Support please!? :/

Ok sooo....
I feel really awkward asking you all these questions, but I need the encouragement.

1) I need to lose 40lbs to hit my goal weight. I'm always nervous about having flabby skin later on (I haven't even lost 5lbs yet!!!!!!) and I'm always jittery when it comes to food, and then I end up binging and hating myself and it's an endless cycle. Basically I'm just not managing my food properly and I'm starting to think I just can't do it....!! :(

2) I'm having a hard time getting my butt off the chair/bed/whatever I'm sitting on and working out. I love the actual workout, but getting off is the hard part for me. What do you guys do to get yourself to workout?

3) I start off the week with a great intention and plan and yada yada yada, but by Wednesday or Thursday everything is screwed up and ruined. Any tips on maintaining the positive energy I lose...!?

School starts on Monday for me, so I'm even more nervous I'm gonna fall and gain even more.
I'm sorry about the rant- I just need some tips and help right now :)


  • blbinek1
    blbinek1 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi, I have decided that this year I really need to make lot of changes for many reasons. I have been married for 14 years am, am 48 year old with a demanding job. My marriage is not altogether happy, in fact I can just about count recent happy times on one hand. I have struggled with my weight for long time, currently needing to loose 33 pounds which may not sound like a lot to some, it's such a battle for me. I am quite lazy when it comes to exercise, needing motivation from above. Due to my location, living in the Oz outback, I am feeling very lonely lot of the time, which has makes my weight loss journey more difficult . Apart from my full time job as a CEO of an Aboriginal Community I am trying to complete my MBA. I would love to connect with anyone out there not only for motivation but also friendship .