Starting out Keto diet. Need friends to help me through:)

Hi my name is Lauren and I am just starting on this whole keto diet thing! I'm on day 3 and have had some yucky withdrawals of nausea and fatigue. Would love to meet people trying this out or that have been doing it for awhile! Trying to find some snack ideas as well. Thanks!


  • ejdp254
    ejdp254 Posts: 342 Member
    There's a specific Keto group which is probably more use than the general message boards - just put Keto groups in the search box, you'll get a lot more support there!!
  • LGearheart
    LGearheart Posts: 21 Member
    Great thanks!
  • ejdp254
    ejdp254 Posts: 342 Member
    no problem x
  • FungusGirl
    FungusGirl Posts: 27 Member
    Hello, there!!

    You have the Keto-Flu-do not worry, it'll pass soon enough. The important thing is do not slip-or you will feel crappy all over again. I did the Keto diet years ago after several pregnancies and a ton of steroids. I went from over 300 pounds to 87 (I know-I ended up getting unhealthy) and then I got Lyme, had muscle wasting issues, within about four years, I was back where I started. I started juicing and cut out all fat and meat because somebody told me it would help with MS, but I found out from several Government sites and from my new rock star Neuro that Keto is what I need to do. It will help my brain and burn my fat stores. I slipped over the past couple of weeks off and on (not feeling well, eating what the hubby makes since I was not up to cooking), but I am back on track! I am totally cool with doing this with you! You will feel a bit tired, it is best to somewhat relax the first couple of weeks instead of doing crazy rigorous exercise and the keto flu will pass more quickly if you flat out cut the carbs and only eat fatty foods (eggs, cheese, fatty meats) for the first week or so. That kicks up my Ketosis pretty quickly and I feel better a lot faster (sugar withdrawal-ugh).
    Also, remember that eating too much protein and not enough fat will act the same on your body as a high carb, low fat diet. Your body will burn the protein first and hold onto the fat-another name for it is Rabbit Starvation. It does not matter if you already have a lot of fat on you-your body will freak!
  • supergirl6
    supergirl6 Posts: 224 Member
    You can add me if you like :-) I am in keto. I have a gluten intolerance that makes so much food a problem for me (I get pretty sick). So low low carb works well for me to not feel sick after eating. I've been in for about 18 weeks.

    You will feel better soon - the first 4 days were the worst for me. The first 2 weeks were still rough. About a month in my energy level was through the roof and I felt genuinely happy and energetic and positive. I know it's not for everyone, but it is definately for me. I have never felt better than I have in the last couple of months.
  • Jay_Jay_
    Jay_Jay_ Posts: 194 Member
    Feel free to add me, generally stayed keto since August 2010.
  • LGearheart
    LGearheart Posts: 21 Member
    Great thank you! Yes I feel sick :( Trying really hard to monitor the protein and I think I had too much yesterday. What number do you try to stay within for your protein?
  • Deuxtrouble43
    Deuxtrouble43 Posts: 41 Member
    Great thank you! Yes I feel sick :( Trying really hard to monitor the protein and I think I had too much yesterday. What number do you try to stay within for your protein?

    I have my macros set at 10% carbs 20 % protein 70 % fat

    This is a great link to get your macros from.

    You can add me too. I have been eating this way since January 6th (didn't want to make it a New Year's Resolution LOL)
  • obmckenzie
    obmckenzie Posts: 75 Member
    Hey! add me! I'm also on Keto!
  • zbree13
    I will try it with you. I am having a hard time staying away from cookies though
  • LGearheart
    LGearheart Posts: 21 Member
    I would kill for a cookie!
  • DeadliftAddict
    DeadliftAddict Posts: 746 Member
    Good luck with that. I'm not sure I can do it. I'm sure it works but I can't do it forever.
  • Ketoice
    Ketoice Posts: 3 Member
    Hey! I'm just starting Keto for the first time myself, it was suggested to my by my friend/ex trainer, who said it would help with my energy levels, I'm currently in grad school, with such a hard and heavy work load that I have trouble feeling motivated and energized throughout the day. I could also afford to lose some weight, so that's an added benefit! I'd appreciate some co-Keto friends for support and advice - so everyone that starting keto or doing keto, please add me!
  • shortone27
    Starting Keto today! Add me! I need a friend to go through this with too :)