Starting OVER..... Who's with me?

I have had an innner struggle for the last few weeks, it's sad. Food has a hold on me. Lazyness grips me tightly. I had told myself that when I got to 140lbs that I would quit smoking. that was 2 months ago. Since then I hadn't lost a thing..... Self sabatoge. Maybe. Scared of quitting, scared I would fail, scared I would gain more than I weighed. Who knows-who cares. it's over. To combat this I've decided that-screw it. If I'm going to do this to myself, I will just quit now. This week I am limiting my cigs and as of the 21st of November, I'm done. Combination of fake cigs, patches and gum. I'll show me to sabatoges myself. Lesson learned. If I subconciously find a way to lie to myself, ruin myself----then I need to punish myself. BUT the great part about this is--It's really NOT a punishment. It's actually a reward. It'll be tough BUT I will actually be able to breathe. I won't cough during workouts and feel like I'm being strangled. I can't wait to feel better. I almost want to start this very second-BUT I don't want to go into shock. lol

Another thing. I have two little beings looking up to me. My Children. My daughter is so excited. I told her I was quitting and she hugged me and was so happy. She is 6. I figure, I'll do it now or have a smoking daughter at some point and that scares me!!!

SO I've said it a thousand times before but this time it's serious. No more excuses. Stop this smoking and then I won't have a reason NOT to exercise. I've been blaming it on the smoke. And the remodeling of my kitchen and everything else. I have to stop this and I'm realizing it more everyday. I think I've made a major breakthrough in the past few days as far as my thoughts and realizations.

I want to thank every single one of MFP buddies. I have so much love and support. I've never felt this important and worth it to people. Amazing.


  • willimh
    willimh Posts: 227 Member
    You can do it. I am with you all the way. START OVER AND BE TRUE TO THINE OWN SELF.
  • tanias11
    yayyyyyyy good for you! im so happpy for you; that've made this decision! be strong you know it'll all be worth it at the end :)
  • Sandeee
    Sandeee Posts: 53 Member
    I know its hard but my best piece of advice to just try to get through each minute at first, then 5 mins, then 10 and so on and so forth. I quit smoking 5 years ago and knock myself out while working out today. Good luck to you. Quitting smoking is so important for your kids too. Unfortunately, I did it too late and my son now smokes. You don't want that for you kids.
  • nubreeze33
    Well I know your struggle sis! I am 8 weeks smoke free and happy! You can do it, you have to first want to quit and everything will fall into place. Your children are a great motivation. You are giving up something that is harming you, so great job! You won't go into shock, you just might be a little grumpy. IT'S MIND OVER MATTER! I am 40 years old and have been smoking for half my life, and one day I just asked GOD to help me and I am smoke free. I know it's not an easy thought, and it's stressful just the thought of NOT doing something you've been used to doing but I promise every day gets easier and easier and I didn't use things to help me quit I just didn't buy anymore cigarettes and didn't make those people who smoke have to hide what they were doing. I needed to be in the presence of it all and know I was stronger than my head that said to pick one up and light it up. You can do this, just go in knowing it's going to be a challenge that it's not going to be easy and you will be just fine! I am in your corner rooting for ya! NAMASTE!
  • cnash81
    It is hard, but can be done. It's especially good to keep in mind the influence your smoking has on your kids. Any time you want to smoke, think of the long term effects it could have on the kids. My husband and I just quit on Oct. 7. It was a birthday present for our daughter's second birthday. Making it a birthday present for her, gave us more determination not to screw it up. We both quit cold turkey and already feel so much better. Plus, think of all the money you'll save.
  • grogers421
    grogers421 Posts: 24 Member
    Hang in there, I know you can do it. I quit smoking 21 days ago. I started quitting 2 months ago, by gradually reducing the numer of cigarettes every day. I did not use the patch, I just used a real strong cinnamon flavored sugar free gum. It made my mouth tingle, and it was a enough to help me put off having a smoke. The first week was very hard, I had the jitters and didn't know what to do with my hands. I also avoided any place that I normally smoked. One of the most interesting things to me has been, I never realized just how strong the smell of cigarettes can be. I thought stepping outside to smoke and then returning inside that people would not notice. I can now smell a smoker from ten feet away. I smell the people smoking in the car in front of me at a stop light.
    Just an interesting sidenote.

    I wish you the best of luck and will keep my fingers crossed. The reason we join these boards is that we don't have to try and do this all by ourselves.
  • TheNewJessieMae
    Thank you all so very much!!!
    I want this, I want this bad. I always told myself, well I don't smoke that much (10-15 per day) but since I started working out I cant breathe. My mom smokes about 3-4 PACKS A DAY!!! Even at 10-15 per day, I am no better than her. I know she won't quit, but hopefully I can be of some sort of inspiration to her. And I hope my daughters sees my struggles, so that she can learn from it.
  • qtwells82
    Hun you can do this! I use to smoke like crazy...i quit and started up many times. Its been a little over a year since i truly gave it up. YOU CAN DO IT! Yes its going to be hard but so are many things we so desire. Whenever you start craving for one, remember how proud your kids will be and how proud of yourself you will be for not giving in. Dont look down at the situation, be excited to start this NEW part of your life! :)
    Be proud of yourself...i am proud of you for commiting yourself!
  • TheNewJessieMae
    OHHH and I'm almost 29 years old and I can say I've been smoking for almost 20 years. Yeah that's right, My babysitter taught me how when I was 9 years old.
  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
    Jess you've so got this! You have the right attitude and the right motivation to give this a kick once and for all. We're all behind you every step of the way. :flowerforyou:
  • Ravyn1982
    Ravyn1982 Posts: 225 Member
    Jess you've so got this! You have the right attitude and the right motivation to give this a kick once and for all. We're all behind you every step of the way. :flowerforyou:

    DITTO:bigsmile: :heart:
  • TheNewJessieMae
    Thank you guys!!!