intense workout=dizzy,clammy, shakey spell???

I started this journey on Sept 1st because I was diagnosed with "pre diabetes" My blood sugars have been totally normal since getting back on track! Not sure whats going on now! I woke up clammy, shaky and super dizzy! I did have a very difficult workout today so I don't know if I am just exhausted or my blood sugar is low or what! I cant check it because I ran out of strips for my meter and didn't see any reason to by more! HAS THIS EVER HAPPEN TO ANY OF YOU AFTER A PARTICULARLY INTENSE WORKOUT? kinda worried! Thinking about waking my husband up!


  • After an intense workout, I definitely feel like that too, accompanied by a wave of nausea. Eating something small that has sugar, like a piece of fruit, normally helps me quite a bit to get my blood sugar back to a normal level.
  • Thank you for your input! I have never felt this badly! I had 1600 calories in today and probably burned 600 in my workout so I bet it is a low blood sugar. I just gulped a protein shake .......I am not as shaky but still dizzy. I had actually just dozed off. Lesson learned. I need to be more careful. I have also had 3 sessions with my trainer in 4 days so maybe I just need to rest tomorrow?
  • csk0018
    csk0018 Posts: 219 Member
    I had to leave one of my classes at the gym 30 minutes in because I felt dizzy, clammy and shaky... it was a day where I didn't eat much before heading to work out. I won't ever do that again. It was scary.
  • sjmitchner
    sjmitchner Posts: 121 Member
    I experienced this when I pushed back lunch to fit in my run. I could barely drive and was feeling very sick by the time I got food. I haven't had this since. I just make sure to eat about 1 or 2 hours before hand, and I usually have a healthy snack after. If it happens often, be sure to get checked out by your doc!
  • jennyjcss
    jennyjcss Posts: 439 Member
    Dont over-do workout.. If you feel your hands slightly shaking have to consume sweet drinks & quick easy to digest food (crackers) due to hunger a day or two, go accordingly to your pace...slowly increase the intensity & resistance of your workout.

    I ever had a hard time breathing, my throat felt constricted..Its due to not enough oxygen to supply our body system, as per my physiotherapist.
  • maybeazure
    maybeazure Posts: 301 Member
    That's happened to me before. I bet it is a low blood sugar episode. My husband, who is diabetic, gets them sometimes if he doesn't eat enough before exercising, or if he takes too much insulin. I used to have them, but since I've been exercising regularly I don't get them anymore.

    You might consider having a ready supply of some kind of sugar in case it happens again. Sugar works fastest if it isn't mixed with something like protein or fat. So a chocolate bar isn't as good as a glass of orange juice, unfortunately.
  • LunaGreen
    LunaGreen Posts: 118 Member
    After an intense workout, I definitely feel like that too, accompanied by a wave of nausea. Eating something small that has sugar, like a piece of fruit, normally helps me quite a bit to get my blood sugar back to a normal level.
    I agree, However if you have existing health issues I hesitate to give advise and think your doctor may be more suitable than I to offer suggestions. Although, I have experienced this when working out in extreme heat (I live in phoenix, I'm talking running outdoors in the summer) I am also not a fan of protein shakes as I do workout DVDs and what I would consider light cardio; no need for more protein then i can eat... I can suggest a meal of ACTUAL and REAL food, add me and take a look at my diary, I'd love to know more about how your trainer is working for you too as I have contemplated getting one myself!
  • Do you have a glucometer? It is a machine to check your blood sugar. Sounds like you may have bottomed out, a hypoglycemic episode. Low blood sugars. If you do not have a machine, you may need to get one.
    Since I lost my weight, I have that every once in awhile. Do you remember what you ate before and after your exercise?
    about 4 ounces of Juice or fruit is good, then follow up peanut butter crackers.
    If this continues, I think you may want to see your doctor, just to be on the safe side.
  • Thank you all for your input, suggestions and kind words!

    To Miss Luna, I do cardio as a warm up usually on the elliptical on 11-12 resistance for 10+ minutes and burn 170-200 calories. Then we do circuit training. It varies everytime, my trainer never really has me do the same workout twice! She says it is good to change things up and trick your body!

    Today we did lower weights but higher reps. Its a full body workout. We did tricep lap pull downs , squats with weights, sumo squats with weights, lunges with weights, jack knifes with the medicine ball, planks on my elbows, power tower with knee raises (SUPER HARD) burpees, inchworms, sit ups with medicine ball.....I know I am missing some things but we generally do 3 sets of each exercise.

    Having a trainer is awesome! She gives ne homework on my days off. I generally only take sundays off from exercise. I have only lost 28 lbs since I started with her but I have gained some major muscle!

    She likes me to drink protein shakes after my workouts. I do not really like meat and have a hard time getting enough protein so that's why she recommended the shakes.

    I am feeling so much better so I am positive it was a low blood sugar! That was super scary!!!!!

    I will send u a friend request! I would love any input I can get!
  • Definately a Rapid Drop in Blood Sugar. Take it from a true Hypoglycemic, always eat around 300 calories, as part of your daily goal, 30-60 min before doing anything INTENSE. At least, that's what keeps me from getting to that point. And, more importantly, if you start to feel ANY sort of indication of that same feeling, address it immediatly. Because once you start noticing that shakey feeling, you only have a short time before you feel like complete dookey.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Definately a Rapid Drop in Blood Sugar. Take it from a true Hypoglycemic, always eat around 300 calories, as part of your daily goal, 30-60 min before doing anything INTENSE. At least, that's what keeps me from getting to that point. And, more importantly, if you start to feel ANY sort of indication of that same feeling, address it immediatly. Because once you start noticing that shakey feeling, you only have a short time before you feel like complete dookey.

    This is true for me as well.
  • This happens to me too when I have an intense workout (which is almost always! lol). I have to make sure to eat something about 30 mins to an hour before the gym, drink a shake after my workout (protein, oats, and honey), and a meal about an hour after my shake. Sometimes I have to eat a meal sooner. I will start getting a headache and feeling sick and grouchy and nauseous. When I notice the signals I go eat some carbs asap and I'm fine in a few minutes (or longer depending on how long I went before I recognized what was happening).
  • benefiting
    benefiting Posts: 795 Member
    My sisters hand was shaking intensely when she overworked herself the other day. I wouldn't push yourself that far if you feel like that! Remember, safety over everything else.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    After an intense workout, I definitely feel like that too, accompanied by a wave of nausea. Eating something small that has sugar, like a piece of fruit, normally helps me quite a bit to get my blood sugar back to a normal level.

    Same here. I have post-workout hypoglycemia and I can be nauseous with a headache for hours. And then since I don't want to eat, the problem doesn't get better. What I've started doing is either drinking half a glass of juice or taking some glucose tablets right after I finish to keep my blood sugar up.
  • Kriistabell
    Kriistabell Posts: 181 Member
    I don't even have any health problems and that happens to me. Not often, I think it depends on the day based on what I've eaten, how many grams carbs and fats I've eaten, how much sleep I've gotten... if I just lost a weeks worth of blood after a friendly visit from aunt dot. I think they all contribute. Its definitely a scary feeling. I've always wondered if I might be slightly hypoglycemic because of that and the fact that I feel like death without carbs and carbs make me feel like a new person. I dunno what I'm talking about really lol this is just my experience and thoughts. I hope you're alright, be careful.
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    just eat some carbs if you start feeling weak. I am T1 diabetic 28 years.
  • After an intense workout, I definitely feel like that too, accompanied by a wave of nausea. Eating something small that has sugar, like a piece of fruit, normally helps me quite a bit to get my blood sugar back to a normal level.

    Same here. I have post-workout hypoglycemia and I can be nauseous with a headache for hours. And then since I don't want to eat, the problem doesn't get better. What I've started doing is either drinking half a glass of juice or taking some glucose tablets right after I finish to keep my blood sugar up.

    +1 on the Glucose Tablets. Will provide rapid relief, but, you'll still need to get something in your system that will dissapte over a longer period afterwards.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    Not all the time, but sometimes this does happen to me. I have low blood pressure episodes sometimes. After lifting weights I can feel pretty shaky and lacking in my usual coordination. Even my voice feels shaky when I speak. I need to eat food before and after working out.