Any tips on my diet?

So i started to use myfitnesspal again and log my food. I am thinking of seeing a nutritionist. My goal is to get more lean and try and find better foods to eat that are more filling but less calories. I exercise 5-6 times a week weights/ cardio though i have only been doing 30 minutes of cardio recently and an hour of weights.


  • parkscs
    parkscs Posts: 1,639 Member
    Don't be afraid to experiment in order to find what works for you. Don't listen to anyone that tells you their diet is the "best" diet for you. Provided you're at a caloric deficit, you will lose weight. While there are some general rules of thumb you should probably follow (e.g., getting at least a minimum amount of protein based on your size/LBM), the composition of that caloric deficit is entirely up to you.
  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,209 Member
    Looking at your food log, it's decent overall.

    I would work on increasing veggies - both the quantity and the type. Google "healthiest veggies" for a list of them.

    You seem to eat a lot of nuts. Be careful with nuts, because they're very rich in calories, so a slight miscalculation in portion size can lead to a big increase in calories. Try weighing them on a postal scale to see if you're portioning them correctly.

    Ken's blue cheese dressing is one of the best out there, but it's also very high in calories. If you have it often, you might consider switching to a light blue cheese, like Wishbone. Personally i mix it 50/50 with water. Makes it flow better around the veggies, and of course it cuts down on the calories.
  • Love4fitnesslove4food2
    You're consuming lots of energy drinks and food substitutes (diet turbo tea, rockstars, diet coke, zone bars, muscle sandwich, power crunch, and detour bars just to name a few). Try replacing that with a protein shake made with milk, a banana, a couple tbsp peanut butter, and protein powder...more bang for your buck and more nutrients. Hard boiled eggs pack well as do nuts and fruit.

    I'd work on cutting those (bars and energy/diet drinks) out or at least down to just one a day. Your calories also seem rather low for a male. Increase your chicken serving to 8-10oz each meal, add in some vegetables and fruits as well. I think the only thing I saw was lettuce at a meal or two. The only good thing I see (not to be mean) is you regularly consume nuts and chicken breast but this isn't enough to sustain you. You need micronutrients and those come from fruits and vegetables. You might also do yourself one better if you just made a huge pot of chili and baked a ton of chicken on the weekend. Chili can be chock full of vegetables, fiber, and protein if made with meat/veggies/beans.
  • jackscagnetti1
    I have a bunch of frozen veggie's in my freeze i use to make a stir fry sometimes. Wishbone blue cheese taste terrible actually anything made by wishbone taste terrible.... I can use less of ken's though. I am kind of addicted to caffeine so im a work in progress on getting those caffeine drinks out of my diet. I eat out on the go a lot so I usually get a bar to satisfy my hunger. I guess I can try and find some better ones...

    thanks for the input guys you rock.