is cardio bad for you

Basically sinces my childhood i've been around 25% but sinces ive started training a year ago i've dropped from 115 kg and weigh 75 atm but my question is is cardio bad for you i aim to burn 600 cal a day but i get in my protien income i eat clean etc etc but i dont want to lose my mass but i have lower bellly fat and love handles people in the gym says im skinny when i know im skinny fat they are telling me to stick to weights. what do i do also im on a daily deficit of 1000 kcal a day nearly


  • Maaike84
    Maaike84 Posts: 211 Member
    ooh, in for this discussion. But to answer the question, cardio is not bad for you, it just might not be suitable for the specific goal you are trying to attain. If you are trying mainly to change our body composition, lifting is probably more suitable.
  • I train on a empty stomach after every lifting session i jump on the tread mil for an hour not to intense not to light. i try lift heavy *kitten* weights but the lower abs and the love handles needs to go thats why i think cardio would help me but people are saying im skinny i shouldnt lose more weight etc its confusing!
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    no it's not bad for you...makes your heart healthy...but it's blecky...

    but yes definately hit the weights...without those and adequate protien you are losing muscle mass along with fat.

    lower bf comes from Diet....all the exercise in the world cannot outrun a bad pun intended.
  • shell13b
    shell13b Posts: 55 Member
    Cardio is never bad...but you may need more weights than cardio. And NEVER train on an empty stomach!!!
  • LishieFruit89
    LishieFruit89 Posts: 1,956 Member
    I train on a empty stomach after every lifting session i jump on the tread mil for an hour not to intense not to light. i try lift heavy *kitten* weights but the lower abs and the love handles needs to go thats why i think cardio would help me but people are saying im skinny i shouldnt lose more weight etc its confusing!

    At this point, it's about diet. Rein in your diet and lower your body fat.
    Progressive strength training will do you far more good than cardio.
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    And NEVER train on an empty stomach!!!
    Why? I do all the time.
  • LishieFruit89
    LishieFruit89 Posts: 1,956 Member
    Cardio is never bad...but you may need more weights than cardio. And NEVER train on an empty stomach!!!

    Please tell me why!?

    I got up at 430am this morning and head to the gym.
    10 min of the elliptical.
    1 hour of weights and stretching.

    It's now 8:04am, I still haven't eaten.
  • I always train on a empty stomach just take my pills like caffeine tablets green tea fish oil etc when im driving to the gym im probably scream singing to a song. but yeah guys thanks for that i should stick to cardio for a while then slowly reduce the time for cardio from an hour drop to 40 mins etc i guess
  • joannadalina
    joannadalina Posts: 112 Member
    Never train on an empty stomach?

    I have too. I mean I may have a glass of milk or a little of yogurt, but I can't eat like an actual meal or my stomach will get upset, especially if I am doing cardio.

    Best of luck :)
  • Never train on an empty stomach?

    I have too. I mean I may have a glass of milk or a little of yogurt, but I can't eat like an actual meal or my stomach will get upset, especially if I am doing cardio.

    Best of luck :)

    tottaly agree but sometimes you do feel abit fuzzy in the gym thats only sometimes :D
  • SwankyTomato
    SwankyTomato Posts: 442 Member
    I love cardio. Good for the heart for sure.

    Now I want to address the dreaded "belly fat". I started a Pilates class and the instructor stated it is from a weak core and basically your transverse abdominal muscle is no longer supporting your body well.

    Do some research into how to exercise your core and that part of your body. I do recommend taking a class from someone who knows what they are doing. It is not easy and you do NOT want to injure your back. Learning proper technique is critical.
  • doglover1984
    doglover1984 Posts: 54 Member
    I always do my workout on an empty stomach, I'm in it for weight loss but my husband is in it for muscle gain, and he usually ends his workout with 15mins of cardio ( usually the treadmill ) . A really good move that I have learnt for the mid section is the russian twist, it works your core like crazy. Maybe you just need to find some different moves. Good luck.
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    cardio is fine. if you're trying to build muscle and get bigger just don't overdo it.
  • saradord
    saradord Posts: 129
    And NEVER train on an empty stomach!!!
    Why? I do all the time.

  • cardio is fine. if you're trying to build muscle and get bigger just don't overdo it.
    what will be over doing it i mean i do cardio after weights which is an hour on the week ends i drop it down to 30 mins but as i said not to intense not to light but i get a lot of sweat is that over doing it
  • xenl
    xenl Posts: 46 Member
    And NEVER train on an empty stomach!!!

    ... The military is very fond of having people train on an empty stomach. PT is usually done before breakfast. Work out and then you eat. That said, I personally prefer to have something to eat and then workout about an hour or two later.
  • lrmall01
    lrmall01 Posts: 377 Member
    It depends a little on what you call cardio. Certainly spending some time on a treadmill isn't bad for you. There is some thought though that an excessive amount of steady state cardio, such as marathon running, can have negative effects long term. For example, see:

    However, nearly everything in life has some downsides, so don't use that study as an excuse to not do cardio.

    IMHO, any decent routine should have both.

    Good luck!
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    No cardio won't hurt your muscle mass - I combined long distance cycling with weight training successfuly, frequently 6 - 8 hours of cardio a week.
    There is absolutely no need for you to cut back on what is already a moderate amount. Excessive calorie deficit or a poor diet might lose your muscle mass but not exercise.