117 down,50 more to go=Goal weight in less than a year's tim

Hi,my name is Tammy Ferrara,I am 40 years old and I recently had the gastric bypass on April 12th,2010.I don't want to take much longer getting down to my "goal weight".I find there are so many obstacles in the way as time progresses.I have more of an appetite,I can eat more and when I am around foods that I forbid to put into my own home,I cheat! The reality of it is:Anywhere I go there is going to be temptations!I have come to an acceptance that I will have to exercise for the rest of my life and not just to achieve my goal weight,I will continue counting my calories and NEVER forget the horror stories of people gaining all of their weight back in addition to excess weight.I have a great gastric bypass support group,gastric bypass friends some via facebook from different states and one friend from England.I have my friends I have been knowing throughout the years from all walks of life,from grade,middle,high school,dancing schools,various jobs,friends of friends,friends from when I used to go to nightclubs,college and family who also support me via facebook for my success and keep me motivated as well.Last,but not least my ladies who support me from a boot camp that I am committed to going to 3 times a week.Chandra Troxler,she is my "rock".Chandra has been there since I was 12,she's even my blood sister(I know,gross, right?We were young and stupid)She has been there throughout all of my battles,losses and gains and NEVER judged me or left my side.Her friend,Kelli, who is an inspirational team leader with facilitating a successful boot camp.I asked her to be harder on me with achieving my goals.Let's just say be careful of what you ask for! I look at my life before the surgery,how my family,friends,employers and just people in general perceived me.While noone said a word,it was obvious they felt sorry for me,some frowned upon it as laziness,no self control,just stop eating.That's is so easier SAID than DONE! It's not what you're eating,it's what's eating you! I was a stress eater for the most part and a 2-3 pound weight loss just pissed me off and had me at the closest all you can eat chinese buffet for "comfort".I see my body as entirely different now,from skinnier legs(which I didn't need to lose at all)breasts,smaller and definitely saggy,stomach with an apron,but at least smaller,saggy arms.I look at my head how it doesn't look as it just rest upon my shoulders anymore without a neck!In addition,while the rapid weight loss of uncovering 17 years of obesity,along with excess sunbathing,and my drug phase I learned my wrinkles aren't too bad considering the FACTS! Would I recommend this surgery? ABSOLUTELY!


  • bainos
    bainos Posts: 99
    add me as a friend and join my 50 lb by june first challenge
  • lfondots
    lfondots Posts: 216 Member
    Welcome!!! This is a great site for motivation and to keep you going. Like you said this is a lifestyle change not just a diet. Think of it that way and one pound at a time. You are doing great already and I'm sure you will continue.
  • lovemy2girls9905

    When you get discouraged you need to nook at the pictures from 11/09 then look in the mirror. You are doing an amazing job, the only thing I say is even though you can have sugar I would follow the sugar free diet. You can have anything you want, it just takes changing them up a bit.... I've made some fantastic sugar free desserts.
  • TammyMFerrara
    Thanks Amy,you are an incredible person.I am glad to be friends with you,Censi,Coco and Althea(I hope I didn't miss anyone)Whenever you have time send me those sugar free recipes!!


  • AmandaR910
    Welcome!! I'm in the 50lbs by June 1st Challenge posted about above. :) Join us! You can do it!