New young mommy.

Hi I'm 19 and im single mom to an amazing 11month old son. im living at home with my ma and pa going to online school fulltime. ive struggled with my weight since i was a kid and finally think im ready to lose it and get back to dating. if anyone wants to be my friedn that would be great for me. thank u


  • BughaBear
    Welcome this place is very helpful and I hope it helps u out in less then a wk bein on here I have lost 4 lbs this is my second wk here. The poeple here r great and encourage u when needed hope it works for u!!
  • LilMomee
    Thanks i hope so to.
  • Vivx
    Vivx Posts: 121
    hey lilmomee
    my names vivienne from scotland
    i am a yung mum of 19 with a 18 month old daughter !
    losing weight after having a newborn is hard work as u will know !
    if u need anything mail me xxx
  • AmandaR910
    Welcome! I'm a mom too (35 weeks pregnant, have a 12.5 month old and 26 month old). I'll send you a friend request.

    Good luck with your loss!
  • Anna19911
    Hello! I'm also 19 and have a 5 month old little boy :) I live at home with my mom and i'm taking 2 classes online. So we are in the same situation! Good luck on your weight loss!