Defying gravity!

Hi everyone!
I'm joining you in this adventure of taking care of myself. I congratulate all of you, everywhere, fighting, not giving up.

I'm spanish, so if my english is failing me, forgive me please, I'm a little rusty in this language.

I am a super caretaker, i worry for everybody but myself, people who know me love me, I have a job I enjoy... and I'm a disaster about food. I guess I'm an "emotional eater". I eat when I'm sad, worried, stressed... so that makes me feel guilty and it starts the circle again. But still, I feel lucky. Im a comedian, always smiling and making jokes and gesturing a lot... hope I will help here with that.

So this year I started saying "no" once in a while, taking more care of MY stuff... and finally: my health. I agree it's not about the pounds you loose, it's about the lifestyle you make yours, forever. A new, healthier, happier one.

I've started on Monday, and I've already lost 2 pounds, a first step I want to share with anybody that feels the same way, trapped in a circle that is difficult to break.

I have hormone problems (excess of prolactine from a tumour in the hypofisis) and an unreliable knee that goes out of place. So for me, it is really defying gravity. I chose water to start exercising, so my knee is happy and stays in it's place. I even tap it sometimes (good girl, goooood girl) haha.

I know how to eat, I just needed the will to start, and I found this website where people share their experiences and tips, and I thought this would make it easier.

You all are so BRAVE and I admire you for fighting so hard.

This is my third day and today we have to put our dog to sleep. He has been with us for 14 years, a black sweet labrador who has been part of the family. I was afraid I would throw the towel away with this, but there will always be something, an excuse, and this time I'm not stopping. It's funny just saying it here makes me fell stronger.

So anyone who wants to talk or have some laughts, I'll be here. May be not so funny today, but I'll cope and keep going.

Thank you and let's do this!!!


  • AdventureVia
    AdventureVia Posts: 84 Member
    Welcome! You can totally do it!
  • themostbeautifullies
    Hi, hun! Welcome!
    I'm glad you took this decision, i'm gonna add you on my friend list, okay? :)
  • JoyceJoanne
    JoyceJoanne Posts: 760 Member
    You CAN do this! The hardest part is starting- You've already done that. I'd like to support you if you'd like to friend me.
    Good luck on your journey!
  • morganadk2_deleted
    morganadk2_deleted Posts: 1,696 Member
    Sorry to hear about your dog , we had a family dog put to sleep last year, i still miss her , but it gets easier now when i think about her i smile.

    Good luck !
  • suzikelley
    suzikelley Posts: 210 Member
    Congratulations on deciding to take care of YOU!! :) You can totally do this! This site is fantastic and the people... AMAZING!!

    So sorry to hear about your dog. We had a black lab, Chyna, that we had to put to sleep 2 summers ago. She was such a good, sweet girl - it was very hard! My prayers are with you. Good for you for not losing sight of your goals through this difficult time. (((hugs)))