Does calorie counting really work?



  • Dinob661
    Dinob661 Posts: 251 Member
  • GB333
    GB333 Posts: 261 Member
    Absolutely calorie counting works!!! I think all of us here are living proof! Keep at it, girl! YOU CAN DO IT!
  • howeclectic
    howeclectic Posts: 121 Member
    It works when YOU work. If your idea of a cup of cereal is more like 2 cups and your idea of a workout that burns 1000 calories is more like 500... then no.. it wont work.
  • madmex569
    madmex569 Posts: 49
    Counting your calories really does work. tracking it daily also helped me stay on track. It can get a little crazy though. I have to force myself to eat sometimes because i don't eat enough. Keep on exercising though. I don't really care about the scale though because i'm working out and trying to build more muscle. I feel so much better. Good luck
  • gracienkaidens_momma
    gracienkaidens_momma Posts: 379 Member
    I have lost a few pounds counting calories......... Best of Luck...... :drinker:

    I'd say you have lost more than a "few" pounds! Good job on your success!
  • 0EmmeNicole0
    0EmmeNicole0 Posts: 180 Member
    Yes it works you just have to stick with it. I actually immediately lost but then gained weight the first 2 weeks. It took about 3 weeks for my body to adjust and I was about a month in when I had like a 6lb loss out of nowhere. I have been losing 1-2 lbs a week consistently since that loss. Just be patient and commit. Oh and eat enough. 1200 calories a week won't get you anywhere unless you're really petite.
  • pwittek10
    pwittek10 Posts: 723 Member
    Calorie counting does work but also what those calories are are important too
    2,000 calories of sugar is not the same as 2,000calories of the food groups.
    Some calories help burn others, such as hot peppers
  • Birdnicaj
    Birdnicaj Posts: 95
    Im not sure what your goals are but judging from your pics you don't haver that much weight to lose. If a person only needs to lose 5-10 lbs, even a bit more, it takes a lot longer and a lot more attention to detail. Look at what your diet consists of, make sure you're not eating pre-prepared processed food, and give it time!
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    It's also harder to lose weight when you have less to lose. The last 10 pounds tend to be the hardest. Watch your sodium intake, and drink plenty of water. When I started logging every day (no matter how ugly) and tracking sodium and water, I found that besides being right close to calories, having a moderate amount of sodium (the "goal" is 2500mg, I try to stick to that but can go a bit over) and drinking 8 glasses of water, the weight started coming off better.
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,966 Member
    It works assuming you are aiming for the correct number of calories. Losing weight is basically like a science! You consume 500 less calories than you eat in a day to lose 1 pound per week.

    And it can also be counter productive to eat too few calories, too. Find out your BMR (you can go to the tools tab to do it) and never "net" below that amount. (Meaning, calories eaten - calories burned through exercise = what you are netting)
  • good2bthaking
    good2bthaking Posts: 325 Member
    I say yes , it does help. But also, watch what you eat. You want to be sure you are getting a well balanced diet to fuel your body properly. I not only use this site, but I keep a food and exercise journal as well. Good luck Helen and if you feel you need friends to help you, then go ahead and add me if you would like. thanks!!
  • ShawnaCurley
    ShawnaCurley Posts: 82 Member
    I have been one of these people that has alway's said counting calories don't work. That is, until I started doing it! LOL! I then actually realized just how much I had been consuming. It's a shock when you first start doing it, but once you do it for awhile it becomes second nature. I am at a point now, where I can look at a food item and come pretty close to the calorie intent.

    So I am a firm believer that counting calories works!

    Don't give up! Your on the right path! Good luck on your journey! :flowerforyou:
  • xxmzangel
    xxmzangel Posts: 119 Member
    It really does work, as long as your calories are the right ones. You want to make all your calories count, meaning, make and keep you full. I don't feel as though I have to explain the evil that can come with eating too few calories, seeing as a number of people already.

    Just make sure you're eating enough of the right stuff and you should be good. :)
  • starkitty4
    starkitty4 Posts: 17 Member
    I'm in my first week of calorie counting and so far I'm enjoying it but finding it a little confusing so I'm going to read those links I saw in here to get my head around it a bit more.. Feel free to add me as a friend guys x
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Of course it does...if you are consistent and precise as possible. Weight loss is 100% consume fewer calories than you need to maintain then you will lose weight. It's science.
  • NicoleRaeB
    NicoleRaeB Posts: 20 Member
    I believe it does work because before I started counting my calories, I would just workout and try to watch what I eat. But I was never able to really lose any weight. Now I've started MFP and so far I've lost 6 lbs in 2 weeks. :happy: You just have to make sure you eat enough calories and make sure they're "good" ones for you, not just bad food and staying underneath your goal.
  • Dreya711
    Dreya711 Posts: 79 Member
    It is normal to see a gain in the beginning. You muscles are in shock and tend to retain water while they "repair". I usually have to take a day off from exercise before I do my Friday weigh in to let the water come off.

    Alot of people who come on here and fail are expecting instant results. It's not easy and it's not going to happen in a week. If you have patience and stick with it, YOU WILL be successful!

    Love and needed this ^^^^^^
  • Tristaan
    Tristaan Posts: 126 Member
    Yes! It works if you're honest, and consistent. Also, are you getting enough water/liquids? Making sure I get 64 a day is a must for me to keep seeing the scale moving down. If I don't get enough water a couple days in a row, I start retaining it.
  • CassieReannan
    CassieReannan Posts: 1,479 Member
    Yes!!!!! It really does, and is a way of life for me now/
  • ToBeAStrongerMan
    ToBeAStrongerMan Posts: 36 Member
    I've lost a few kg doing it, and I think many others have successfully as well. Just make sure you also incorporate some exercise in the mix as well (cardio and strength).

    At the very least, I think it will greatly improve your knowledge on nutrition which is a great step in making healthier choices in the long term

    Good luck :)