Totally New to all of this and absolutely NO Willpower!



  • schwitzbrah
    what do you want us to say?

    you go girl!


    now get busy.
  • outlandish30
    outlandish30 Posts: 21 Member
    The willpower will come. I had none and before this site I lost 80 pounds on my own. It is hard but you have to give it your all.
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,676 Member
    You just have to start where you are. It comes after a while. Do the best you can and keep PERSISTING.
  • DeedeeSloop
    DeedeeSloop Posts: 5 Member
    I'm in the same boat!! No willpower at all! :ohwell:
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    Truly hope this doesn't sound harsh but if you are having that much of an issue with willpower I would possibly see a counselor and/or postpone the serious weight loss effort until you are feeling more ready. I say that lovingly, please understand. If I had joined this site in my late 20s I would not have been ready at all and would have felt deprived every day and sabotaged myself.
  • Shynique37
    Shynique37 Posts: 66 Member
    YES you have willpower. Don't speak negatively. Imagine how bad you want to become healthier for you and your family. Imagine how you will feel when the clothes start falling off of you. Imagine the tears that will come when you say " I did it!" Don't give up before you start. Stay in the race.
  • HSokol
    HSokol Posts: 67 Member
    what do you want us to say?

    you go girl!


    now get busy.

    I have to agree especially since you didnt even have enough will power to write an actual post. What actually helped me was personally getting tired of all the excuses I had made up over the years since I had finally run out of them; at least any good ones. I had spent so much time being sick (NWR) that I was just done. Here's one good thing to do to put things in perspective for you, start weighing out and measuring your food. You will start to see how much crap you put into your body vs actually nutritionally dense foods. You will also start to see how much better you will feel once you start eating right. You really just have to start doing it and stop looking for a reason to make you do it.
  • bwogilvie
    bwogilvie Posts: 2,130 Member
    Well, if you have "absolutely NO willpower" you're not going to achieve anything, are you? So why are you here?

    If you want motivation, though: make two lists. On list #1, put all the reasons you have to lose weight and get fit. On list #2, put all the reasons that you have to not change anything. Compare the two lists. If list #1 is more compelling than list #2, then think about how to do what's on list #1.
  • lacapone
    I did write an actual post, quite a long one....but deleted it after the first reply was "What do you want us to say?' I had asked for tips for motivation and willpower.....I guess I wasn't expecting the first response to my first posting to be that! So I decided that maybe the forum wasn't for me.

    But seeing as there are some decent people on this board that still responded even when I had deleted the post maybe the forum can be some help.

    As for not having Willpower and all the negative comments.....I don't think you would be on this site and dieting if you all had perfect willpower....try not to judge people so harshly.
  • karokaroline
    What worked for me is not liking the feeling of tight clothing or looking back at photos when I was thinner, I said to myself I want a healthier version of me, not perfection but just to feel happy with how I look. You have to find it within yourself, good luck
  • Fit4_Life
    Fit4_Life Posts: 828 Member
    Take small steps. 10 minutes of walking and gradually add more minutes to your walk. Climb stairs, join a fitness program..etc. Drink lots of H2O. If you want to do need to push YOURSELF. Nobody can do it for you. The hardest step is taking that first step. So, get out there and push yourself! :bigsmile:
  • sargessexyone
    sargessexyone Posts: 494 Member
    Willpower can be very tricky. Sometimes you have it sometimes you don't. The important thing is to make the most of it when you do have it and don't beat yourself up when you don't. I have a quote pinned to my motivational board on pintrest that says "Strength doesn't come from what you can do, it comes from overcoming the things you once thought you couldn't." Nobody said it will be easy but it will definitely be worth. So you keep going and one day you will wake up, look in the mirror and I did it!!!
  • lacapone
    I did write an actual post, quite a long one....but deleted it after the first reply was "What do you want us to say?' I had asked for tips for motivation and willpower.....I guess I wasn't expecting the first response to my first posting to be that! So I decided that maybe the forum wasn't for me.

    But seeing as there are some decent people on this board that still responded even when I had deleted the post maybe the forum can be some help.

    As for not having Willpower and all the negative comments.....I don't think you would be on this site and dieting if you all had perfect willpower....try not to judge people so harshly.
  • irenehb
    irenehb Posts: 236 Member
    Many of us feel we do not have willpower, and even when we do it usually is short-lived.
    But just take it a day at a time, some days are easier than others but don't let an over-eating day turn into an over-eating week/month/year/decade.
    Discipline is what will keep you going in the long term, not willpower.
    For me, the changing point came when I realised I am only in my mid 40s but I feel like I am 70, just had no energy to do anything literally. I actually started working on my fitness before my fatness but pretty much that followed (watching dietary intake) within a week or 2. Looking good and feeling good are important to me, so that drives me on.
    By the way the forum is only a small part of this site, I read the forum a ton but barely ever comment. The food diary, exercise entries and the reports are ultimately what keeps me here.
  • Sharon_C
    Sharon_C Posts: 2,132 Member
    We can't give you the willpower. It has to come from within.

    What we can do is give you advice on eating and exercise and all the other things that go with losing weight. But willpower? No.

    Eventually you will hate how you look more than you want that piece of cake. Eventually you will hate how you feel more than you don't want to get off the couch and walk around the block or go to the gym.

    Everyone here has hit their rock bottom. Once you hit yours you will have the willpower.
  • Miffylou
    Miffylou Posts: 307 Member
    You need to work out why you don't have the Will power and then change things to make yourself have the Will power.

    Work out what and why you want to change.

    Do you want to lose weight?
    Do you want to exercise more?
    Do you want to feel good in yourself?
    Do you want to shop for clothes and be able to pick anything you want?
    Do you want to feel more confident?

    Or do you want to stay the way you are?

    You will get all the motivation you need on here but in the end you are the only one that can help yourself.

    Changing your lifestyle doesn't need to happen overnight. It's all a learning game but it can be done.