
HI have PCOS and have been given metaformin by my doctor.

Has anyone found this helps with weight loss or falling pregenant



  • SlimSonic
    SlimSonic Posts: 127 Member

    sorry to say that I find metformin a B*+ch! It's a steroid and allegedly stops you feeling so hungry( !) according to my GP.

    I use it for control of my diabetes, but find it just makes me more hungry....or have more cravings! (Metformin has many uses so your dose will be dependant on why you take it)

    I think it will just be a case of giving it a go, but make sure you log EVERYTHING and if you don't see any changes on the scale / measurements than speak to your GP again, and see what they suggest.

    On a better note.....after arguing the issue with my GP he did lower the dose and the weight has slowly started to move in the right direction.:smile:
  • Greytfish
    Greytfish Posts: 810
    Metformin (glucophage) is an antidiabetic medication. There has been some use of it for PCOS where insulin resistance is throught to be a contributing factor. Unlike some other diabetic drugs, it's not likely to cause weight gain and usually helps protect the cardio system by lowering LDL and tris. If it does help keep your A1C in range, then it should help you lose weight. Have you discussed this with your PCP and your OBGYN?
  • jcorpern
    jcorpern Posts: 96 Member
    Speaking as a registered nurse, I can tell you that many type 2 diabetics find that they do lose weight after they've been put on to the oral hypoglycemic metformin.

    Metformin is not a steroid!
  • mford59
    I am a type 2 diabetic and was on metformin 2 years ago. I helped taking a few pounds off but nothing significant. Did however work better than any other diabetes meds I was on. Also, started going to zumba and changed my diet so doc took me off. Have a friend whose daughter is on int for PCOS and it works for her. She was having trouble getting pregnant and after being on metformin she got pregnant. She went back on the metformin after her son was two years old and she got pregnant again. Talk to your fertility specialist.
  • hlcook13
    I take 1000mg of Metformin daily for my type 2 diabetes, and within three months of starting, my periods were like clockwork (this is a nice bonus, because I have never had regular periods). The only problem is that if I take it during the day, my appetite is suppressed so much that my blood sugars are then too low.

    Talk to your doctor and see if you can take your dose at bedtime - it helps with the appetite issues, and supposedly works better. I've noticed a big difference in my sugars since I started taking the met at night.

    Also - the person who claims that metformin is a steroid is incorrect; it's a Biguanide. It doesn't affect your insulin output or other hormones; it works by regulating how much glucose your liver is dumping into your blood stream.
  • Bobbijeannem
    I have pcos and was on metformin since 1997. I gained a lot of weight while on it over the years. In April 2013, I had a total hysterectomy and was taken off metformin. I lost some weight but now found out I am type 2 diabetic. We don't know how long I was diabetic, because the metformin was masking the symptoms. Able to control diabetes without meds for now, but doctor said that I may need to go back on metformin if sugars aren't able to be controlled.
  • splimeer
    splimeer Posts: 1 Member
    I was put on Metformin for PCOS. I did not find that it helped with weight gain or loss. But after trying to conceive for 2 - 3 years I did get pregnant. My doctor said that one of the things it does is help people with PCOS keep their child after conception. My son is now 20 months and I couldn't be happier. I hope it works for you! The first two weeks are difficult while your body adjusts but you can get through it! After the initial adjustment my body started functioning quite normal again. Good luck!
  • bstrong2dance
    My husband is a type 2 Diabetic and was on Metaformin for years. However, he got in shape with P90X and Insanity lost about 45 pounds and didn't have to take Metaformin anymore. His transformation was amazing and I joined in too! Insanity changed my life!!

    Now my daughter is 10 and insulin resistant but she is too young to go on any meds so we are logging all her food and exercising everyday with fun activities (dance, bball, lacrosse) to keep it in check.
  • muffinchikodaisy
    muffinchikodaisy Posts: 7 Member
    PCOS is very complicated and a pain. I dont know what weight you are but the best suggestion I have for you is if you are overweight, lose weight before doing anything else. I was diagnosed with PCOS in 2004 and gained about 75lbs in about 2 years. But after being followed buy my endocrinologist i found out that PCOS does not cause obesity (as i previously thought) but obesity encourages PCOS to « appear » if you are predisposed to it. Then being obese, accentuates the symptoms. Then more symptom, more hormonal problems then more obesity and so on. Its like a vicious circle. I was also put on Glumetza (similar Metformin) for many years then started having digestive issues etc. So then I asked my doctor how to get rid of all this. And he told me lose weight. And you know what? He was absolutely right! So 70 pounds later, no more Glumetza, no longer obese and PCOS symptoms almost gone. Hormones and sugar back to normal. So since PCOS is a big factor with infertility, my opinion would be to try to get the weight under control first, if its a issue, then conceiving should be easier...good luck with your journey :-)