What's Your Average Burn

When I go to the gym I try not to leave until I've burned 1000-1200 calories. I'm not messing around. :P What is your average burn when you work out?


  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    May I ask what you do to burn 1000-1200 calories?

    I would guess I burn about 300 per work out these days at the gym. 200 for 30 minutes of cardio and another 100 or so for weights.
  • May_Rose
    May_Rose Posts: 119 Member
    I weight train for an hour and burn about 250.

    Yeah, I have no idea what you're doing to burn 1,200 calories. That would be equal to running for two hours straight.
  • FreshKrisKreash
    FreshKrisKreash Posts: 444 Member
    I start out on the elliptical for anywhere from 30 mins to an hour because that's my favorite. Then I go over to the weight machines and stay there for like 20 mins or so. Then I go on the stationary bike for 20 mins or so. Then I'll go back over to do the other half of the weight machines. Then I'll go on the arc trainer for about 30 mins. Occasionally I'll go on the treadmill but only for about 10 minutes. For some reason treadmills make me dizzy. I'll workout overall anywhere from 1.5 - 2.5 hours.
  • WOW! I used to burn like 200-300 cals at one time.. but 1200! Dang! LOL <3
  • jlahorn
    jlahorn Posts: 377 Member
    When I am tired and half-*kitten* it at Zumba, my shiny new HRM says about 450 for the hour. Particularly active sessions are in the 750 range for an hour. Average is more like 575. I also walk for an hour on most days, but that's only an additional 250ish.

    I was a little disappointed to see that an hour of hiking at a good clip was still only about 350.

    I still find all this acceptable :)
  • VegasFit
    VegasFit Posts: 1,232 Member
    Are you relying on an HRM or the feedback from the machine? My burn is different based on my activity. But even for a balls to the wall class for an hour I average around 550 based on my HRM. But if your average workout is two hours I guess 1200 seems reasonable.
  • SmileCozYouCan
    SmileCozYouCan Posts: 315 Member
    I try to range from 500-1000 or 1000-1500
  • ktc1968
    ktc1968 Posts: 24 Member
    who has that kind of time, I am lucky to get 45 minutes in.
  • For me, anything between 500- 800 for a workout. I do a run club, which is about 800, body pump is around 500, and boxing is around 650 each for an hour. All as per HRM.

    I normally don't stay longer than 1.5 hours. After that I become lazy and don't workout properly.
  • qtgonewild
    qtgonewild Posts: 1,930 Member
    for an hour according to my hrm i burn usually around 400 and something.
  • UKMarjie
    UKMarjie Posts: 257 Member
    I burn about 800 - 500 on the Jacobs ladder, run 2km and then I do strength training and some work on the monkey bars they have there.
  • FreshKrisKreash
    FreshKrisKreash Posts: 444 Member
    That Jacob's Ladder machine is evil! haha
  • doIlhands
    doIlhands Posts: 349 Member
    200-300. I do a 10 min cardio warm up/cool down and then an hour of weights.
  • You really go for 1,000 Calories on average??
    My money says your going to hit your goal damn quick then...
    I've gone for 1,000 calories a few times when i was feeling particularly motivated,
    but my average is probably closer to 600.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    2 hours in the gym is probably excessive.

    I reckon I can burn 600 cals an hour going flat out. But I dont do that every day.
  • yogicarl
    yogicarl Posts: 1,260 Member
    When I go to the gym I try not to leave until I've burned 1000-1200 calories. I'm not messing around. :P What is your average burn when you work out?

    200 - 300 calories. I'm not messing around either.
  • parkscs
    parkscs Posts: 1,639 Member
    I do one day of strenuous steady state cardio where I keep my HR around 80% of my HRM for an hour or so and that usually comes out to around 1050 calories as per my heart rate monitor. On lifting days I just guestimate how many calories I'm burning, ballparking around 400 calories in ~70-90 minutes of lifting. I figure even if I'm overestimating those lifting calories and eating them back, it won't kill me to eat a bit more on lifting days. For 30 minute HIIT days I also guestimate 400 calories.
  • mistress8956
    mistress8956 Posts: 265 Member
    60 min of cardio ( 20 min each elliptical/treadmill/bike) between 425-475 I go 5 days a week
  • tuckerrj
    tuckerrj Posts: 1,453 Member
    I get around 150 calories with a brisk 30 minute walk at lunch time. Then I get 60 minutes of weightlifting and 30 minutes of cardio for roughly 600 calories in the evening. When I'm feeling energetic I'll get on the treadmill and run for an hour instead of the 30 minute cardio and it'll be closer to 900+ for the day. That's with a bodyweight of 220+ lbs..
  • KDJS1988
    KDJS1988 Posts: 20 Member
    I try for jogging and weights and usually average around 400 for 45 minutes, depending on how fast I run. I wish I had more time in my day to workout, but I'm lucky to get in what I can. I feel very fortunate for 60 min. workouts.