
does anyone do swimming alone for fitness, and do you find this is enough? I have a pool in my backyard, and a free gym membership. I'd prefer to just swim if can Iose wieght this way, as it's so hot at the moment in Australia. I'm planning on swimming 30-45 mins a day (slow stroke) 5 days per week


  • Smashley1947
    Swimming can give you a full body workout, plus cardio.

    However it is not my only fitness activity. I also weightlift, do cardio and other physical activities.
  • karliekar
    karliekar Posts: 4 Member
    I'm trying to get more into swimming because it feels really good :). Like ashleydupon I lift and and also play basketball but I've seen some pool workouts online that look like they could be enough, but it all depends on what you're fitness goals are (what do you want to achieve).
  • sarahslim100
    sarahslim100 Posts: 485 Member
    ok thanks. I want to get stronger arms
  • Smashley1947
    I try to swim every weekday, and I am joining a masters swim class to increase my endurance.

    I have noticed an increased strength in my forearms, works the shoulders as well. But I still do weights for arm strength.
  • _EndGame_
    _EndGame_ Posts: 770 Member
    I swim everyday when I can, including weekends. During the week, I go at night and try to spend at least an hour in the pool.

    I aim to swim just over a mile (70 lengths) and I usually do that in or around the 55 minute mark. According to my heart rate monitor, that burns off between 500-600 calories, depending on how hard I go.

    Swimming is great! I've been doing it for 6 months now, and I have lost a considerable amount of weight, plus it's toned by back, shoulders and arms up.
  • jeffiejohn

    Your weight lose counter looks amazing :)

    So, did you do any other exercises/workouts along, or was it just swimming?
  • soldiergrl_101
    soldiergrl_101 Posts: 2,205 Member
    I lost 30lbs off of swimming and diet alone, but I was swimming for 60min at a time and would make the workouts as intense as i could. Once I lost the first 30lbs I was able to incorporate other exercise to change it up but swimming is still my go to. Underwater Ipods and FirBits have helped as well