Wieght loss, diabetes and it's complications!

I have Diabetes for almost 15 years. I think I'm finally over denial. Yes it took a long time and Hospital visit for 9 days. I developed a infection just under my 2nd and 3rd toes.. 9 days of antibiotics and treatment. Thanks that I didn't lose any toes and hopefully never will. I'm still healing and receiving wound care.. Enough of that. I need and want to lose around 100 pds. I'm off to a good start thanks to the hospital diet.. One day home and I'm still behaving. But I know there will be struggles ahead and need encouragement form people during my weak times. They bad urges always come. I just need to handle it better than I've done in the past. If I don't post to my dairy everyday. I probably had a fall off the wagon. I want to stop that! Accountability would help me. Anyone willing to help would be greatly appreciated. I know I'm the biggest influence on my weight loss. As soon as I can walk again. I've considered a daily walk. I have to put that plan into action! There is a lot of I and I've in this but this is my struggle with these diseases, diabetes and obesity, just asking for support.


  • I'm glad you're reaching out for suppot, and thinking about the changes you can make that you feel really good about. You're making an excellent start. ~Lynn /Glucerna
  • corpro
    corpro Posts: 2
    I work in Diabetes and i'd suggest that you seek out a Diabetes Education Centre and/ or connect with a Dietitian to help with suggestions because there are many things with a diabetes diet that you cannot just cut right out ! Hope all the best for you !
  • I also have diabetes and have been in denial for many years. Congratulations on your new start. I finally got my 'wake up' call and really hope to stick with it this time.
  • Neonladder
    Neonladder Posts: 5 Member
    *Genes contain information that influences how the body functions.
    *The way your genes are expressed has a profound impact on your health.
    *Epigenetics refers to changes that occur in gene expression, while the actual genetic code remains the same.
    *A genetic predisposition to a certain disease does not necessarily mean that the disease must exist.
    *Genes associated with diabetes can be activated or deactivated by lifestyle and environmental factors.
    *There is hope for all who have genetic predispositions for diabetes and many other diseases.
    *You can turn good genes on and bad genes off one choice at a time.
    ~Dr. Wes Youngberg in Goodbye Diabetes
  • Good luck! I also have type 2 diabetes and weight loss has been super hard for me. Sticking to a diet is also something I struggle with. I have issues with being angry about my diabetes. I wish I could just eat what I want to eat when I want too. I know that is not my reality, so I need a lot of support. I have finally started losing weight slowly, but I feel like I am on the right track. I have not had any major hospitalizations yet, and I don't plan on it. Again, good luck!
  • I'm glad you're being honest about how you feel about diabetes morgan1981. Of course you're angry, but it sounds like you're now moving beyond anger and are making positive changes to manage diabetes. That's exciting to hear! ~Lynn /Glucerna