Water Consumption

Hello My name is Sarah, so I have a quick question/concern need some advice.

Now when I'm working out I do tend to drink water not a lot but about one water bottle by the end of my work out
During the day I am almost NEVER thirsty maybe I drink a 2 glasses during the day maybe.
What can I do to get my body to want to drink water I feel like I'm forcing myself and then hate the feeling of liquid squishing around in my tummy. I know I need to drink more water and I will keep forcing myself but it seems odd that I have to force my self in the first place.



  • nikifavorido
    nikifavorido Posts: 41 Member
    Hi Sarah
    I thoroughly relate to this. Like you I am never thirsty and it felt so wrong trying to down endless glasses of water/low cal squash

    I try to have sips little and often and aim to drink at least 1 pint every two hours. Also I try to have at at least a pint every morning, before I go to work, so getting a head start.
    Also, it may sound strange, but a non see through bottle may help, as you can't see how much you're drinking and take more on board.
    I have persevered with this now for 2 weeks, and can feel a big difference in me. Not drinking, I think has become a habit with us, and so it's one habit we need to break. It helps with flushing toxins out, skin and hair are better, plus you don't get so hungry :) Also I can honestly say I FEEL thirsty now and can recognise it for what it is.. not hunger. Keep going. If you can't drink water all the time, alternate it with low cal/no sugar squashes. Good luck :)
  • hkristine1
    hkristine1 Posts: 950 Member
    I, too, am not naturally that great at drinking water... I forget and don't particularly like the taste. What has worked for me is that I keep a large water bottle at my desk that I fill up first thing in the morning. Then, whenever I feel hungry and want to eat, I break down whatever I"m eating into sections - so, for instance, if I"m eating 22 almonds (1 serving), I break it down into 11 sections of 2 almonds each (I don't actually make piles - I just do this mentally). Then, I'll eat the first section. Before I "allow" myself the second section, I tell myself I have to drink the water down to a certain place on the bottle. Then, as soon as it's chugged down, I eat 2 more almonds and the almond flavor masks the water flavor that I don't particularly love... Anyway, if you're still struggling getting the water down, try this - it really does work for me.
  • MysteriousMerlin
    MysteriousMerlin Posts: 2,270 Member
    You could try adding flavorings to the water, may make it more palatable, if that's the issue.

    I keep a bottle next to me all day long, and just take sips from it. I can't down glass after glass without feeling sloshy.
  • my3boys424
    my3boys424 Posts: 146 Member
    I had a hard time with water, then I stared to add a half an orange to a gallon of water, let it sit overnight. It's much tastier. I find if I carry a water bottle with me all day I finish my gallon by 7 PM. The only down side is the 300 bathroom trips per day :)
  • moefinch
    moefinch Posts: 31 Member
    I had to train myself to get all my water in. It was difficult at first because I am a teacher and cannot run to the washroom whenever I want. In the end, that was probably a good thing because it helped me be able to drink more and not run to the bathroom every 30 minutes.

    In order to get more into me I set goals. I simply used a Sharpie and marked goals on my water bottle. For instance, I drew a black line with 10am written beside it, halfway down the water bottle. I made myself drink to the line (or passed) by that time. Start with 1/2 the bottle by noon and change the times as you are able to drink more each week.
  • 13suzie
    13suzie Posts: 349 Member
    I drink sooo much water on days that I run because I want to drink it --- on days that I don't run it is quite possible for me to forget all about the human need for water and I don't have a taste for pure water! On those days I have to add lemon and tea bags and splashes of cranberry juice.

    Maybe your lack of desire for pure water goes along with a general lack of cardio intensity in your life. Just a thought. Do you do cardio workouts regularly? I am a believer that cardio workouts are good for your insides - for your cardiovascular system and organs and contribute to weight control as a perk. Just think about it and consider if you are forcing yourself to sweat enough with intense cardio on a regular basis.

    Good luck.
  • Sparren
    Sparren Posts: 106
    I had to train myself to get all my water in. It was difficult at first because I am a teacher and cannot run to the washroom whenever I want. In the end, that was probably a good thing because it helped me be able to drink more and not run to the bathroom every 30 minutes.

    In order to get more into me I set goals. I simply used a Sharpie and marked goals on my water bottle. For instance, I drew a black line with 10am written beside it, halfway down the water bottle. I made myself drink to the line (or passed) by that time. Start with 1/2 the bottle by noon and change the times as you are able to drink more each week.

  • crystalfisher89
    crystalfisher89 Posts: 196 Member
    Hi Sarah,

    What I do is I drink while I eat and snack. I eat 5-6 small meals a day so that helps with getting the water in. I take a drink almost every other bite, while it seemed silly when I first started doing it a couple years ago, it's now a habit. I'm known for going through 3-4 glasses of water during one larger meal. I've kept track of how much water I drink in a day and it comes up to about a gallon. You'll pee a lot, but you'll find that you won't be starving as much either between meals. Hope this helps! It helps a ton with staying hydrated and I feel like I am not as sluggish- granted I don't rely on coffee, tea, or soda (gave soda up when I was 15- people think I'm weird, but it was the best damn thing I ever did)... so I don't have any caffeine addictions either which prevents dehydration too.
  • Greytfish
    Greytfish Posts: 810
    Get a water bottle, Keep it with you. Set goals.

    You can add some lemon or lime as well.

    I've found that sipping makes water consumption easier/more natural even for those not otherwsie inclined. I have a camelbak bottle with the measuring marks on the side and the "bite n sip" top. I find it makes it more intuitive to drink an dless hassle than taking a cap off a bottle.
  • spiffychick85
    spiffychick85 Posts: 311 Member
    It is definitely a challenge for me too...I managed to convince myself for years that I just didn't need as much water as others lol...I KNOW this is not true. So as a teacher I carry a large cup around with me that I keep filled. I know how much water fits in the cup and I drink between subjects. I still do not get as much as I should everyday....but I went from drinking maybe 1 glass to 5 regularly...so I just need to get the next 24oz worked in there and I'm good to go...good luck!
  • Hi Sarah,

    As a general rule of thumb, if you don' t consider yourself 'athletic', you should consume 1 ounce of water daily for every two pounds that you weigh. If you consider yourself 'athletic', your daily water consumption should be 2 ounces for every three pounds that you weigh.

    For example, a 180-lb. athlete should consume 120 ounces of water every day.
    By contrast, a 180-lb. non-athlete should consume 90 ounces of water every day.

    Recently, I bought a 25-ounce 'Citrifuse' infused water bottle from Amazon. It has a cylinder in the bottom of the bottle to keep water infused throughout. Often, I'll halve a lemon or lime, then slice one-half of it and place it in the basket in the morning, After lunch, I'll cut the other half and replace the cylinder for the afternoon and into the evening. You can also use berries as well, though I suggest you have them out at the room temperature the night before. Warmer fruits will more easily infuse.

    As well, I also drink about 6-8 ounces before each meal to help suppress my appetite.

    Good luck!
  • bid1130
    bid1130 Posts: 56 Member
    What about trying Mio? Add that to you water and that will give you different tastes.
  • CaliforniaAJ
    CaliforniaAJ Posts: 196 Member
    I take a drink almost every other bite

    Just my opinion, but I learned some years ago that drinking whilst eating is not necessarily good for digestion, as it dilutes your stomach acid. Drink 30 mins before, or 30 mins after eating, but not during.

    I will admit that I don't stick to this, but now that I thought about it, I am going to go back to yet another good habit that I abandoned and see if it makes a difference.

    I too struggled for many years with not wanting to drink much, because I am always running to the bathroom and it made me become the focus of ridicule with friends and family. It still haunts me to this day. I battled through with peppermint tea, water with lemon wedges, pellegrino, etc. I rarely ever drink just plain water, but I can get my intake up as high as 11 or 12 cups a day now (and only 20 trips to the bathroom..LOL)
  • LadyNZK
    LadyNZK Posts: 7 Member
    I think drinking water is the number 1 best way to ensure a healthy weightless. Drinking water is not just about quenching thirst but to literally hydrate the cells throughout your body.

    I am absolutely in love with water. I cannot have enough water a day. I try not to drink too, too much because it is possible to over drink water but I drink a liter of water before I leave for work - at least a liter throughout my workday - and then another 2-3 liters when I get home.

    You can try adding a little bit of lime or lemon to give it some taste (which also can help keep your skin more elastic - a big plus for weight loss and less extra skin) but really you shouldn't add sweeteners or artificial flavors.

    You can try a light white tea (keep the tea bag in for about 2 minutes then take it out) to flavor too. Technically black tea and coffee are not diuretics in moderation. For example if you have one or two of each a day it would be fine for your water count... The worry is that you drink too much caffeine and pee the benefits of oxygen out faster than necessary.

    You can also try drinking the water with ice - that can be super refreshing and easier to drink faster.

    If you do want to sweeten your water, I recommend freezing a 100% fruit juice of choice in an ice cube tray. Use the fruit juice ice cubes in the water!

    One last idea - carbonate your water or drink carbonated water. Sometimes this helps to change up the taste (more like a soda) and can be more refreshing too.

    I obviously love water - so I hope all the different ways I've suggest help you to enjoy water as much as I do!

    btw- I drink a cup of water before a workout and about 2 cups after. Sips is necessary throughout.