T25- What am i in for?

Hi all!

My boyfriend and i have recently bought T-25 by Shaun T (yeah the INSANITY guy)
We're in the process of clearing out a spot in the basement to be able to do the DVD's but in the mean time we were wondering what we're getting ourselfves into?

From my understanding they are fast paced... but we're hoping there... you know... doable? We're both averafe joes, so we find find ourselves a little intimidated by this program.

Are there any great success stories to be shared to help motivate us?? :)


  • Fabfitgirl5
    Fabfitgirl5 Posts: 91 Member
    Don't be intimidated. I bought and did the program and I actually felt better, stronger and could see more muscle definition on my body. I don't consider myself a true success story until I reach my goal weight so I am doing something different now, but I am going to do the beta phase of T25 again, once I am done with my current program.

    It is a bit touch on the jumping and turning, but overall it is a GREAT program. GOOD LUCK to you both!
  • ThriceBlessed
    ThriceBlessed Posts: 499 Member
    Its great. Don't worry. If the regular moves are too difficult at first then follow Tanya, the modifier girl.

    I weighed over 250 pounds when I started it, really, its doable.
  • jedigrover
    jedigrover Posts: 21 Member
    Yes, they are do-able, but are challenging. Get a mop--you will sweat. And when I say sweat, I mean you will drip out a swimming pool worth in the 25 minutes.

    If you have bad knees, stay with Tania (the modifier) and work your way into the more plyometric moves.

    Good luck!
  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    There is a modifier, so just follow her until you get the hang of it. I've completed 2 rounds of T25 and am now doing Gamma phase. I wear an HRM and was surprised at how little calories I was burning, barely 200, but I can not deny the results, 10 plus inches gone and 10lbs (I was close to maintenance when I started, so I didn't have a lot to lose) and a much leaner build. Good luck.
  • astradford1
    astradford1 Posts: 8 Member
    My boyfriend and I do it every morning together. When we first started it was definitely a challenge, but like the others said it's do-able. We are on week 4 of Alpha and some days we do a second session at night (not just the double session recommended on fridays).

    You'll do fine and have fun along the way!
  • It really is an amazing program - I just completed it today. I had to use Tonia's modifier a time or two as I have a rickety ankle. Listen to your body and work at your pace. His goal is this one is focus - he wants you to focus on your form - so that the moves can give you maximum benefit in a short amount of time.

    Hope you enjoy it!

    I am on to P90X3 on Monday!
  • rjdunn87
    rjdunn87 Posts: 385 Member
    It's totally doable! I just finished my third week of alpha and I went into it having only done the 30 Day Shred and really nothing else. I can already feel my endurance and stamina getting better every time I do the work outs, and each time I modify fewer moves. But, that's what Tania (the modifier) is there for: and Shaun T really stresses that even if you follow her you're still getting the same results. He also often says things like "go at your own pace, stay focused," stressing form over speed.
  • Wow! Thank you all soo much for the positive reinforcement. Patrick and I are super excited to start. (We're starting Wendesday because of my hot Yoga schedule)
    We were worried that starting on the chubbier side if we would have a hard time, but if you all say it's super doable!

    Question though: Should we do the test on the first day of the program? We were thinking of maybe doing the Test Tuesday, and then starting the actual program Wednesday.

    Thanks again all for such great responses... I'm excited to try it out... being a sceptic (yep im one of those) i wasn't sure if i should really expect to see good results. But we plan on reall throwing ourselves into this 100% and giving it our all. (We're even doing the quick start meal plan)