P90X Questions. Need some advice.

Hey Guys,

I am on day 4 of P90x, I start Yoga X tonight but I have been avoiding Ab Ripper X for the first week because I my arms muscles, chest muscles, leg muscles, shoulders muscles etc etc are sore as expected, which I think is a good thing but my question is, is this advisable to skip it for now? I know Tony and his crew say take it slow and do what you can in P90X but I didn't even try. This first week I feel like after an hour of P90X I can't do anymore! This leads to my next question, my muscles are awesomely extremely sore, it's hard for me to walk up stairs, lift my laptop, and what not; I love this feeling!!! but, does this generally mean I am doing it right? Is it working? I never know with these things because I used to run and running never really gave me this level of some soreness.


  • Flan26
    Flan26 Posts: 2 Member
    Yep, the soreness is normal. And it will go away as long as you continue to work and push yourself.

    What are you asking to skip? Yoga X? I wouldn't skip that. I wouldn't advise skipping any of the workouts if you could help it. Despite the pain, you may find Yoga X to be refreshing. Keep your body working. Same thing with Ab-Ripper X. While it's daunting, you probably could eke your way through it by pausing, modifying the moves a little, etc. (In the beginning, I found it easier to do ARX barefoot, especially the legs-in-the-air stuff). But try to get through it and use that pause button.

    Also, try a recovery drink after your workouts. They really, really help.

    Good luck, and keep pressing play!
  • tdelam
    tdelam Posts: 48 Member
    Noooo, not skipping any of the main workouts. I have not been doing the the ab ripperx bonuses for the first week, my goal is start those on my second week once I am in fullmode. It makes sense though, I could modify it, I think I might just do that, I am 4 days in though. Is there a need to back track or do I just move forward and start in tomorrows schedule?
  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    just keep moving forward and next week start adding in ab ripper x.. its a supplemental workout
  • Flan26
    Flan26 Posts: 2 Member
    Yep, keep moving forward. As Greenrun99 said, add AR X next week. Don't backtrack. Use this week to get your body acclimated to the main workouts and bring it in next week.

    Like I suggested, ditch your sneakers to start. They add A LOT of weight to already difficult routines like Fifer Scissors and Heels To Heaven and I think the end-gains of completing the routines barefoot far out-weigh the frustration of not being able to complete them with shoes on. Keep the pause button handy and don't be discouraged if you can't keep up. It's a hell of a workout, especially after the full workouts.

    And if this is your first run-through, you'll be pleased to know that the last 10 or so minutes of tonight's Yoga X will torture you as much as Ab Ripper X. Have fun!
  • tdelam
    tdelam Posts: 48 Member
    Thanks for the responses guys.

    I actually can't wait for tonight's Yoga X!