Spring / Summer Challenge UK



  • Hope to get in the swing of it in 2014. Need to shed a load to get back some of lost me..... Will be startin an exercise program and need to cut down on the snacks.. Wish me luck girls.
  • lloulabell
    lloulabell Posts: 2 Member
    Hi im in uk would love to join you all ..
    Have loads to lose
    please add me
  • I would love to join. Need to get healthy fitter me back. Over a stone to lose :smile: feel free to add as a friend1st time on the community and hope support will help
  • DECAFLiving
    DECAFLiving Posts: 31 Member
    Also based in the UK - so anyone feel free to add me as a friend - I'm metric (kg) though so don't let that put you off! :-)

    Happy to motivate and be motivated!
  • Hey all, I followed everything perfectly towards the end of summer, ended up changing jobs and had a busy December so everything has went belly up, literally! Stood on the scales this morning and am heavier than when I started :( So getting back into it (after tonight!), and hopefully will be where I want to be eventually!

    Good luck to everyone!!!
  • Tomorrow's the big day a New Year for all of us to chase our dreams and make them come true. I’ve always yearned to love the body I was born in and not feel so helpless against overeating and the weight gain roller coaster... I need to join this group for support and motivation to make a change for the better. While I know it's on me to stay on track and make this happen it scares the living poop out of me. Happiness is so hard to obtain when you have mental and physical obstacles in your way, but people do it every day and that my friends is hope... Cheers and god bless and please keep me accountable :flowerforyou:
  • Well I had my total hysterectomy as planned on the 8th. Still a little sore. I have been eating healthily since then. How have you all been?
  • Reagan89
    Reagan89 Posts: 40 Member
    Hiya I'm in, I live in the u.k and would like to lose around a stone. Add me please.