Hi Everyone!!!

Just started this past Monday and feeling pretty good!!! I got in a workout everyday this week, have to take the weekend off, but that's okay. I have a couple questions. Do you log ALL activities under your exercise (like cleaning etc..) or just your workouts? Also, is anyone else doing low calorie and low carb? I am trying to keep my carbs at 75-90 grams. I am eating good carbs...not junk food. I really enjoy MFP!! Keeps me honest :wink: Could use a few more friends if anyone wants to add me!!! Thanks!


  • willievanzandt
    I log all of my cardio but not any weight training (not that I am killing it at the gym or anything)
    I am making sure I get at least 1200 calories in every day and drinking at least a gallon of water.

  • urban_ninja
    urban_ninja Posts: 175 Member
    I log my activities through the Jawbone UP24. Depending on the activity, it calculates the calories burned. I don't know how accurate this is, and I don't know how you could truly measure calories burned for a weight training exercise.

    I'm trying to stay below my target calorie total but haven't focused on the nutritional aspect. I will once I get a handle on my portion control.

    Being asian, rice is a staple for me and contributes to most of my carbs.
  • lucyloutoo
    lucyloutoo Posts: 522 Member
    I log any extra exercise...not every day cleaning etc (not that I clean every day, or every month even).
    The one exception I make to this is my walk to work...I go at a fairly fast pace, so figure I can count it, but don't bother with all the more sedate walking I do during day (and the other day it totalled over two hours)