Is the first week of a diet always the hardest

Ugh I am already to give up.. Just out of no where I start these stupid cravings..:mad: :explode:


  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    If you have cravings, fit them into your calorie goal and eat them. You don't have to be miserable.

    I eat ice cream practically every night. Works good for me. :)
  • KateK8LoseW8
    KateK8LoseW8 Posts: 824 Member
    If you're feeling this way, you're probably depriving yourself too much. Treats are fine in moderation! As long as it fits in your calorie goal, it's fine to eat it. Also if you are very hungry, you may have your calorie intake set too low.
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    Usually week 3 is the hardest. Week 1 is mentally hard but the 'excitement' of wanting change often helps. I agree, are you eating Enough? Are you allowing anything that you are use too? Changing too much at once usually causes failure because people freak out.

    Small LIFESTYLE Changes!!!!!!
  • ken_m
    ken_m Posts: 128
    I agree with the cupcake.

    I always leave room for a pint of ice cream at the end of the day and rarely crave other stuff.
  • wellygogs1
    wellygogs1 Posts: 4 Member
    I think the first week can be the hardest,changing habits and feeling hungry as par for the course. I drink water and try to find things to do around the house,or go for a walk,anything to take your mind off snacking. Good luck, it will pass
  • Danilynn1975
    Danilynn1975 Posts: 294 Member
    somewhere around day 280 I doubted my sanity still existed. sitting here at day 500 something I wonder about a lot of the things I went through and did.

    It wasn't that the food was hard or the I want this was hard, a lot of it was dealing with real life while balancing the other.

    I have found though that for me, I can do this. I have proved I can do this through birthdays, Christmas, Halloween, and Thanksgiving. I can do this through work stress, I can do this through date nights, I can do it on weekends.

    I can barely hang on and do the best I can while dealing with terminally ill family members, long days spent sitting in hospitals. I can do this through grief (ok, not well or balanced).

    Mostly it's admitting you aren't perfect, life isn't always neat and tidy and the best of well planned days can go sideways quickly.

    My point now that I have rambled is this, you can do this and no one week is harder than you make it.
  • I've been yo-yo dieting for years and I find the first week to be one of the easier weeks. I've usually got a bit of motivation and by the end of it I usually lose a lot more than the average week. Its a few weeks on I find that I start to struggle, then sometimes lose the motivation completely.

    This is my first week back on MFP - last week for me I felt almost constantly tired, and since trying to go the extra mile (quite literally) by going for a walk at lunchtime I already feel that I've got more energy and I'm sleeping better. This too along with support from on here has helped keep me motivated.
  • tatd_820
    tatd_820 Posts: 573 Member
    Week 1 was like torture for me. When you're used to eating anything and everything and not even thinking about what you're putting in your mouth and you change that to BAM, I cant eat all that garbage is a huge adjustment. Mentally challenging, mostly. Make it through the week...and then tackle each day as a fresh start. If you mess up, make tomorrow better!
  • rexroars
    rexroars Posts: 131 Member
    a lot of people are going to say this, but its really important that you don't think of it as a "diet"
    if you eat very very little for a while and lose weight, if you go back to "normal" you'll gain it all back! you need to change things FOREVER which means that you still should go over MFP's allowed calories sometimes, but MOST of the time FOREVER you need to eat more healthy than not. it might be slower weight loss but you won't be as likely to give up and it will last as long as you want :)
  • Paindoesnthurt
    Paindoesnthurt Posts: 51 Member
    The beginning is always the hardest for people. You've been treating yourself for years and its natural that your body would respond by saying "let's just give up and eat the junk" after all, it's easy to right? Just remember that it WILL get easier, your body adapts, and adapting takes time, and it is HARD. You, however do want to better you life and thus came on this board, dove head in to do this lifestyle change so you just have to tell every single thought that comes to you that you should reach to go *expletive* themselves.

    Trust me! You'll get used to it! Soilder on!