Has anyone tried HCG drops?



  • bekachelsey
    bekachelsey Posts: 13 Member
    Ihave 2 people whom have done it and had awesome results. Im ready to start this friday but need a book or resource that maps out the poortion sizes and meal plan can some one tell me where to go with this?/ I have the drops and all just need a good plan! Dont want to waste tiem want to do this right!
  • sweetiev
    sweetiev Posts: 18
    I just started a couple days ago on the drops and am very happy and satisfied with the whole program. No matter what anyone says whatever helps you in the long run is the best. I don't promote this product to anyone because it took me awhile and alot of research to decide it was for me. But if anyone asks how I have lost the weight I tell them and let them know all the information I have learned so far. Be happy and enjoy what this product can do for you!:wink:
  • hamp8891
    hamp8891 Posts: 15 Member
    I don't want to make anyone mad, but some red flags...
    Firstly, you will definitely lose weight on this diet. Eating so few calories a day will cause the weight to fall off. Especially if your body goes into starvation mode. In the 20 some odd days you do this, your body quickly gives up trying to store it for long periods of time and quickly mobilizes it as energy that it desperately needs. Dangerous and unhealthy? Absolutely.
    HCG is a hormone produced during pregnancy. In fact, that is exactly what a pregnancy test detects in your urine. And that is exactly where they get the legitimate stuff, pregnant woman's pee. The drops are usually hogwash. Test it yourself. Place a few drops on a pregnancy test to see if it actually contains HCG. Chances are, someone is making a lot of money on your foolishness. Hey, but if that makes you feel good...
    Secondly, this sort of starvation and fat mobilization leads to the release of free radicals which destroy anything and everything they come in contact to in your body. So maybe you'll be skinny for a few months, but you'll be dying of something else in a few years because you attacked your own body from the inside out. You only have one body and you have to make the tissues you have last. I especially would raise flags against it the older you are.
    Thirdly, it has been thoroughly researched? Not quite. It has been researched for a couple of decades by only a few (mainly one individual). And even if it had, things that work like Zicam are approved and on shelves for months before they realize that, "Oh no, it causes people to permanently lose their sense of smell!" No biggy, right?
    Fourthly, the only people preaching it are those who have just lost the weight. I know several people who have tried it and gained all of the weight back in less than 6 months. Others preaching it are individuals and doctors who are making a killing on it. And other doctors don't have a choice. They write scrips for anything nowadays because if they don't, the patient complains and goes to another doctor who will. There are a few goods ones still out there though that hold their ground.
    I researched it thoroughly when my older sister decided to take it. She lost a lot of weight, but was very ill afterwards, had nose bleeds, and severe dental issues that she swears had nothing to do with her period of deprivation. I don't believe it. They all happened a month after her first session with the drops. I am not a doctor or a nutritionist. I am a pharmacy school student with an undergrad in chemistry and biology.
    I encourage you to educate yourself. Take a few classes or read a few books on subjects like nutrition, biochemistry, cell and molecular biology, and human physiology from legitimate, confirmed sources. Learn how your body works. Don't just assume that "they" are looking out for you. You have to look out for yourself and your family.
    If you don't care how long you live or what quality of life you have, as long as you are thin, go on... go the HCG route. Please, for the sake of your loved ones, be careful about what you take into your body. Not just the pills and medicine, but all of it. I hope my sister gets to be around for along time and that no permanent damage was done. Don't be selfish and foolish. Go the proved, healthy route and utilize the support you have here! You can do it! Don't give up! Slow and steady wins the race! If you've forgotten that story about the tortoise and the hair, go back and read it! Okay, I'll shut up now. Good luck!
  • stogswiss
    I'm glad that I read you went to a dietician and are losing weight the right way. We have a weightloss competition at work and there is a girl I know that started the HCG drops. Anyone can lose weight if they are only taking in 500 calories a day! It's just crazy, and the latest report on Nightline showed a special featuring HCG and people having strokes from using it. There is not a miracle solution out there, you just have to dare I say "Control your eating with fresh nonprocessed foods with correct portions with 30 minutes of exercise daily."
  • LdyGeko
    LdyGeko Posts: 433
    What many people don't realize is that the VLCD/Drops phase of the diet is for a limited time - a minimum of 23 days, and a maximum of about 43 days. Then for 3-6 weeks you work to maintain that weight loss - and if you need to lose more weight, after you complete the maintenance phases, you can do another round of the VLCD/drops - or pellets or injections, whatever you decide.

    It's not eating 500 cals forever. In fact, I've lost almost 50 pounds in two rounds - I am in my 2nd maintenance phase right now - and I'm eating 1700 calories a day and maintaining my losses.....
    I have tried every diet "fad"/product/program on God's green earth! I have not tried the hCG diet, simply because I have had friends try it and fail. While weight loss is rapid at first--it simply is not sustainable over the long haul. You can only live on drops and 500 calories/day for so long!
    In August 2010 with my weight at an all time high, I started seeing a dietician and have come to realize the only true way to lose weight and keep it off is to eat less (monitor portion size), keep a food diary to stay on track of what you are actually putting in your mouth on a daily basis, and exercise more. Since August 1, 2010 I am down 32 lbs. and feel great! There have been times when I have struggled, but over all my "lifestyle change" has been a positive experience!
  • LdyGeko
    LdyGeko Posts: 433
    Hi Court - some people have some hunger the first few days - if you are past the first few days, you might consider increasing your dose a little bit. Having that much hunger may mean that your dose is off a bit, either too high or too low. How many drops are you taking and how often? If it's just what the insert says (usually 10 drops 3 times a day) - try increasing to 12 drops 3 x a day and that might solve the hunger issue.
    I'm on HCG drops right now and I'll be honest, I'm SUPER hungry all the time. But, instead of eating, I try to drink water to fill my belly up. It's true, you'll lose lbs on the VLCD, but without the drops, anything you eat will be stored as fat. Your metabolism will actually slow down without em, making you actually gain weight....

    My advice, go ahead and try it. Why not? If it works, awesome! If not, well, that's okay too. At least then you'll know instead of wondering!

    Good luck!

    I've lost 3 lbs in 3 days =)
  • LdyGeko
    LdyGeko Posts: 433
    Actually, the FDA has said that they have one case where a person doing HCG ended up with a pulmonary embolism - a blot clot in her lung. It does not say that the HCG caused the clot - and it also doesn't say what other risk factors she has or other medical conditions that might have caused a blot clot. You can get a clot in your legs from sitting in the car too long, or because you take birth control pills and smoke, or because you've smoked your whole life and you have poor circulation in your legs, which causes a clot which then travels up to your lungs.

    The point I'm trying to make here is that the news articles and news shows never give you the WHOLE story on anything - they give you what they think you will be excited to read to draw you in. Think you got the whole story on HCG from that show? How about what's going on in Libya? If you think so, I've got a great bridge to sell you..........cheap.
    I'm glad that I read you went to a dietician and are losing weight the right way. We have a weightloss competition at work and there is a girl I know that started the HCG drops. Anyone can lose weight if they are only taking in 500 calories a day! It's just crazy, and the latest report on Nightline showed a special featuring HCG and people having strokes from using it. There is not a miracle solution out there, you just have to dare I say "Control your eating with fresh nonprocessed foods with correct portions with 30 minutes of exercise daily."
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    I'm glad that I read you went to a dietician and are losing weight the right way. We have a weightloss competition at work and there is a girl I know that started the HCG drops. Anyone can lose weight if they are only taking in 500 calories a day! It's just crazy, and the latest report on Nightline showed a special featuring HCG and people having strokes from using it. There is not a miracle solution out there, you just have to dare I say "Control your eating with fresh nonprocessed foods with correct portions with 30 minutes of exercise daily."

    If people are having strokes from using HCG, then every pregnant woman alive would have a stroke just by becoming pregnant.

    And what about women that use a dose about 30-50 times larger for infertility uses??????

    Think about what they are trying to sell with these nonsense type news casts. A lot of this is common sense.

    Anything that promotes something natural that the medical community can not make a lot of money off of is going to be condemned as unhealthy.........

    They did the same thing with Atkins for many years and now trying to back track saying it is a "healthy and safe" plan.

    This is why I don't trust nor listen to anything that mainstream media or news has to say. They are all full of it.
  • carolannmcaulay
    Do not use these, it is a complete con. Yes you will lose weight but that is from following the very low calorie diet the same as you would lose weight on any low calorie diet. I started on my fitness plan and i am losing weight nicely but thought taking hcg would increase my weight loss as I need to go into hospital for surgery and need to lose weight for this.

    Yes I lost weight but only because I was eating better and exercising and NOT because of these drops.

    I ordered there so called trial and 3 days after receiving it they had deducted 2 payments from my bank account of £75.00 and £64.00 even though I had specifically stated i was not interested in signing up for anything monthly.

    Trust me if you stick to using my fitness pal and be honest about what you are eating and combine with regular exercise you will lose weight and it wont cost you anything.

    Please do not fall for this scam. We all want a quick fix and trust me I know, i am currently 274 lbs and would do anything to get the weight off but there is no quick fix just the good old fashion way. Eat less exercise more.
  • Notta
    Notta Posts: 38
    I am currently using the 1234 Diet Drops from Creative Bioscience. It doens't contain any HCG.
    I started out weighting 164 lbs. Jan. 7, 2014 and this morning Jan. 17, 2014 I weigh 150 lbs.
    So, I've lost 14 pounds. And, I had days where I cheated (bread/whole wheat tortillas,hummus, and
    My body is adjusting. I did experience slight headaches for the first 5 days but that has subsided now.
    Basically, it's a strict protocol - 3 protiens daily 3.5oz. each, 3 veggies a day (certain ones only), and
    3 fresh fruits a day (apples, oranges, tangerines, strawberries, or grapefruit). Only stevia as sweetner.
    Only 1 serving of dairy daily. I drink 9 to 12 cups of water every day and that includes green tea once daily.
    I'm going to stick with it. My goal weight is 130 lbs.
    Also, I am hypothryoid and that is how/why I gained 50 lbs.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Sigh. :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway:

  • Ignaura
    Ignaura Posts: 203 Member
    Of course you lose weight... you are eating what, 600 calories a day? Still people believe it's the drops. You need enough energy (calories) to properly function.
    I have a couple of friends who tried it. Yes they lost weight. And yes, they gained it all and more back when they started eating as a normal person.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I am currently using the 1234 Diet Drops from Creative Bioscience. It doens't contain any HCG.
    I started out weighting 164 lbs. Jan. 7, 2014 and this morning Jan. 17, 2014 I weigh 150 lbs.
    So, I've lost 14 pounds. And, I had days where I cheated (bread/whole wheat tortillas,hummus, and
    My body is adjusting. I did experience slight headaches for the first 5 days but that has subsided now.
    Basically, it's a strict protocol - 3 protiens daily 3.5oz. each, 3 veggies a day (certain ones only), and
    3 fresh fruits a day (apples, oranges, tangerines, strawberries, or grapefruit). Only stevia as sweetner.
    Only 1 serving of dairy daily. I drink 9 to 12 cups of water every day and that includes green tea once daily.
    I'm going to stick with it. My goal weight is 130 lbs.
    Also, I am hypothryoid and that is how/why I gained 50 lbs.

    Okay so Zombie thread but since it's been revived with this post let me say...

    You do realize that you are losing weight because of a calorie deficet and if you stop taking those drops and continue to eat the food you are you will still lose weight.....why because it's about 500-1200 calories. while some of the weight loss is water because you are not eating starches

    Now as for exercise
    Can I exercise?

    Yes, exercise is permitted but not required. If you choose to exercise, keep your intensity level mild to moderate. Avoid strenuous activity. If you feel lightheaded, lower your intensity. Consult with your doctor before starting any exercise or diet program.

    It also says makeup containing oil will stall your weight loss....:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    and then it recommends a lemonade cleanse....:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    and this company recommends green coffee bean extract...

    Nothing more needs said...except stop wasteing your money...eat at a calorie deficet you will lose the weight.
  • ckspores1018
    ckspores1018 Posts: 168 Member
    Where can I sign up to drink someone else's pee and and be miserable on only 500 calories a day?!

    I WANT IN!
  • mammamia811
    mammamia811 Posts: 15 Member
    personally the after effects on your liver and other organs not worth it....eat good...exercise and have a healthy lifestyle..eating all foods in moderation
  • akaMrsmojo
    akaMrsmojo Posts: 762 Member
    It is really not worth it, you can loose without it and not pumping things in your body.

    This is marathon not a race, do you plan on staying on this drop forever?
  • joradora
    joradora Posts: 14 Member
    I never tried the drops but I did the injections. Twice. I'll never do it again. It was a 600-calorie a day diet and I was always hungry, even though you're not supposed to feel hungry. I also had to eat chicken for one meal and steak for another meal and I couldn't just have chicken both times.Fruits were not allowed and only certain vegetables were allowed, but the vegetables that were allowed were supposed to be eaten in humongous quantities. I ate so much cabbage that I never again want to even look at cabbage. Maybe it's different now with the drops, but I found that personally, on a highly-restrictive diet, I'm much more likely to give in to cravings and binge eat.

    Update: I also wasn't supposed to work out at all, because I was eating so few calories. I'm pretty sure what weight I did lose was all muscle mass. I do not recommend this diet.
  • superfox12082
    superfox12082 Posts: 512 Member
    No. Because they say you can't consume alcohol. :drinker:
  • akaMrsmojo
    akaMrsmojo Posts: 762 Member
    No. Because they say you can't consume alcohol. :drinker:

  • LizL217
    LizL217 Posts: 217 Member
    I'd be curious to see where all the enthusiastic early posters in this thread (from 2 years ago!) are today. Still happy they did HCG? Managed to keep that weight off for these last 2 years? I'm guessing... no.