Busy woman wants to lose 35 lbs

I'm about to turn 50 and I want to get healthy and slim again. That was about 15-20 years ago. Losing weight it much harder now that I'm married with two kids and a full-time professional. I have very little time for myself. However, I need to learn to carve out some time for myself and exercise to make my journey to a healthy life easier. Okay, losing weight is never easy and I've always had to work at it. But now it is so much harder.

It would be nice to have a internet friend around my age that understands the difficulty of hectic life( wife, mother, full-time professional) that is trying to lose weight.


  • harrlea8
    harrlea8 Posts: 9 Member
    Hey, I am 43, my kids are grown now, and im home alone, i am or was 20 lbs from my ideal weight of 140. On Dec 23 i weighed 162.. OUCH!...
    I was always one to watch what i ate and work out regularly, so i dont know how it got to that point. Being over 40 had something to do with it.
    So, i continued with my regular work out routine, and held myself accountable through Fitness pal for everything i am putting in my mouth.
    I will weigh myself tomorrow morning, but, im pretty sure i am about 152 now.. so its coming along, Slowly is best, as i know i will keep it off.
    How are you making out? Feel free to message me anytime, !
  • married41
    Hello nice to meet you. My name is Nydia pronounced like Lydia but with an N Good job on the weight loss. I as well am 43 and I weighed in at about 167! I don't like that and I feel horrible. I just started my weight loss after many failed attempts I'm hoping I stay on track this time around. I also have 4 adult children and I am currently in nursing school and work a full time job. I find its hard to squeeze exercise into my day. I work from 2-1030 and by the time I get home and wind down its like midnight. I could use a friend with the same goals and I sure could use some encouragement. My goal is 30 pounds by September. Wishing you the best of luck and keep up the good work. I have lost about 3 pounds since I have started so here is to a good finish this month! Hope to hear from you soon.:smile:
  • Cheri0830
    Cheri0830 Posts: 37 Member
    I can relate I am 56 and mother of 2 and 1 grandson and on grandchild on the way, I work full time, I have grandson on the weekend, seems I never have a moment to myself, I started on MFP on December 12th I am logging my food religously.
    I almost have the first 10 lbs off, I try to walk on my treadmill at night. My advise is log your food be honest with yourself, try to make changes for the better in your eating habits, adding those fruits and veggies, providing you like them.

    Would love to be your new MFP buddie.

    Cheri :happy: