacHudson Posts: 33 Member
    I would say that as a full-time mother you are probably burning a ton of calories through incidental exercise. Which means you most likely don't need to add any more exercise. All you need to do is count your calories so you are at deficit and the weight will go.

    Good luck!
  • catherine190
    catherine190 Posts: 6 Member
    I am also a mom, although I work part time (30 hours per week) and I have 55 lbs to lose. I am wondering whether it is possible to do 3x10 minute periods of exercise or 2x15 minute. It may not be the best option for fast weight loss, but it could help the moms with small children to fit in a bit here and there while also improving their heart health and using up a few calories. And maybe more sustainable. Sometimes I find the idea of 30 minutes of exercise and getting up at 5:30 am to do it oppressive, while the idea of 10 minutes seems a lot easier, and then once I have started I can keep going for 15-20 minutes. Even if you think you will do 3x10 minute and only end up doing 20 minutes, it's better than nothing. For heart health, they say 150 minutes of good solid cardio per week, so that's 20 minutes per day. Another option to get the kids to do it with you, as someone else said. My kids really like the Wii fit 10 minute run or the Wii dance 2014, and it gives them some exercise too. not that it will get you 6 pack abs.

    But there is nothing better as a mom of young kids than to be able to take 1.5 hour away to go to the gym, exercise, sit in the sauna for 10 minutes and then come home and be the engaged, understanding, patient and consistent mom that we dream of being.
  • MissySpring
    MissySpring Posts: 442 Member
    Hi! Welcome to a healthier you! I am a mom/wife/chauffeur. ;) I homeschool my two youngest children...that's them climbing with me in my profile pic. I am always open to adding motivated pals. Feel free to add me.
  • linnys8
    linnys8 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi I am a mom of 4 and work part time. I am turning 30 tomorrow and need motivation to lose this baby weight. I had a baby in June and gained 75 pounds this pregnancy. I have 45 pounds of baby weight to lose and another 25 on that:( so about 70 pounds to lose. Looking for motivational people too:) will be logging in daily and starting with Jillian's 30 day shred. Good luck. We can do this.
  • Yeah! I'm so happy to see that I'm not alone! I'm a mom to 2 kids, I work full time, and my husband works nights. When I get home he leaves and my me time comes when the kids are in bed and I'm too tired and unmotivated to do any exercise. I would LOVE to lose 60 lbs, but right now my realistic goal is 30. I'd love to support and be supported by any of you! It's nice to have support from people in the same situation.
  • The out pour of support on this thread is unbelievable! Many of you brought tears to my eyes. I often feel alone on this journey as my husband has no interest in changing his eating and (lack of) exercising habits. But with all of you by my side I will actually succeed this time! Thank you so much for your support and kind words! We got this!!!!
  • I added you! I am just starting my journey today as well. I am a full-time mom of 4 kids (2 of my own and 2 step-children) and I work full time so I can relate to feeling like you have no time.
  • I am new too! Add me if you want! Also have 60 to go so lets do it together!!!
  • bnm1979
    bnm1979 Posts: 52 Member
    You sound like me, last year! You CAN DO THIS!!

    Y'all add me ????
    Wife and Mom of two beautiful girls, 6 & 2 plus work full time
    I have lost 60# and maintained for 3 months
    Now looking to lose 20+ more and tone up!