I think I need to try -GULP - upping my calories

I am 42, 5'2", and 110. Have lost about 20 pounds in the past year. I would love to be 105, so am following a 1200 cal plan, eating back exercise calories. I run about 15-20 miles a week and do intense plyo/weights twice/week, 30 min each time. I have really increased my muscle and have good upper body definition (thighs and stomach still not firm - thinking the stomach might be leftover skin from 3 pregnancies, and the thighs? Short legs and bad genetics). Anyway - I have great control with 250 cal bfast, 300 cal lunch at 11 am, 200 cal snack at 3, but around 4 it all falls apart. I need to cook dinner for the family and am in the kitchen. Family eats around 6 but I am famished and end up picking and snacking wildly. I finally tracked and logged all those extras (instead of giving up, like i usually would) and have found that with all of my "extras" it is equalling about 1600 total, which is about where MFP puts me to lose/maintain anyway. I am wondering if I am binging at that time because I just haven't eaten enough during the day. I'm wondering if I should just shoot for a steady 1600 and eat more earlier in the day? This sounds scary since I know that I am always famished at dinner, but maybe I am famished because I really am starving? (Ok - i realize I'm not actually starving...). Really what I should try is eating my family's dinner leftovers from the night before for breakfast, and eating my standard 250 cal bfast (tortilla, egg, spinach, avocado, salsa, egg white) for dinner! How's that for radical? Anyone have any personal experience with this?


  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    Why do you want to lose 5 more pounds? I would suggest gradually increasing your calories until you're at maintenance and then just do strength training to get that added definition you seek. I had to increase my calories from 1450, to 1500, then to 1550, just because I was getting headaches from being so active and not eating enough. And to be honest, I prefer the way my body looks when it's fed appropriate amounts of food.
  • rickylou87
    rickylou87 Posts: 12 Member
    Hi hdefehr!

    I am 5' 9" and 152. Even at my height and weight MFP was suggesting I eat 1200 calories to lose just 1 lb a week. I was doing the same thing you are doing and was fine all day but once it came time for dinner I would binge on anything available. I upped my calories to 1600 and found I was losing weight faster than when I was only eating 1200. And I was way more satisfied. I didn't feel like I was depriving myself. With how much you work out you should be just fine upping to 1600. You also have to consider all the muscle you have put on. The more muscle you have, the more calories you burn. I also have a strategy of carrying around carrots and unsalted almonds with me at all times. I find it helps me avoid going for something unhealthy if I just need something to bridge the gap between my next meal.

    Worst case scenario - you find out that you are gaining and you back it off until you find your sweet spot. Good luck!
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,021 Member
    Are you really "famished" while you're making dinner for the family, or is the snacking while cooking just a habit you've developed? Food issues are oftentimes behavioral. If you really believe you're doing it because you're hungry and not just because the food is there in front of you, then try pushing your lunch and afternoon snack a bit later.

    You may also just be more inclined to eat later in the day. Some people are not really hungry until noon or later. If you could forgo breakfast, eat a 500 calorie lunch around noon, and a 200-300 calorie snack around 4, that should prevent you from feeling famished while you're making dinner. This is just a suggestion, as I realize many people insist on having breakfast every morning, but you may be among those of us who are hungrier in the evening, so it's something to consider.
  • CorlissaEats
    CorlissaEats Posts: 493 Member
    I've increased my calories 3 times since I started in August and I continue to lose weight. 21lbs in 21 weeks total.

    Eating less than my BMR did NOT work for me. It messed with me hormonally, made me grumpy and made resisting the urge to eat really hard. I have very different stats but I'm working on a 500 cal deficit only per day. I am active 6 days a week and I eat 1975 cals.

    Realize that your last 5 lbs might not be realistic. you are 5'2" and 110lbs. That is pretty tiny already without even looking at your individual body composition. If you start strength training you could actually gain weight or stay the same while losing a clothing size. Is your goal the scale number or your overall health? If you just want to be 105 and "skinny" then strength training might not fit with that goal.

    And if you decide to increase your calories while staying under your TDEE and you gain weight--- don't assume that its too much food. Long term diets that are too low effect your metabolism negatively and it could take a month or two for your body to catch up and fix that broken metabolism. Talk to your doctor to get his opinion. They dont know everything but they know more about your body than a random stranger on the internet. :flowerforyou:
  • If you are scared about upping your calories, try chewing gum while you are cooking. This method is helping me a lot with my after work snacking while I'm cooking.
    The real question is, do you normally snack/taste everything while you are cooking? By upping your caloric intake, but continuing to snack while you are cooking won't help because you will go over the 1600 this way. Good luck
  • Decon
    Decon Posts: 1 Member
    I think loss and long term weight control require blending into the 'population' as best as you can. Eating a radically different dinner separates you from the family 'norm'. I think one of the problems of all 'cooks' is just that, they smell it as their cutting it up and cooking it, thus snacking. I would adjust the calories during the day specifically lunch and snack eating more volume and less calories then the same dinner items but less of them.

    As a 64 year old 5' 8" retired grandpa that lost 44 pounds, weighs 163 pounds and has now maintained it for 3+ years this is what works for me. Things like pickles and sliced radishes save me. Almonds, you can have 24 for 163, say 30 for 200. LOL! I can't eat more than that:} Evening meals of fajitas, shrimp, pork or beef, peppers and onions on low cal tortillas make a great evening meal for you and the family as long as you leave out the avocado and sour cream off or keep them to a minimum.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    I've increased my calories 3 times since I started in August and I continue to lose weight. 21lbs in 21 weeks total.

    Eating less than my BMR did NOT work for me. It messed with me hormonally, made me grumpy and made resisting the urge to eat really hard. I have very different stats but I'm working on a 500 cal deficit only per day. I am active 6 days a week and I eat 1975 cals.

    Realize that your last 5 lbs might not be realistic. you are 5'2" and 110lbs. That is pretty tiny already without even looking at your individual body composition. If you start strength training you could actually gain weight or stay the same while losing a clothing size. Is your goal the scale number or your overall health? If you just want to be 105 and "skinny" then strength training might not fit with that goal.

    And if you decide to increase your calories while staying under your TDEE and you gain weight--- don't assume that its too much food. Long term diets that are too low effect your metabolism negatively and it could take a month or two for your body to catch up and fix that broken metabolism. Talk to your doctor to get his opinion. They dont know everything but they know more about your body than a random stranger on the internet. :flowerforyou:

    Excellent post. :flowerforyou:
  • Thank you all so much for your input! I really don't think its a snacking while cooking thing. I can cook dinner in the morning and be completely disinterested in eating it! I've always been hungry at 4. I remember as a kid being sooo hungry after school and my mom handing me a measley macintosh apple. And apples were SMALL in those days! ????
    Does anyone else have experience with eating breakfast like a king, lunch like a queen and dinner like a pauper? How did/does it affect weight loss?
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    Thank you all so much for your input! I really don't think its a snacking while cooking thing. I can cook dinner in the morning and be completely disinterested in eating it! I've always been hungry at 4. I remember as a kid being sooo hungry after school and my mom handing me a measley macintosh apple. And apples were SMALL in those days! ????
    Does anyone else have experience with eating breakfast like a king, lunch like a queen and dinner like a pauper? How did/does it affect weight loss?

    It doesn't matter when you eat all or most of you calories when it comes to weight loss. Most people here would just advise you to do what works best for your schedule. I personally eat a large breakfast, then snack throughout the day until I can eat a large dinner.
  • Springfield1970
    Springfield1970 Posts: 1,945 Member
    Try moving your food around. Have more cals in day esp fat and protein.

    I have a rule, snack on raw veg while cooking or sip a small bit of red wine. I buy those sugar snaps and cucumber and carrots are a lifesaver. Don't eat the dinner stuff! Get out of that silly habit. It can be done!
  • aplatt41
    aplatt41 Posts: 88 Member
    I've increased my calories 3 times since I started in August and I continue to lose weight. 21lbs in 21 weeks total.

    Eating less than my BMR did NOT work for me. It messed with me hormonally, made me grumpy and made resisting the urge to eat really hard. I have very different stats but I'm working on a 500 cal deficit only per day. I am active 6 days a week and I eat 1975 cals.

    Realize that your last 5 lbs might not be realistic. you are 5'2" and 110lbs. That is pretty tiny already without even looking at your individual body composition. If you start strength training you could actually gain weight or stay the same while losing a clothing size. Is your goal the scale number or your overall health? If you just want to be 105 and "skinny" then strength training might not fit with that goal.

    And if you decide to increase your calories while staying under your TDEE and you gain weight--- don't assume that its too much food. Long term diets that are too low effect your metabolism negatively and it could take a month or two for your body to catch up and fix that broken metabolism. Talk to your doctor to get his opinion. They dont know everything but they know more about your body than a random stranger on the internet. :flowerforyou:
  • Springfield1970
    Springfield1970 Posts: 1,945 Member
    Thank you all so much for your input! I really don't think its a snacking while cooking thing. I can cook dinner in the morning and be completely disinterested in eating it! I've always been hungry at 4. I remember as a kid being sooo hungry after school and my mom handing me a measley macintosh apple. And apples were SMALL in those days! ????
    Does anyone else have experience with eating breakfast like a king, lunch like a queen and dinner like a pauper? How did/does it affect weight loss?

    At the end of the day it's what works for you.....experiment within your calorie limits. Track everything and find your own maintenance.

    I jump through all sorts of hoops to outfox my old habits. They are my own little ways that work for me. Half of its psychological.