T25 modified workouts-effective?

If I do JUST the modified workouts every single day will I still get dramatic results? I know it won't be the exact same as if I were to do the moves with higher intensity, but would it still deliver noticeable results? I'm not saying I'm gonna do that, but I'm just wondering lol...


  • rolemodel69
    Yes it will give you results. Your goal would be to do the modified moves until you can start using the regular moves in the workouts. If you improve, that means you are making progress.

    Just getting off the couch and doing the workouts is already progress. If you can only do the modified moves, do them! Over time your fitness level will improve and you will be able to do more advances moves. You are still burning the same amount of calories with modified moves if you really push yourself.

    Just wanna add that if your goal is to lose weight, make sure your nutrition is clean and you are not eating too much. 80% of the results come from nutrition!
  • bellefille
    bellefille Posts: 50 Member
    If I do JUST the modified workouts every single day will I still get dramatic results? I know it won't be the exact same as if I were to do the moves with higher intensity, but would it still deliver noticeable results? I'm not saying I'm gonna do that, but I'm just wondering lol...

    I am just recovering from knee and ankle issues which meant that I have not really been able to workout for the better part of the last year. I cannot do high impact activities for now.

    I started doing the T25 workout this week and I have been sticking to the modified workouts. It is too soon to say what my results will be, but I can tell you that I am getting a real workout and I have lost 2.5 pounds since Saturday.

    I have never sweated as much during a workout as I am doing with this one.
  • amyjonez
    amyjonez Posts: 6 Member
    does anyone know if the modified version would be ok to start for someone with a lower herniated disk. My doctor says I really need some core strengthening and just to be careful not to take up really high impact like running. He said walking and the elliptical are fine, but I want to get a little more cardio in besides that and I have wanted to do this for awhile before the back problem....From what I saw it didn't look like they jump around as much in the modified as the regular right?
  • lynleeg88
    lynleeg88 Posts: 104 Member
    I too just started on Monday. I love it! And I'm also doing modified. Not all the time, but on anything too much for my knees I do. And today's workouts had a lot of planks. I just wasn't strong enough.

    Amyjonez, I think *most* of what I've seen you should be fine if you stick to modified. However, the Ab workout I could see being a problem as there is little modified and it requires things I think would hurt your back.
  • aquarabbit
    aquarabbit Posts: 1,622 Member
    Because of a bad knee, I chose to do ALL low impact modifications even though I might be able to do some of the jumps. I'd rather be safe than sorry! I'm on my 4 week and have lost about 3 inches total and almost 4 lbs. Which for my 5'2" frame is a lot. So I would say yes! You can still get great results. Remember that most of weight loss is diet anyways, so really watch out for that. But what I find with the modifications, is that it's all about what you put in, rather than just what you're doing. So I try to do an extended stretch after the workouts (about 10 minutes total) to make sure I have great range of motion, which helps me be able to really push hard when you're doing, say, knee lifts or kicks. I also started using weight gloves to add an extra challenge. Oh boy do those things help you get sweaty fast. But I think the most important thing when you are doing low impact is to try and aim for high energy. At least that's my opinion on it. And it's working ok for me!